I know other people who got bored and stopped watching it. I watched the entire thing and it felt like a generic space kids show with a good sized budget.
The show felt like Goonies. And Pirates of the Caribbean. And Wizard of Oz. And Star Trek: Prodigy. And Lost in Space. And Moana. And Guardians of the Galaxy 3. And everything else it was paying "homage" to. But other than the light saber and a few X-Wings, nothing in this show defined it or required it being set in the Star Wars universe.
It's like calling a show "Walking Dead: Babbling Brooks" and having no zombie apocalypse but just a family tale of people living off the grid and getting lost in a forest. It's like calling a show "Star Trek: Strange New World #3,761,238" and having no reference to interstellar travel, the Federation, Starfleet, or any alien race ever featured. Having the IP in the title is not enough.
Take "The Mandalorian" - its emotional core is a parent/child story. Its genre is a western. But it is fully grounded in - and expanded upon - the Mandalorian race, its beliefs, its politics, its cultural schisms, its place in relation to the Empire and the New Republic and the politics taking place as a result, the role of bounty hunters, the remnants of Force-wielders, it features aliens, droids, stormtroopers, even the camtono! It expands the Star Wars universe while still being a personal story of a father and son. You can't take it out of the Star Wars universe without completely changing the story being told.
But in Skeleton Crew, if you can replace the light saber with a space sword and the X-Wings with any military spaceships and it doesn't otherwise change the show at all, then how is this show Star Wars and why did it need to be made as a Star Wars show?
And since the ratings set a new franchise low, I think a lot of people had that same question. Because it wasn't a bad show. It was just familiar and totally unnecessary and not specifically Star Wars.