Yeah if you tie that to Order 66 - that gives a time reference of at least some contact. But many of the (very open to interpretation..) references suggest the separation and fall of these planets was long before the rise of the empire. References like the 'jewels of the old republic' maybe even referring to the first galactic republic... the one that was done by 1032 BBY. Watching the series, I felt like they were saying these 9 planets were a product of that long ago era, not just the Modern Republic that existed after the Sith are eradicated. But the term 'old republic' can really refer to either.. so its hard to really pin down even what era they were born of. But even the Modern republic was over a span of a 1000 years, so these planets could have been from the Modern Republic, but from the Grand Republic era.. and even somehow faded from prominence long before the rise of the empire. It's left for us to speculate...
Obviously Jod's reference is only within the current generation

That doesn't mean anything for what was happening on At Atin tho.
Yes - but I point back to again that a Mint is not something that just outputs at some fixed rate - It's part of a fiscal system. It would need regular (even if highly regulated) contact to make any sense. They aren't just a mining colony, they are creating the monetary unit .. just like our government today, you don't just generate currency at full steam, but you control it's introduction. The Galactic Credit is a fiat currency after all... tho I don't know the full EU or canon on it's material value. Maybe the ingot form is valuable enough on its own... yet in canon in the past the 'worthlessness' of Republic Credits doesn't seem to hinge on their digital vs ingot form.
No I get the model is setup to be self-supporting. But I point back to that a factory of any time isn't a singular isolated thing. It creates output.. but how much you make and actually doing something with it... are things the factory is itself concerned with... and hence also the Droids' mission.
Yeah, another really sketchy part of the story. The Rise of the Empire was not an external take-over. Obviously the empire would want to control the treasury and backing of the republic's existing system. So you'd expect the Empire to know of At Attin .. but the empire used their own currency.. so that suggests the disconnect being before the rise of the empire...
I'm sure Disney will put out some comic or something eventually that will elaborate and fill in the gaps... that seems to be MO these days...