In regards to #2 I don't think prequel love started post-Disney, but perhaps those who previously despised the prequels warmed up to their narrative cohesion vs the Disney trilogy.Well they weren’t as good as the originals…that isn’t a controversial take…
But there is some redemption.
My theories why:
1. Technology and media weren’t where they are today. Actions figures, licensed product was closer to the the originals and did more to build new fans then. Today the collectors/online market probably keeps the aging fans more engaged.
2. There is a direct correlation between prequel “love” and Disney largely failing for 5 years+…
I know that’s not a shared by all opinion…but I’d love discuss why?
3. The stuff since the prequels - clone wars and rebels and R1 and the news series that use some that material/characters…have strengthened the appeal of those movies.
The love started with the generation of kids that grew up with the films and toys, and the films benefitted a great deal from meme culture. 'Prequel memes' took on a life of their own in the early 2010s at first perhaps poking fun at the wooden acting and dialogue, but as the years went on lines such as "I am the Senate" became beloved and I think that went a long way to restoring their reputation as a whole way before Disney came along.