Spouses who don't care


New Member
Does anyone else have spouse who couldn't care less about Disney World? Mine was severely deprived as a child -- never had a family vacation of any sort. It's taken me fifteen years to get her to see the value of a vacation (not counting visiting relatives).

We've got five kids (3-13) and they're all looking forward to our trip in three weeks. They made a paper chain. They take off one link every day -- 19 left. My wife won't begin thinking about the trip until the night before.


New Member
The first vacation my husband (boyfriend at the time) took was to Disney. We went back that year in April of 98 and he proposed to me!!! right in downtown Disney near the water. It was so romantic but I really didn't think he was all that serious. We had only been dating a short time. Well I year later we were married and have been to Disney 9 times since then!! It is always a magical place and we always have the best time. We both are huge Disney fans!!:sohappy: :sohappy:
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New Member
I took my fiancé last year, this is was only her 2ed vacation ever, she was looking forward to it but once she got there she knew we I was excited, and caught the bug, yeee for me, we probably would have went this year but were getting married and going to Hawaii, I wish they had a Disney there.:lol:
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Trophy Husband
Yesssssss! :brick:

The last time my wife went with me, she compared the experience to sticking hot needles in her eyes, so last year my son and I went without her.

Every time she sees me reading Disney Magazine, cruising web-sites etc. she rolls her eyes:rolleyes: as if I've got some sort of a problem, so I try to hide it from her.

Linda: What're you doing Gary

Gary: Nothin' just clicking around the internet . . . looking at some filthy, dirty sites . . .This one seems to be focused on soiled socks . . .

Linda: Good! As long as you're not looking at any of those Disney sites.
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Well-Known Member
ROFLOL Gary! How funny!
I met my sweetie thru a Disney site...so that helped! He has admitted tho that I am WAY more into it than he is...I read everything I can and watch the movies endlessly...LOL
Its ALWAYS something Disney for me....
Wish I could get married there:) The enchanted Garden where Belle does storytime at WDW is my FAV place....I would LOVE to get married there!:)
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Original Poster
Homer and Gary,

I feel your pain, but I've stopped hiding the affection for Disney from my wife. Fortunately she doesn't think it's as bad as hot needles in her eyes. I just have to take her out to eat a lot, leave lots of leisure time and not rush through the parks.

My relationship with DW is largely sentimental since I went so many times as a kid. I can see how someone could find the trip painful, but it's all attitude. There are people who can overlook a good time anywhere.

Homer, if you're creative you may be able to find something that your husband likes at DW.

For all you couples who BOTH love the "World" I'm so happy for you.:fork:
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Originally posted by garyhoov
Yesssssss! :brick:

The last time my wife went with me, she compared the experience to sticking hot needles in her eyes, so last year my son and I went without her.

Every time she sees me reading Disney Magazine, cruising web-sites etc. she rolls her eyes:rolleyes: as if I've got some sort of a problem, so I try to hide it from her.

Linda: What're you doing Gary

Gary: Nothin' just clicking around the internet . . . looking at some filthy, dirty sites . . .This one seems to be focused on soiled socks . . .

Linda: Good! As long as you're not looking at any of those Disney sites.

too funny!! but you do have my sympathy. maybe she'll come around yet. my DH used to be a non-Disney kinda guy until he went for the first time and by the last time he'd become a Disney junkie. he now spends his days imagining that he's a monorail pilot....
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Hockeymom--your DH doesn't want to be a monorail pilot anywhere else but in his dreams because one told me last trip (just this past summer) that he was making "7-something" an hour. I about fainted!

Anyway--my husband DETESTS Disney--all things Disney. He tells me to "grow up" all the time. Whenever I have the Disney channel on he comes in the room and laughs at me or says scarcastically, "Are you watching the DISNEY channel?" Then he rolls his eyes and leaves.

I've been there with my girlfriend for the past two years and we have had a BLAST! I went with my grandparents many, many times before that but my husband only agreed to go once--would only agree to go to the MK and when I woke him up in the morning for early entry he said to me, "What is this-- He** Week?" He was in the military by the way.

Funny I should see this post today--we just had a fight about Disney this morning. Since there are such GREAT discounts on the deluxe hotels for the next few months I asked him if he'd like to go for a week when he gets his vacation the first week in December. I told him that I'd make the ressies so he can play golf a few times (he golfs at least 5 times a week here at home) and so he could do that Richard Petty Driving Experience. He started SCREAMING at me and refused to talk. He said, "Can't you go anywhere else but that place? That's all I hear all the time Disney, Disney, Disney." He said some other choice words that I will not mention here.

So whenever you think you have it bad (if you do) just think of this poor woman in Ohio who can't even mention the word Disney in the house without getting screamed at.

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New Member
Well, I thought my husband hated Disney but now I quess compared to some he really likes it. He thinks of Disney as a big glorified, county fair. We are going for our 3rd trip this year on 9/14 so he puts up with it. He is waiting until our 17 year old son leaves home because he thinks that will be the end of Disney. Of course there is no way that is going to happen. He is a good sport and we always have a great time but down deep I know he had rather be primitive camping on a deserted island.

It is still his favorite amusement park. You should hear what he says about Universal. And our local Paramount Carowinds.

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Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. It also sounds like there may be more going on than just a Disney disagreement. I think you may want to work on trying to get your husband to a counselor before bringing up Disney again. His anger is more than just not wanting to go to DW.

I'm sorry to hear your husband doesn't like Disney but there is definitely more to life than Disney. I hope I didn't butt in too much, but I feel bad for you.
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Account Suspended
No problem, I'm aware that my marriage is a lost cause. He refuses to go to counselling anyway. Guess he's happy being miserable.

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New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
Yesssssss! :brick:

The last time my wife went with me, she compared the experience to sticking hot needles in her eyes, so last year my son and I went without her.

Every time she sees me reading Disney Magazine, cruising web-sites etc. she rolls her eyes:rolleyes: as if I've got some sort of a problem, so I try to hide it from her.

Linda: What're you doing Gary

Gary: Nothin' just clicking around the internet . . . looking at some filthy, dirty sites . . .This one seems to be focused on soiled socks . . .

Linda: Good! As long as you're not looking at any of those Disney sites.

ROFLMAO-soiled socks....

And see, you're in Jersey and Love Disney, how come I didn't find YOU to Marry! LOL :lol:
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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I must be pretty lucky, cause not only did I meet and marry my soul mate, we absoloutely fell in love with WDW on our first visit. It has become such a big part of our (and our kids lives) that my wife has suggested we renew our vows there on our 20th anniversary.
Were having our first visit minus the kids in Oct, Ive never tried to disguise the fact that Ive never grown up ( grown out ? well thats another story!).

She does however hate football (soccer).
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The Mom

Premium Member
My husband doesn't really care that much about WDW, but will go once or twice a year. Fortunately, we live about 2-3 hours away, so I can run down (with either my son or daughter) for a quick weekend. My husband is a competitive rower, so during regatta season (fall and spring) he's off with his rowing buddies, and my son and I head off to WDW! ;)
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Well-Known Member
Gee and I thought I had problems because I cant find someone romantic to kiss in the snow on Main Street during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party?? Well thanks for sharing and I wish all of you the best of luck!!!
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Well-Known Member
Now i've been a Disney fan for years, however, my girlfriend was indifferent. That was until i took on a good trip in sept/oct 1999. Prior to that she had only been during peak seasons in the month of june and then only to MK. When i first told about the trip she was skeptical, but since i paid for it all, she kept an open mind. After we got back the once skeptical was converted to a bonified Disney fanatic. Sometimes it takes just getting the ill-informed to WDW to show them what they are missing. I also found that mountains of photos can help too.:lol:
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New Member
Well, now I don't feel so bad. We were just at a Disney store and I went nuts--had to get a Mickey sweatshirt. See we are going in December and I am WAY excited--I've been reading everything I can about Disney but I'm thinking my dear husband is not at all as excited as I am--He might think its a little too childish--we are both in our Master's programs right now. Its not that he doesn't want to go it's just that he doesn't seem to have any (or much) excitement about it. But after reading some of the post I can just be thankful that he is going and hasn't been bad about it.:cool:
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