Spouses who don't care


New Member
Does anyone else have spouse who couldn't care less about Disney World? Mine was severely deprived as a child -- never had a family vacation of any sort. It's taken me fifteen years to get her to see the value of a vacation (not counting visiting relatives).

We've got five kids (3-13) and they're all looking forward to our trip in three weeks. They made a paper chain. They take off one link every day -- 19 left. My wife won't begin thinking about the trip until the night before.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
And Gary if you happen to know of any cute, tall,successful, fun, nonsmoking 30 something year old "beast" types who dig Disney, let me know!!! I havent been able to find any here in NYC! Belle

I was with you up until the "Beast" part. Are you looking for someone with a lot of body hair?

I'll keep my eyes open.:wave:
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Well-Known Member
Nah "Beast" for me doesnt mean a lot of body hair (ICK) but I do have this affinity for guys with blue eyes and most of them have been named Rob for some reason. As far as tall I can tell you that most of the men I date are 6 foot or over, and two of the more recent ones were NYC Firefighters! I need a prince who is single though. Married men arent really my thing!! Do we have a Disney Dating service around here somewhere?? LOL LOL Belle
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Nah "Beast" for me doesnt mean a lot of body hair (ICK) but I do have this affinity for guys with blue eyes and most of them have been named Rob for some reason. As far as tall I can tell you that most of the men I date are 6 foot or over, and two of the more recent ones were NYC Firefighters! I need a prince who is single though. Married men arent really my thing!! Do we have a Disney Dating service around here somewhere?? LOL LOL Belle

Geeeez, does he need to have a big "S" on his chest too?:lol:

Just kidding. If I run into "Mr. Perfect" I'll let you know.

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Well-Known Member
LOL Very funny Gary No No big "S" required thanks. Mr Perfect would be nice, but as I Am not perfect, that isnt what I Am searching for either...oh well. Belle
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Well-Known Member
Ya know, I spent years at the College of St. Rose in Albany While girls mocked my micky sweatshirt and swore I was the only NY'er who loved disney. Actually had to move to CA to find someone as :hammer: me. Mom would of loved a Staten Island girl though...
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New Member
Don't be fooled by wannabebelle's shyness. Far from it. Give her two Fuzzy Navels and she's yours (just kidding - well not really):lol: .

O.K. guys - she's really cute. Go for it.:lol:
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New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Gee and I thought I had problems because I cant find someone romantic to kiss in the snow on Main Street during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party?? Well thanks for sharing and I wish all of you the best of luck!!!

Is a there a singles day at Disney? then we could all meet our princesses and prince charmings!
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New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Gee and I thought I had problems because I cant find someone romantic to kiss in the snow on Main Street during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party?? Well thanks for sharing and I wish all of you the best of luck!!!

Is a there a singles day at Disney? then we could all meet our princesses and prince charmings!
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New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Gee and I thought I had problems because I cant find someone romantic to kiss in the snow on Main Street during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party?? Well thanks for sharing and I wish all of you the best of luck!!!

Is a there a singles day at Disney? then we could all meet our princesses and prince charmings!
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WDW1971 said:
My wife has been to WDW just once in her life. And even then it was only for one day and only in the MK (it was the late 80's). I've been five times...twice before I was six and then not again until I was 24. I have an ex-girlfriend to thank for re-introducing me. I didn't want to go, but her family was picking up the tab and I needed a vacation of ANY kind. Well, I had a blast! Ironically, the ex had a miserable week. I learned two valuable lessons that week...#1-WDW is a great place for a romantic vacation and #2-my ex wasn't the one with whom I wanted to take that romantic vacation!

My wife and I leave December 6th, 2002 for our short (4-day) vacation. She wanted to go, but I was more excited. I purchased some guidebooks and after she read them (she's loves to plan ahead) she got very excited. She's looking forward to it as much as me now. Our only caveat: we're leaving our 21-month old with my parents. We'll miss him, but we just feel he's too young to really enjoy it. And we need some mommy-daddy time, anyway! We plan to start working on him a little sister/brother while we're there! A little "souvenir" for us!

UPDATE: We had a wonderful trip and my wife is as hooked as me now. Our 21-month old is now nearly 4 1/2 years old. (Time flies!) And we now have a 15 month old. We're taking them both this December along with my parents. We're going to stay in a cabin at Fort Wilderness.
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Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
My sweetie has never been out of Brazil, hasn't even been on a plane. We tried to plan a January 2003 trip, but the world economy screwed us. She looked genuinely excited, but you can see she doesn't have it in her... Sure, she doesn't know it, but I sure plan on changing that!! Otherwise, she'll want to change cars when we could be saving for WDW! :lol: We plan our future honeymoon there, that's GOT to be the biggest hook-up EVER! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow, smells like mothballs in here! But it was nice of you to do a follow-up, WDW1971.

Me, I couldn't do the honeymoon I planned. So Julia and I are still stranded here. And since we now found out she's pregnant, I'll probably have to wait untill the baby is at least one year old.
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