SSE Reviews


Well-Known Member
Maybe the touch screens should offer an opportunity to take a survey about the rehab! That would be immediate feedback about the attraction. Once complete, they can take them out all together or just throw a Siemens logo on them to make the sponsor happy. Just add additional content to the descent.

YES!!!! I love it!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised by the negative reviews thus far, all based off of 3-4 minutes of a nearly 15 minute ride that is otherwise very nicely updated. Now the fact that those 3-4 minutes are the finale is what I believe is so disappointing to those who apparently think it is completely poorly done. Personally, I like the interactive concept and I think the ending will be pretty cool once your face shows up on those videos (which from what was announced in press releases appears will be the case eventually), but I too am less than enthused by its implementation thus far. They need to add back some stuff around the vehicles to look at too.

I have only seen a videos as I imagine most commenting here have too, but with the exception of what appears to be a bare descent, the rest looks like a major upgrade. I can't hear enough of the narration to comment, but Dench's voice seems to suite very nicely and the script from what I do hear seems good.

The thing I am most ecstatic about is the focus on several major new animatronic upgrades to nearly every scene, which is something I wasn't expecting. Maybe I am the only one, but everyone should do themselves a favor and watch an old video of SE (available all over youtube). I didn't appreciate the number of changes to the AA now compared to old until I did that. The caveman, the Pharoh, the Greek Scholar (WOW! on that one), the Romans, the meeting of ?arabians, etc. are HUGE improvements over the old, and I imagine are practically new AA figures. I am very encouraged by the focus on upgrading the figures in this attraction which, for the most part, had very minimal movement before.

Personally, I think the interactive ending is a neat concept, especially after seeing two very different endings based on Jose's video and the new one on WDWmagic now available. The biggest let down is not the screens imo, but that, by reports, it is just a dark tunnel. Add back (or turn on if some statements of those compenents still being there are true) the fiber optics and all will be well.


New Member
I am apologizing to all of you critics of the decent of the ride, that stunk beyond belief. I just watched the video of it and i have to say the video of "your future" should be replaced with a less childish view and should be made with a more appropriate tone that is more solemn (but still optimistic), more CGI graphics, and less meet the robinsonsish, like others have been saying. I find nothing wrong with the accent portion,and i think Dame Judi Dench makes a wonderful narrorator.


Well-Known Member
I am apologizing to all of you critics of the decent of the ride, that stunk beyond belief. I just watched the video of it and i have to say the video of "your future" should be replaced with a less childish view and should be made with a more appropriate tone that is more solemn (but still optimistic), more CGI graphics, and less meet the robinsonsish, like others have been saying. I find nothing wrong with the accent portion,and i think Dame Judi Dench makes a wonderful narrorator.

No harm done.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.

2. The track is as bumpy and rough as ever. Just pathetic for an attraction that's been down for over 5 months.

Oh god. I hope they fix this. :fork::fork: I thought thats part of what they have been doing for the past several months!! *sigh* :(


Park History nut
Premium Member
Thanks for all the detailed reviews guys. I only hope the descent completion is truely delayed since it`s only a soft opening.

I hope you all tell the CMs / WDI at the exit your thoughts on this. It seems they want to listen. If I could, I would.


The video on the WDWMagic main site has pretty good audio. You can hear most of the narration and some of the music. I just think the ride is trying to be epic/serious/mysterious and all that while the narration, score, and ending are way too childish/upbeat/cartoony and they clash (whats so disappointing is that I'm a HUGE FAN of Bruce Broughton).

Not to mention the touch screen is a little ani-climatical :shrug:

I hope they're reading what everyone has been saying!



New Member
Hi All - sorry to be weighing in so late in the game. I too had the chance to experience the soft opening of SSE today just after noon. I completely agree that the ascent is fabulous - the new AA's are so crisp & fresh -- very, very lifelike. I also enjoy the narration, but can see people's points on it being a bit "soft" for the tone of this attraction.

I, too, was severely disappointed in everything past the matrix tunnel...the touch screen was just a very anticlimatic end to such a tremendous attraction experience. I'm all for interactive, but this technology is fairly lame in the world of IT innovations....and going from such a realistic attraction to such a childish ending was disenheartening.

Let's hope this is just a quick fix to get the attraction up and running by the holidays (not that I find that acceptable or have a great deal of faith that the end product will vary as much as many of us might hope).

Have faith true believers! Once upon a time we were tomorrow's child...and now it may be time for that child to throw a tantrum!


Oh Meyla Weyla
OK, this analogy is going to sound bizarre and you all will probably think I'm nuts but work with me here.

If possible think of what is happening at SSE right now like this:

Say your planning a beautiful and huge Christmas dinner for your family, and you have all these great dishes planned with all the right touches for a special day.

The family is suppose to arrive at 6pm for dinner.

Phone rings at noon. Uncle Henry announces he has to eat at 1pm instead.

You try explaining that it's just not possible to make the perfect dinner that you'd planned without the proper time, but Uncle Henry is a very demanding guy and says too bad, get it together anyway cause we're coming. We have our reasons for needing to eat early, this time of the year only comes once, and there's stuff I need to do!

So instead of the green bean casserole, you have to grab a can of green beans, instead of your famous homemade potatoes, you have to grab the Hungry Jack. Instead of the centerpiece for the table that wasn't finished, you have to find something from the garage that'll do for now cause you have nooo time to be making pretty stuff! And heck, don't even mention the poor turkey.

So 1pm comes and the family shows up and everyone is polite and dinner is served and around 3pm everyone leaves. On the car ride home Uncle Henry starts complaining that the meal wasn't very exciting. Some parts were ok, but there sure were alot of things that should have been better. What the heck was up with that dead thing in the center of the table, what was that anyway?

Aunt Marie tries to tell him that if only he'd given you the full amount of time you were supposed to have to prepare, things would have been alot different. You know you could have done better, but you did the best you could with the time you had right? I mean Uncle Henry is the big boss... what he says goes. You may be the boss in your house, but Henry is the boss of the whole family. Sometimes we don't quit understand him, but he's the man.

So you did your best, and tried to please everyone. You really didn't have a choice in the matter, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, even if you don't like it. Even if it makes some of the family think you can't cook!

Aren't the holidays great?


Well-Known Member
OK, this analogy is going to sound bizarre and you all will probably think I'm nuts but work with me here.

If possible think of what is happening at SSE right now like this:

Say your planning a beautiful and huge Christmas dinner for your family, and you have all these great dishes planned with all the right touches for a special day.

The family is suppose to arrive at 6pm for dinner.

Phone rings at noon. Uncle Henry announces he has to eat at 1pm instead.

You try explaining that it's just not possible to make the perfect dinner that you'd planned without the proper time, but Uncle Henry is a very demanding guy and says too bad, get it together anyway cause we're coming. We have our reasons for needing to eat early, this time of the year only comes once, and there's stuff I need to do!

So instead of the green bean casserole, you have to grab a can of green beans, instead of your famous homemade potatoes, you have to grab the Hungry Jack. Instead of the centerpiece for the table that wasn't finished, you have to find something from the garage that'll do for now cause you have nooo time to be making pretty stuff! And heck, don't even mention the poor turkey.

So 1pm comes and the family shows up and everyone is polite and dinner is served and around 3pm everyone leaves. On the car ride home Uncle Henry starts complaining that the meal wasn't very exciting. Some parts were ok, but there sure were alot of things that should have been better. What the heck was up with that dead thing in the center of the table, what was that anyway?

Aunt Marie tries to tell him that if only he'd given you the full amount of time you were supposed to have to prepare, things would have been alot different. You know you could have done better, but you did the best you could with the time you had right? I mean Uncle Henry is the big boss... what he says goes. You may be the boss in your house, but Henry is the boss of the whole family. Sometimes we don't quit understand him, but he's the man.

So you did your best, and tried to please everyone. You really didn't have a choice in the matter, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do, even if you don't like it. Even if it makes some of the family think you can't cook!

Aren't the holidays great?
Nah. There is no real reason why they had to open it this weekend. They could have pushed it back without a problem. It's not like they took the walls down and printed it in the guide maps that today was it’s opening day.

I'm more than convinced that this was done intentionally. Someone thought:

A- This new ride is so great, we can open it now and people will love it.


B- Oh my, this new ending is bad. No one will listen, we need to fix this and need more time. How can we show them that this is a problem?. Hmm, a limited public preview!


Well-Known Member
The only thing that's unacceptable is all of this moaning... they are allowing previews THREE months before the official opening. I really think we should appreciate it and the new animatronics. You know they'll fix it... I mean come on! It's not even that bad.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that's unacceptable is all of this moaning... they are allowing previews THREE months before the official opening. I really think we should appreciate it and the new animatronics. You know they'll fix it... I mean come on! It's not even that bad.

As I said. It's VERY accecptable and it is that bad.
They will now fix it, the ending will be reworked and the touchscreens will have a differnt role from what they are being used for now.
Why else would they have done this a full 3 months before hand?

Someone KNEW how bad the touchscreens were. Someone KNEW a quick fix would not cut it.
So they allowed this to happen, knowing full well the outcome of these previews would be so negitive.
It was the only way, it was what was needed to be done.



Well-Known Member
The big question no one has even asked yet is "Why do they take your photo"?

From what I can see on the videos, the photo doesn't re-appear in the ride...yet. Which means SOMETHING is not working. Which means the ride is not fully complete yet.

I know there has been speculation based on Disney's vague press release about "picturing yourself in the future".

My guess, based on what I've seen of the ride videos, is that your face will plastered over the animated characters on the video screen. Notice how the faces that are there now do not change expressions, something you'd expect them to do if they were the "final product". Instead, those faces seem like a generic "B-Mode" used in case something else isn't working.

Assuming this is the case (and it is just an guess), the question is: will putting the rider's face on the animated video make the descent more entertaining and interesting?

If done right, I think the surprise of seeing yourself as an animated character would definitely elicit amazement. The risk is that it would be too "South Park" cartoony, and incite funhouse-type laughter instead of a serious look at the future.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. That photo could be for use somewhere else, like the post show. Then again, I find it hard to believe Disney would spend the money to install and wire cameras during the ascent, only for the payoff to be in the post show, which I'm guessing is bypassed by 50% of the visitors rushing off to the next attraction.

I can't believe no one on these boards has inside knowledge as to whether the attraction is truly complete, or whether a key effect is not working yet (Imagine The Seas without the tank projections working. That would truly impact the "buzz" about that attraction.)


the whole touch screen thing does seem like it does belong in the post show. The whole concept of placing your face on the characters seems like it will turn out not so well.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
The only thing that's unacceptable is all of this moaning... they are allowing previews THREE months before the official opening. I really think we should appreciate it and the new animatronics. You know they'll fix it... I mean come on! It's not even that bad.

The original official opening was sched for NOV 14th. So technically... they are a month behind already. :lookaroun lol


New Member
As I said. It's VERY accecptable and it is that bad.
They will now fix it, the ending will be reworked and the touchscreens will have a differnt role from what they are being used for now.
Why else would they have done this a full 3 months before hand?

Someone KNEW how bad the touchscreens were. Someone KNEW a quick fix would not cut it.
So they allowed this to happen, knowing full well the outcome of these previews would be so negitive.
It was the only way, it was what was needed to be done.


Wishful thinking, my friend. Enough guests will think the screens are neat, and they won't be changed. This conspiracy theory of yours is a bunch of laughs. WDI blew it. Just accept it. Tell 'em better luck next time.


Well-Known Member
Something I've noticed looking at the videos and comparing it to old photos:

The boy lying on the floor of the 60's TV room is the same one who used to be on the videophone.

Also, the 70's computer woman with the afro used to be inside the 1920's radio recording booth (there's now only one figure in there instead of two).

I'm assuming the old man in the 70's computer room and "Steve Jobs" are also older figures that have been relocated. Can anyone figure out where?

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