Spouses who don't care


New Member
Does anyone else have spouse who couldn't care less about Disney World? Mine was severely deprived as a child -- never had a family vacation of any sort. It's taken me fifteen years to get her to see the value of a vacation (not counting visiting relatives).

We've got five kids (3-13) and they're all looking forward to our trip in three weeks. They made a paper chain. They take off one link every day -- 19 left. My wife won't begin thinking about the trip until the night before.


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You've Got a Friend in Me.

Let me attempt a positive spin. Both my wife and I enjoy Disney. We have lithographs, photos and other stuff hung on the walls. All 4 of our bathrooms have Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Little Mermaid and Aladdin motifs (i.e. shower curtains, towels, soap, etc.). My mother-in-law came to visit several years ago and had planned to stay 2 weeks. She left after 5 days saying, "I just couldn't stand all the Disney stuff". She's only been back one time since.
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Original Poster
Talsonic, I'm not ready to "come out" that much. I think a good Mickey chess set would be nice. Maybe I'll look for one when I'm there in TWO WEEKS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :lol: :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Let me attempt a positive spin. Both my wife and I enjoy Disney. We have lithographs, photos and other stuff hung on the walls. All 4 of our bathrooms have Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Little Mermaid and Aladdin motifs (i.e. shower curtains, towels, soap, etc.). My mother-in-law came to visit several years ago and had planned to stay 2 weeks. She left after 5 days saying, "I just couldn't stand all the Disney stuff". She's only been back one time since.
I'll have to try this! Thanks for the tip!
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Resident Redhead
Premium Member
We have a "Disney room", too--got to do something with all those free lithos! We took my mother-in-law to WDW for her 60th birthday, and she liked it so much that she tries to invite herself along every time we go.

How's that for reverse psychology! ACK!!:brick:

By the way, Homer--reenactments at Gettysburg?? Hates shopping?? I think I used to date that guy :lol: Thankfully found myself another Disneyholic to settle down with (16 years and counting).
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New Member
Originally posted by Tiggerish
By the way, Homer--reenactments at Gettysburg?? Hates shopping?? I think I used to date that guy :lol: Thankfully found myself another Disneyholic to settle down with (16 years and counting).

SURE! Pawn him off on me! LOL :lol: He is obssessed with all things Civil War, that is why I was crossing everything possible when Disney was going to build the park in Virginia because then I could at least get him to somewhere Disney to satisfy BOTH of us! ;)

Talsonic-about the bathroom-I am so excited to go to WDW next year because I will be able to get all the necessary stuff to finally have my Mickey Mouse Bathroom! When we went in April I didn't want to buy it because we flew down and I was afraid it would get broken(the ceramic things like toothbrush holder, soap dish, cup, etc). Now because we are driving, I am going to stock up on great Disney stuff for the house! My poor DH...LOL

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New Member
We have a Disney bathroom also, along with a Disney baby room, and a Disney family room. We just bought another house, and I have designs on incorporating some Disney in my backyard landscaping as well. My wife flies into ORlando often on business, and can sometimes manage to get over to Downtown Disney to purchase items at the home store.
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New Member
I hope my boyfriend enjoys our trip. We will be there in 2 weeks and he is not a big disney fan- AT ALL. But he is taking me there so that is a step in the right direction. :animwink:
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Trophy Husband
I think I need some "Dear Abbey" type advice on this topic.

Last year my son and I went by ourselves. Linda said "great! go! hava good time!" in what seemed to be a sincere way, but the night before we left, she started picking on little things - like at bedtime the night before we were leaving insisting my son's room should be spotless before we left.

We went and had a great time. We got some good "father-son" time and we didn't have to constantly worry about pleasing mom and going to the restaurants she wanted etc. At the same time, I missed having her along and missed the good "family" time we had on previous trips. When I got back, Linda was all crabby and she told me her friends thought I was an awful husband for leaving her all by herself.

Now I'm planning on going in January. I told Linda I would like her to come along, and I would pay her way. She seemed to almost be interested, but didn't commit.

My question is: Should I remind her and push her to come along, or should I just make plans for me and Ryan and only take her if she asks to come along? :veryconfu
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Well-Known Member
Hey Gary, does the term stuck between a rock and a hard place mean anything to you?? My best advice would be to sit her down and tell her that you want her to come, will pay her way etc. Explain to her that you know this isnt her cup of tea, but that you and your son did miss her the last time that you went. Also tell her that you dont want to force her to go if she doesnt want to come as all you want is for her to enjoy herself. Maybe offer the option of a Mommy and Daddy trip alone to a destination of her choice at another time if Disney wouldnt appeal to her for your next planned trip?
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My wife has been to WDW just once in her life. And even then it was only for one day and only in the MK (it was the late 80's). I've been five times...twice before I was six and then not again until I was 24. I have an ex-girlfriend to thank for re-introducing me. I didn't want to go, but her family was picking up the tab and I needed a vacation of ANY kind. Well, I had a blast! Ironically, the ex had a miserable week. I learned two valuable lessons that week...#1-WDW is a great place for a romantic vacation and #2-my ex wasn't the one with whom I wanted to take that romantic vacation!

My wife and I leave December 6th, 2002 for our short (4-day) vacation. She wanted to go, but I was more excited. I purchased some guidebooks and after she read them (she's loves to plan ahead) she got very excited. She's looking forward to it as much as me now. Our only caveat: we're leaving our 21-month old with my parents. We'll miss him, but we just feel he's too young to really enjoy it. And we need some mommy-daddy time, anyway! We plan to start working on him a little sister/brother while we're there! A little "souvenir" for us!
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Maybe offer the option of a Mommy and Daddy trip alone to a destination of her choice at another time if Disney wouldnt appeal to her for your next planned trip?

Thanks WannabeBelle:wave: , unfortunately we've already done this for the last two years and I already told her to pick someplace for 2003, so I don't have that bargaining chip.:(
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New Member
Original Poster
I don't think your wife hates Disney. I think she's jealous of Disney. She sees it as an adversary.

I think you should do a family thing sometime at the place of HER choosing. In place of a Disney trip. (I know it'll hurt, but that's the point. The more you dislike the other trip yet express a cheerful, helpful attitude the better.)

Don't keep reinforcing the fact that you like Disney so much. It would be great if she thought you really didn't like it but just wanted to take your son.

You'll probably have to make some sacrifices if you want her to accept Disney into the family.
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by dreamer
I don't think your wife hates Disney. I think she's jealous of Disney. She sees it as an adversary.

I think you should do a family thing sometime at the place of HER choosing. In place of a Disney trip. (I know it'll hurt, but that's the point. The more you dislike the other trip yet express a cheerful, helpful attitude the better.)

Don't keep reinforcing the fact that you like Disney so much. It would be great if she thought you really didn't like it but just wanted to take your son.

You'll probably have to make some sacrifices if you want her to accept Disney into the family.

Thanks, I think you're probably right about the jealousy thing. Unfortunately we've also done the Family thing of her choosing. Quick rundown:

2001 - Linda and Gary alone Atlantic City Linda's choosing
2001 - Linda, Ryan and Gary Cruise to Nova Scotia Linda's choosing
2001 - Gary and Ryan to Disney World
2002 - Linda and Gary alone Aruba Linda's choosing
2002 - Linda, Ryan and Gary Baltimore Linda's choosing
2003 - Disney?
2003 - Linda and Gary alone anywhere in the world Linda's choosing

Now admittedly some of those places aren't real exotic, but that's what she chose. In all cases, including 2003, I told her to pick anyplace in the world.

Thanks! I appreciate the thought you put into this.:wave:
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New Member
Original Poster
Wow, Gary. I can think of only two other things:

Introduce our wives and they can go wherever they want and we'll go to Disney.

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Well-Known Member
Gary, try to take her with you if you can. You know what your wife likes/doesn't like to do. For activities you all like, do them together. For activities she likes, but you're only indifferent towards, do them together. All else do separately. This requires some pre-planning and may not work for you, but it has worked for me.

One example: my wife does not like to visit parks on the day we leave. She prefers to ease the transition back to real life by doing something far less strenuous, namely shopping. Shopping is about the last thing me and the boys want to do in WDW. So, I researched nearby shopping malls and discovered the Orlando Premium Outlet mall. On our last day, we checked out of the resort, I dropped her off at the mall, and me and the boys went to Typhoon Lagoon (I kept a close watch on them!). I picked her up at a designated time/location several hours later. Everyone was happy.
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Trophy Husband
Westie, naaaah, I'm sure the 999 is much faster than that old thing:D

Dreamer, is the medication for me or her?:D

GenerationX, I think you're touching on the what may work best for my situation. On previous trips I have suggested she take classes at the Disney Institute, which I think she would really like, but she never did. I think the problem is I thought of it but never planned properly to push the idea through. I think planning could be the key.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I think just venting has made me feel a bit better.

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Well-Known Member
And Gary if you happen to know of any cute, tall,successful, fun, nonsmoking 30 something year old "beast" types who dig Disney, let me know!!! I havent been able to find any here in NYC! Belle
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New Member
I just want to add a hopefully little happy bit to this. I had never been to WDW before I met my wife. She took me there the first time and we have gone every year since then. In fact, we are leaving for our 7th trip a week from friday. She is not as big a disney nut as I have become but as she says I work hard and she loves to see me having a good time. To do something for her we also try to go on a crusie every year. (have been on the disney cruise twice.):animwink: Anyway we both love disney but we can be anywhere together and have a good time. WDW is great and we both love it. (Sorry if this was to long.)
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