Splash Mtn Restraints


Well-Known Member
I was MK today around noon-4ish. Walked by splash several times and they def where not cycling. Water was completely drained with ropes and cables on the drop and scaffolding in the tunnel after the drop. If they where running boats today I don't see how?


Well-Known Member
A slight expansion on that incident:

I don't recall that it was ever said he was drunk like a previous poster said.

The man had gotten out of his log in the bee cave, and was standing on the left side of the flume near the Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit figures.

Reports said that there may have been a stoppage of the ride with the "trouble downstream" recording playing, but it was unclear whether this man caused the stoppage or if he simply exited his log while it was stopped for a separate reason.

He then tried to cross over to the marked exit on the opposite side of the flume by climbing across the back of a log that had stopped at the hold point at the top of the drop out of the bee cave. While he was crossing, the log was advanced into the drop, and he fell into the water and was pinned down by the next log.

When we went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour (a few years before this incident) our guide had brought us over to where the big water pit is behind Splash (there's railings and everything, but it's a LOT of water and the pumps are very powerful). He said that at least once a day in the busy season there's a ride-stoppage for a Guest who gets out of the log. And if they should happen to exit out through the emergency exit right next to the water pit, the pumps immediately shut off, and it gets eerily quiet back there.


It actually happened at the bottom of C Lift, he got out of the log on the right side, then opened the exit door but didn't go out came back inside and then decided to cross the flume to get to other side exit door and tried to cross between logs on the back of one and the front of the other and fell between them, probably when the lift started moving again and caught between the next log and the lift belt.


Active Member
Hell, I'm 6-3, 260 lbs. Long legs, very broad shoulders. I don't have an issue at all on any ride. Splash mt isn't that tight on me... So how is it so tight on so many others?

So since you're a little taller and larger than the average person that means everyone else must be able to ride. :brick:

If it wasn't an issue then people would NOT be complaining.


Well-Known Member
Much to my chagrin they do. Far to many people get out of the logs and cause e-stops and/or hurt themselves. Like most things in this world, an inconsiderate few screw it up for the rest of us.

Yep. The last time I was at MK and watching the logs come down Chickapin Hill, I was surprised how often I saw kids standing in the log after the splashdown (laughing and excited, of course)! And usually the adults in the log didn't seem to pay any attention about it.

And when I say kids, even older "know better" ones were.
In the 5 pages, did i miss the pictures of the new logs?

And ive got to say it really doesnt make that big a deal to me. I cant understand why people are making such a big deal out of it, but everyone is entitled to their opinion


Well-Known Member
They were not cycling them as of Thursday. This is what it looked liked yesterday. High and dry.



Well-Known Member
Is this really a photo of the ride log or a mock-up? The water looks completely fake.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not but it's a picture taken of the screen that shows the on ride photos. The water looks fake because it IS fake, it's a boarder.


Well-Known Member
Thank the kids who dont stay seated. Last year I went on these idiots kept on jumping out of their seats. They kept on stopping the ride and me and of course all of us minors in the second log who have nothing to do with the people in the log in the front had to get yelled at to. So in a way the lap bars are good but I am 6/3 tall so it might be painful. When I see those lap bars next month I am going to remember those donkey holes.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if you're being serious or not but it's a picture taken of the screen that shows the on ride photos. The water looks fake because it IS fake, it's a boarder.

Posting while exhausted should be outlawed. I was serious. I didn't recognize the border - I haven't ridden Splash in YEARS after the time my friend made me ride 5 times in a row to try to get a ride photo where I wasn't curling into the fetal position hiding my face (that drop scares the life out of me!!).

Moving right along...

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