Well.... that pretty much correlates with everything else. I'm not saying you're "wrong" because there's nothing to be wrong about.
I have a friend who's an AVID.... Temple of Doom/Last Crusade.... well, I wouldn't use the word "hater", but he doesn't hold them in high regard... and even HE liked Indy IV.
The thing is, he told me, that he totally vibed with the aliens until they showed them. "And I can see how it was cool and the whole 'broom to the footprints' thing was awesome", he said, "but I just didn't like it. Still loved the movie though"
I think that's what's ticking me and other people who liked the movie off(not what my friend said, but it's opposite). The fact that other people LIKED THE MOVIE TOO.... but for some reason all they seem to do is rattle off a few things that seem to be the concensus on what was "terrible, horrible & wrong" about the movie and then quantify it up to mean that Indy IV sucked.
I just... don't get it. If the majority of the movie vibed with you, (I don't mean you, I sort of mean a general 'you people') why do you hate it?
I don't hear anybody saying anything other than naming the part of the movie.... and that's it. No explanation. Just "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" or "THAT WAS STUPID!" .
But what baffles me the most (and I'm sorry if the brash, contradicting, non-nice film geek is coming out) is that the things that people say they hate.... ARE PRETTY MUCH ANALOGUES OF THINGS SEEN IN PAST INDY MOVIES.
The ants were pretty much the "creepy crawlies" like the rats and snakes in the other movies. Given the fact that they were in the amazon, that was really cool (read "La Voragine" by Horacio Quiroga, if there's an english translation, there's a really awful account of an army ant attack).
I'm just.... really confused.
I also get ticked off when people suddenly attack Lucas and Spielberg like they know better. Ok. You didn't like it. Fine. But hey... it's their damn story. And I think people suddenly forget EVERYTHING ELSE THOSE TWO HAVE DONE just for the sake of one thing.
Although, I take this all as a symptom. Of two things:
#1. George Lucas, with Star Wars, and along with Spielberg on Indy, have created something that has become such a cultural force, that the public has adopted it as it's son, and is basically reeeeeeeeeling at anything they see as a threat to it, hence all the "Stop making movies!" shouts and such. If I were them, I'd take all the negativity as a compliment.
#2. The audience has grown up(figuratively speaking). And by that I mean they saw these movies a long time ago, and were imprinted by them. Now they see them from a different perspective and fail to consolidate the themes of what they're seeing with their current viewpoints. Of course, they blame the script/cgi/plot/et cetera.
All in all, I guess I'm just confused.... I feel like they fed an audience a delicious chocolate chip cookie once....twice.....three times. And now they're giving us the same cookie, but for some reason suddenly everyone chokes and spits it back up.
Like I said.... wasn't Raiders, so it didn't vibe. They did something different than what people expected, and suddenly the fanboy minutemen are grabbin' the rifles.
Gah... I'm rambling. I'll stop. Scratch everything I said. Replace with "De gustibus no est disputandum", even though I hate to break out a cliche dead language, but I think it fits the topic.
Oh, P.S.:
JCorduroy.... The SNAKE?! You didn't like the snake? I mean... I'm trying to think whether you're talking about any other snake but the one they used to get out of the quicksand.
Are you nuts? That was such an Indy moment..... "Say it's a rope... JUST SAY IT'S A ROPE!"