Staggs resigns


Resident Curmudgeon
Sky's still falling huh? Besides, didn't you say you dumped the stock 2-3 years ago too? (spoiler: yes, you did).

Yes I did not like what I saw so took everything off the table except for initial investment, I sold everything else except one symbolic share when it hit 114 so I took my own advice.


Think for yourselfer
All public companies buy back some stock especially if they have stock based compensation plans, The eyebrows are being raised at the sheer volume of the DIS buyback program which is far in excess of any company of comparable size irrespective of market segment, Yes the concerns were raised here FIRST but the concern is starting to be picked up elsewhere especially with the turmoil within senior leadership recently.
Link to these questions? I can't find anything.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Nope everyone loves Disney so damn much it hurts. The love runs straight through to their bones and causes hate. It's a paradox. What you need to do @Tom P. is love Disney more, then you will see. The hate will flow. But it's really love.

Get it?

Or you could put it as such.. we fear for the future of the Disney company. We know what it is capable of and we LOVE what it was and what it can be. We fear we will never see that again and fear turns to anger anger turns to hate and hate... leads to suffering. Understand now he might?


Well-Known Member
DisCo.'s next CEO



New Member
I'm no expert but I can'e believe the board's primary concern isn't ESPN. Not only has it been an awesome revenue generator for Disney over the years but they are tied into very expensive go forward agreements whose return is in question.

Disney might have shared in a $5.5 billion investment in Disney Shanghai but in the NBA contract alone, ESPN is committed to share a $24 billion investment with TBS. Add that t $15 billion for the NFL & $7.4 billion for college football playoffs and countless other agreements, ESPN on the hook for a lot of content that will not make a return if the bundle goes away.
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Well-Known Member
You know what my thought is in reading a thread like this?

My family and I vacationed at Walt Disney World this past October and we had a wonderful time. Still thought it was a fantastic place. And we're likely going back this December.

I guess I'm a weirdo who just doesn't get it. Perhaps it's just time for me to leave a forum like this. Seems like you can't be here and taken seriously anymore if you don't hate Disney...

I use a lot of relationship analogies when it comes to Disney. People stay in bad relationships for various reasons. Meanwhile their friends and family might be very concerned. "Having fun" at Disney is awesome, but it's kind of like saying the sex is really great. Usually, that is not a good enough reason to stick around in a relationship. And it's not like people here don't want others to have "a good time," but rather pointing out that you shouldn't have to choose between being in a relationship where there is mutual respect, financial security and an interest in understanding and fulfilling all of your partner's needs OR physical satisfaction. Everyone wants everyone to have both, and many believe you can have even a better time, with a more suitable partner.


Well-Known Member
SO from the looks of it they are about to fill two jobs. CEO and COO. I would love to see Kathleen Kennedy fill one of those spots-although as several people have pointed out, she does a great job where she is. Lasseter needs to stay put. I love Sheryl Sandberg, but I don't think she has the creative/artistic mind needed to run a company with so much emphasis on parks and film. I would actually be really worried if she took one of those spots. I agree with Spirit that the search for at least one of those jobs will go external-the question is who??


Well-Known Member
You know what my thought is in reading a thread like this?
I guess I'm a weirdo who just doesn't get it. Perhaps it's just time for me to leave a forum like this. Seems like you can't be here and taken seriously anymore if you don't hate Disney...

OK think of it like this. You have a kid who does great at school, but then in teenage years turns to drugs, drops out, gets twenty tattoos and ends up sleeping rough with a heroin addiction.

You try to talk the kid around to changing their ways, you tell anyone who'll listen how much you hate the state your child has got into.

Now tell me, does doing that mean you hate your kid, or are you so upset because you love them so much?

Most of us who complain here were affected deeply by Disney in some form at an early age and the reason we raise concerns and despair here is not because we 'hate Disney', precisely the opposite. We hate what a once great company is doing to itself, and wish that the reasons we fell in love with it in the first place weren't so eagerly rejected by the current management.


Well-Known Member
You know what my thought is in reading a thread like this?

My family and I vacationed at Walt Disney World this past October and we had a wonderful time. Still thought it was a fantastic place. And we're likely going back this December.

I guess I'm a weirdo who just doesn't get it. Perhaps it's just time for me to leave a forum like this. Seems like you can't be here and taken seriously anymore if you don't hate Disney...

Clearly you're confusing hate for criticism of the business practices of the company.

People don't hate Disney rather they despise the way upper management is doing business. Its not really a black or white issue of love vs hate, those absolutes don't really exist with issues this complex.

To think that because we disagree with how the company is run and confuse that with hate, thats simply small minded and pedantic.

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