SPOILER: The Acolyte -- Disney+ Star Wars -- begins June 5, 2024

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
For me, that was evident when they concluded season 2 with a CGI Luke Skywalker
Well to be fair, Luke was the only real play once they said find a Jedi. He makes the most sense because of the timeframe. That doesn't mean the movie isn't desperation to get something on the big screen asap. But I don't think having Luke in Mando was being desperate. I think Jon was just giving something to the fan base.


Well-Known Member
Well to be fair, Luke was the only real play once they said find a Jedi. He makes the most sense because of the timeframe. That doesn't mean the movie isn't desperation to get something on the big screen asap. But I don't think having Luke in Mando was being desperate. I think Jon was just giving something to the fan base.
I agree. Maybe desperate wasn’t the right word. Giving up? Lack of creativity? It came on the heels of bringing in multiple characters from other shows and movies. The showrunners created the conditions that resulted in only one option.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Slightly OT

Rumor has it that the Mouse is covered since Peter Cushing had Disney+ and agreed to the terms of service, his friend too:

I saw this and the only thing I thought, so they waited 7-8 years after the movie came out to file a suit? I mean what were they waiting on if they really had any claim, why not file it in 2017 shortly after the movie came out?

Me thinks this was originally just some suit in hopes to quickly get paid by a settlement, "Sue the Mouse, they'll settle quickly".


Well-Known Member

And then people would wonder why Disney had to constantly fire more and more people:



President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Original Poster

And then people would wonder why Disney had to constantly fire more and more people:

Funny how the article says it doesn't know how much over budget it was: fifty million? a dollar? lol


Premium Member
Funny how the article says it doesn't know how much over budget it was: fifty million? a dollar? lol
Does it matter... we already know the 230mil number is significant and you can frame it relative to other shows.

To know it blew it's budget before even the costly post-production is done is well enough to know it will be 'way' over budget.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Funny how the article says it doesn't know how much over budget it was: fifty million? a dollar? lol
I'd say it doesn't matter. 230mil for what this show ended up being is ridiculous. And the reported budget that was reported just about everywhere was 180mil. So it is very likely closer to the 50mil than the one dollar. But again, it doesn't really matter. Unless the budget was around 100mil, it was over budget. Realistically, the budget should have been what it was originally reported as, and they did 2 seasons.
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
I'd say it doesn't matter. 230mil for what this show ended up being is ridiculous. And the reported budget that was reported just about everywhere was 180mil. So it is very likely closer to the 50mil than the one dollar. But again, it doesn't really matter. Unless the budget was around 100mil, it was over budget. Realistically, the budget should have been what it was originally reported as, and they did 2 seasons.
I really don't think any of us here knows for sure what a show like this should cost, so 100M might not be realistic.

What I see likely happened is they allocated only so much for post-production, and they kept tweaking it in post-production, which is what lead to the cost overruns and going over budget. Its not cheap to do shows with budget heavy VFX. So I can see it easily going over budget. Not saying its right, but I can see it why it happens, especially when under the gun and pushing the VFX artists with long hours of OT. We know this happens a lot of time with the MCU, so its not surprising it happens here too.


Premium Member
What I see likely happened is they allocated only so much for post-production, and they kept tweaking it in post-production, which is what lead to the cost overruns and going over budget.
But the data point we have is from BEFORE all the post-prod work... so your theory makes things even worse than reported.

The data point is from after shooting - but not before post-prod was done.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
But the data point we have is from BEFORE all the post-prod work... so your theory makes things even worse than reported.

The data point is from after shooting - but not before post-prod was done.
If you're talking about the originally reported $180M, then yes. But if you're talking about the $230M, that was during the middle of post-production, as the article says.

But as I mentioned we've seen this happen a lot with the MCU. Where they only budget so much for post-production and through how things are done during principal production they end up blowing through that as they go through post-production.


Well-Known Member
We throw these massive amounts of money around like its play money. It’s a lot of money for little or no return, in fact, they are dropping prices to sign up for Disney+ , begging for subs.

Meanwhile, in Disney’s theme park business, they constantly make cost cuts on projects, reduce offerings to guests, constantly raise prices.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
@flynnibus I was responding separately to your two different points, but just didn't split up the points to the responses. Anyways I guess I don't really understand your heartburn that it went over budget before post-production was done. At that point it was already over budget, so who cares they went more over budget while in the middle of post-production. So they budgeted $180M, probably went over that during principal production, and then went into post-production, where what they originally allocated from the $180M was now not enough to complete the work since it was eaten into by principal, and so need to spend more to complete even just the basic post-production work. This is the reason why you have some movies and shows having their CG look bad, because they force the VFX to make cuts to keep on budget because principal-production blew through their piece of it. I rather they spend the extra money and go over budget to make it look good. At the very least we can say the visuals in this show looked good.

As I said this isn't new information, ie this is something we know happens at Disney in their VFX heavy projects, I gave the example of the MCU as a primary offender. Should it have cost more than $230M for this project, maybe I don't know. But we know that the VFX teams at Disney are pushed hard working lots of long hours with lots of OT because of the amount of changes and work needed to complete the post-production work.


Well-Known Member
The key to a good embezzlement scheme is to hide which money went where. Sounds like they did a top job.

I feel like this board fails to appreciate what the Acolyte production team has achieved.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I really don't think any of us here knows for sure what a show like this should cost, so 100M might not be realistic.
I think we do. We have the other shows to compare to. Andor was, as far as we know was the most expensive show at around 20mil per episode. If that's the benchmark, acolyte should have been around 160mil at worst. It really should have shot for a Mando type budget, and that's about 120mil.
So I can see it easily going over budget. Not saying its right, but I can see it why it happens, especially when under the gun and pushing the VFX artists with long hours of OT.
Sure that all is possible, but not the issue in my opinion. Why was the budget even 180mil in the first place. If it was the approx budget of Mando, and it goes over. We're talking about maybe 130mil worst case.

This is one of the reasons I'm tough on Kennedy. It's her responsibility to make sure everything is on track. And also her responsibility to properly approve the budgets.


Premium Member
@flynnibus I was responding separately to your two different points, but just didn't split up the points to the responses. Anyways I guess I don't really understand your heartburn that it went over budget before post-production was done. At that point it was already over budget, so who cares they went more over budget while in the middle of post-production.
'we care' because it's not just about 'over' budget, but just how much the thing costs as a whole.

Even 230 vs 180 isn't just 'throw a little extra in there...' that's nearly 25% overrun.. and the details suggest 230 is just the tip of the iceberg... not the wrap up. So my heartburn isn't about 'over budget before production was done' -- It's that 230 was the running tab and we don't even know where the end point was.

And 230... let alone the end point... is still an absurd number for a DTC mini-series.

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