SSE inprovements


New Member
Original Poster
maybe your threated because i am a cast member and many cast members it is their way or the high way but that isn't it with me.
i just want to be heard and not ignored by a few stupid grammatical reasons. :brick: :cry:


Well-Known Member
Someone mentioned the fiber optics at SSE. One of my biggest peeves is when the fiber optics spread over on top of the track on the way down. You know what I mean right? When the waves of light fan out over your head? Well, theres a half second pause as it transitions from one part of the grid of the fiber optics to the next. Drives me crazy! ;)

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
TimeTrip said:
Someone mentioned the fiber optics at SSE. One of my biggest peeves is when the fiber optics spread over on top of the track on the way down. You know what I mean right? When the waves of light fan out over your head? Well, theres a half second pause as it transitions from one part of the grid of the fiber optics to the next. Drives me crazy! ;)
Actually when I rode last week, all the fiber optics were in sync. I have NEVER seen it like that. It truly was a great sight.


Well-Known Member
WDWhumanmap said:
maybe your threated because i am a cast member and many cast members it is their way or the high way but that isn't it with me.
i just want to be heard and not ignored by a few stupid grammatical reasons. :brick: :cry:

I'm not threatened at all, and feel no reason to be. It would just be nice if you could spend one minute of your time correcting your English. It doesn't take much to hold down the Shift key or use the space bar between sentences and break them apart so they aren't one continious run-on. It just makes it a lot easier to read that way. If we can't read what you type, we won't read it. It's just like that, it's not that we don't want to, we can't.

By the way, where are you a CM at?

Gail Hayden

New Member
WDWhumanmap said:
as far as my grammer is concern you can kiss my ______ okay.
i hate writting in english because i just want to say my peice on these forums with people i thought understood me and my stand with wdw and understood how i feel. because i am a loner in these worlds noone else understands my love for disney or why i go so many times or why i even go at all!!!!!!! :cry: its sad but true and that is now how i feel about all of you!!!! you don't care about rememeber the old classic disney your like f***in eisner that is trying to ruin the dream!!!! i thought i had a common bond with you people but i because we are all disney people but i my voice because it isn't punctuaed right isn't good enough and ignored. well sorry but do we talk to people with punction or say things like that no. this is a disscussion forum and that is what i am doing you don't care for it fine maybe i won't discuss anymore then. because i guess i was wrong about you people you say you are disney people but i don't see it because just because i type differently i am an outsider to me that is just a piece of crap!!!!
good day. :cry:
No, we don't use puncuation when we speak, we use inflection. If I were to translate what you write into a verbal mode, it would be in a monotone without any inflection at all and would be a constant stream of words without any stops at all. Hopefully, that is not the way you speak in real life.
As to being threatened because you are a CM, dream on.
The sad fact is, you were given very constructive and kind critisim and you took it as a slash. I do hope you don't take that chip on your shoulder to work with you at a DS, you will not last very long if you do.

In ending, I read your profile, and trust me, you are not the only one .
"I am the WDW human map i been to WDW 25 times and I am only going to be 20. I am probaly the only person I know that knows and remembers everything about the parks and its many changes."
There are many Disophiles that have forgotten more than you will EVER know.

Now, to get back OT.

I really loved the original with Cronkite and I miss it. The only good thing I can say about the "new" SSE is the music.


I wish they would put space travel back in the ending. There used to be a space station....the naration refered to the future. They axed that part and it all lost something for me. :cry:

With the renewed interest in space travel/exploration (well, for me anyhow) and Disney's Mission Space right around the corner, you'd think they'd go back to that theme at the end of SSE.

Just my 2 cents... :cool:


New Member
Original Poster
Thank you for making it clear that I am not the only one to never forget the old disney. I am unclear though on why when I bring up anything with old wdw (as a way to make a new) I sometimes get your a moron etc. for liking that. Espically when it comes to music from the parks. Have any of you truly listen to the lyrics forget the corny music. The lyrics are truly inspiring espically to me. Let's take tomorrow's child for example. The song is talking about us being tomorrow's child and that we are the ones that can make a better tomorrow because the future is in our hands.
I am also sorry that I make no sense sometimes but that is not a reason to insult me. I get upset by alot of things and I know I am not the only one out there that does. If you don't understand what I am trying to say tell me to restate it. Do not become english professors from out of nowhere to tell me what to do. It's insulting me and that is coming across as you telling me I am an idiot. Which you have no say to because we do not rule each others lives.
I have also not been my Disney self since I came home from the world. I am in a way almost giving up maybe I am not the disney person I thought I was.
I don't know because making myself sick or :cry: ing myself to sleep at night or fighting with my parents (which is wrong because my family is the best and my father just lost his job) over the fact I want to one truly call WDW home. Right now I don't think I ever will. But i keep my hopes up high because like the lyrics from Horizons said If You Can Dream It Then You Can Do It. So with prayers, hopes, and dreams I will continue to trust my heart in which WDW will always be my home no matter if I live there or not :sohappy: .
SO I thank you my fellow forum members (my wdw cousins) for listening.
Now let's get back to the idea on hand changing sse without knocking it down or closing it. Because as i said before sse is not only a symbol of Epcot but it is a symbol of WDW.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member

I've been watching you for a while, and I have a small bit of constructive criticism to throw your way. You seem to have what I call a "martyr complex," in that you take anything critical as a personal insult and just write off the people offering it as being mean or misunderstanding, instead of listening to what they have to say. I've seen it on here, in response to comments on your writing, and I saw it on American Idol, when the judges tried to tell you that you might need to work on your vocal abilities. Granted, some of the comments here may not have been too courteous (and of course, Simon Cowell is paid to be a d*ck), but in general, the people offering you criticism have done so in a fairly polite way, from what I've seen. Maybe instead of taking offense and lashing out, you might try listening to what's said to you from now on. It's all meant to be helpful. The folks around here are a generally nice bunch, and if they're all telling you the same thing (e.g., take an extra minute or two to make your posts more readable), then maybe there's something to it other than meanness. Just a thought. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Back to SSE :lookaroun

1. I do not understand why people want Tomorrow's Child to return. You may have good memories of EPCOT Center from your younger years, but listen to this song is not current, and is really not great compared to the other original EPCOT songs. (I think the music should be left alone)

2. Have a more dynamic start, instead of the "SSE is a slow moving...." Cover the safety spiel in the station, and start the ride out with some neat effects.

3. Replace the final few scenes at the top before the Earth scene (from the video phones still marked AT&T until the light tunnel)

4. Make the trip back more exciting, and have the decent be a "preshow" for a new attraction in the old Earth Station building.


Well-Known Member
WDWhumanmap said:
Thank you for making it clear that I am not the only one to never forget the old disney. I am unclear though on why when I bring up anything with old wdw (as a way to make a new) I sometimes get your a moron etc. for liking that. Espically when it comes to music from the parks. Have any of you truly listen to the lyrics forget the corny music. The lyrics are truly inspiring espically to me. Let's take tomorrow's child for example. The song is talking about us being tomorrow's child and that we are the ones that can make a better tomorrow because the future is in our hands.
I am also sorry that I make no sense sometimes but that is not a reason to insult me. I get upset by alot of things and I know I am not the only one out there that does. If you don't understand what I am trying to say tell me to restate it. Do not become english professors from out of nowhere to tell me what to do. It's insulting me and that is coming across as you telling me I am an idiot. Which you have no say to because we do not rule each others lives.
I have also not been my Disney self since I came home from the world. I am in a way almost giving up maybe I am not the disney person I thought I was.
I don't know because making myself sick or :cry: ing myself to sleep at night or fighting with my parents (which is wrong because my family is the best and my father just lost his job) over the fact I want to one truly call WDW home. Right now I don't think I ever will. But i keep my hopes up high because like the lyrics from Horizons said If You Can Dream It Then You Can Do It. So with prayers, hopes, and dreams I will continue to trust my heart in which WDW will always be my home no matter if I live there or not :sohappy: .
SO I thank you my fellow forum members (my wdw cousins) for listening.
Now let's get back to the idea on hand changing sse without knocking it down or closing it. Because as i said before sse is not only a symbol of Epcot but it is a symbol of WDW.
I don't even know why I'm replying but here goes: At no point did anyone call you a moron. We all tried to tell you that you need to proofread your posts, and you definitely have the "martyr complex" like Wilt said. Let's put it this way, if your posts are ALWAYS going to be like that, then you're right, you shouldn't post anymore. A lot of us have already stated that we can't even read your posts because it hurts our eyes. And if you talk like that in real life, that's a shame. I'm giving you nothing but contructive criticism, so stop taking it as personal insults. And saying to kiss you a**, that's real mature. But anyway, we do appreciate your input on old Disney, but we'd appreciate it more if we can actually read it. There's probably more I need to say, but it's not worth it.

Gail Hayden

New Member
1. I do not understand why people want Tomorrow's Child to return. You may have good memories of EPCOT Center from your younger years, but listen to this song is not current, and is really not great compared to the other original EPCOT songs. (I think the music should be left alone)

Different folks have different tastes. I do listen to it often and still like it.
In reality, it is not important to understand someone's opinion, what is important is to respect it, just as I respect yours.


Well-Known Member
Gail Hayden said:
Different folks have different tastes. I do listen to it often and still like it.
In reality, it is not important to understand someone's opinion, what is important is to respect it, just as I respect yours.

I don't agree 100%. It is always important to respect one's opinion, but I do think it is also important to understand, or attempt to understand one's position.

I understand you may like Tomorrow's Child, because your tastes are different than my own.

Gail Hayden

New Member
speck76 said:
I don't agree 100%. It is always important to respect one's opinion, but I do think it is also important to understand, or attempt to understand one's position.

I understand you may like Tomorrow's Child, because your tastes are different than my own.
Good point. Many people don't like having to explain why they prefer something over another thing. Generally, however, it boils down to different tastes/preferences.
BTW, I do like the new music, I just prefer the way it was before all the changes.


Well-Known Member
Why change the music when you can make a better quality ride? Time travel wasn't supposed to be that rattely...
P.S. Is "rattely" a word?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
KevinPage said:
What part of the ride featues this? I knowe all the music but can't place what part?

I don't remember Tomorrows Child from the ride, but I have the song on CD and it's cheesier than cheese, so I don't want that returning.

As far as improvements:

1 - remove the video screens on descent upwards and place them in the queue

2 - change those 2 store mannequins right before the Communication Tunnell

3 - change everything once you start the descent downwards except the neon city and the music they play ikn that scene.

4 - put something in for a post show

i couldnt have said it better. my feelings exactly.


Well-Known Member
dandaman said:
Why change the music when you can make a better quality ride? Time travel wasn't supposed to be that rattely...
P.S. Is "rattely" a word?

I don't know if it is a word, but I understand what you mean.

I think a little padding on the vehicle's seats would go a LONG way.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
WDWhumanmap said:
........voice because it isn't punctuaed right isn't good enough and ignored..........

you spelled punctuated wrong. lol

ahhhhhhhh im just giving you a hard time. im sure in your retort you were typing so quickly, you just over looked. look, take chip off sholder, cover with yummy dip, and eat it (unless it is a doritios nachos cheese..... dip need not apply)


New Member
speck76 said:
Back to SSE :lookaroun

2. Have a more dynamic start, instead of the "SSE is a slow moving...." Cover the safety spiel in the station, and start the ride out with some neat effects.


:wave: I totally agree with you on this. I have always wondered why SSE begins so dull. It always seems like it takes forever to get "into" the story. You climb and climb, and you creak, and squeak with nothing..haha

As far as Jeremy Irons and the music, I LOVE them doesn't matter how many times I ride SSE, I always get chills riding it.

*Moving to live next door to Mickey Mouse in only ONE WEEK! :sohappy:

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