News Splash Mountain retheme to Princess and the Frog - Tiana's Bayou Adventure

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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
They need to follow how other parks do it. Universal didn't announce Velicoaster til it was well into construction. Disney should have done the same with this.
While that might seem like a smart move. Unfortunately, it makes little difference with Disney. Even once they go vertical, it's still years. Lol

What they really need to is just not suck at construction.


Well-Known Member
maybe it's just me, but I don't feel the screens complement anything. they stand out like a sore thumb. I'm in this super vibrant alien jungle environment and then hey look, it's a flat screen tv with some animated creatures on it! totally breaks the immersion.

They're hidden back in the foliage, though, and they show things happening off in the distance. That's the best way to accomplish that, and it's a significantly better use than in rides like Ratatouille where you just watch an entire scene on a screen.


Well-Known Member
While that might seem like a smart move. Unfortunately, it makes little difference with Disney. Even once they go vertical, it's still years. Lol

What they really need to is just not suck at construction.
Yes it takes years but IMO not saying anything while building it would build the hype even more.


Well-Known Member
While that might seem like a smart move. Unfortunately, it makes little difference with Disney. Even once they go vertical, it's still years. Lol

What they really need to is just not suck at construction.
They don’t suck at construction. They choose the pace at which they move.


Well-Known Member
We’re you only allowed to see one movie that year or something?
Girls could have chosen to see both PATF and Twilight in theaters, but most didn't. You also have to remember that 2009 was recession time, so most people probably didn't have the money to see both movies in the theaters even if they wanted to. Also Netflix was starting to become popular as well, my family chose to see PATF there instead of seeing it in theaters. Netflix could have played a part combined with recession. Why spend ticket price to see this new disney film when you can watch it at home for $9.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
Yes it takes years but IMO not saying anything while building it would build the hype even more.
Maybe. Disney is a different beast all together. I can see why they announce things before they are in the building phase. This way it's announced, they can do take whatever time they want and not worry about it.
They don’t suck at construction. They choose the pace at which they move.
If a manager in baseball decides every player will bunt every time they are up. They suck as a manager. In my opinion, Disney choosing to be slow, is sucking at construction. I get why Disney does it. But I believe that's a bad way to do it. Especially when your parks are lacking as much as they are.


Well-Known Member
I think, out of all the new scenes going to be added, the finale of this attraction is going to be spectacular. They're almost certainly keeping the river boat, add in a whole lot of fireflies, animatronics and Dig a Little Deeper playing? I'm already a fan.

As someone who is understanding yet mourning the loss of Splash Mountain, this new experience has a LOT to offer. As well as a lot of opportunity to keep the essence of what was there previously.
Yeah, they're going to leave the river boat there.
When I first heard about the retheme, my mind went to the removal of that boat - because I hadn't seen PatF.
The river boat in Splash is my favorite part of the ride.
I always remember how wowed I was as my log flume log rounded the bend, and I came upon it for the first time.
It's such a grand scene.


Well-Known Member
It’s the one and only animated Disney film I have no desire ever to rewatch. Charmless drivel in my opinion, but I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Chicken Little is a mess.
My sons watched it, (once I beleive) because they were the right age at the time.
They never asked to watch it again - thankfully.
They love Magagacar, which I enjoyed a lot too.
Cars was there (and my) favorite.


Well-Known Member
My only real gripe with this and it goes with every new attraction Disney announces is how early in the design phase they announce them. They need to follow how other parks do it. Universal didn't announce Velicoaster til it was well into construction. Disney should have done the same with this. What would have been amazing had they done like Cedar Fair does. Once the wall goes up for construction put up teaser posters for to get excitement for the ride. When it's a year out from being opened then announce it.
Disney anounces rides so early that I've watched my sons age from little kids to young men who drive during some of the time spans.
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Well-Known Member
(Chicken Little, even unadjusted for inflation, made a lot more than Princess and the Frog)
Chicken Little came out at a time when pretty much any CGI animated movie was a guaranteed box office success. CGI animated movies were still viewed as exciting and new, and the Shrek trend of the movies being very "modern" and full of pop culture references was in full swing. In 2009, many felt Princess and the Frog felt too much like an old-fashioned throwback.

That being said, PatF has aged much better than Chicken Little and I think audiences are warmer to its more sincere storytelling than they were in the 2000s.


Well-Known Member
Chicken Little came out at a time when pretty much any CGI animated movie was a guaranteed box office success. CGI animated movies were still viewed as exciting and new, and the Shrek trend of the movies being very "modern" and full of pop culture references was in full swing. In 2009, many felt Princess and the Frog felt too much like an old-fashioned throwback.

That being said, PatF has aged much better than Chicken Little and I think audiences are warmer to its more sincere storytelling than they were in the 2000s.
Perfectly put.


Well-Known Member
But there actually has to BE action. We know there will be a drop at least. I just need to see what they do with all that space before and after the drop.
I see what you’re saying, but my complaint with newer Disney rides is usually too much “action” (or random IP scenes) strung together without enough cohesion and buildup.

To be fair, I may think that Haunted Mansion is way more atmospheric than Little Mermaid or Nemo simply because I grew up with HM but not the others. Maybe if I was equally nostalgic about all of the rides I would see them differently. But however biased, I think that the newer classic rides (thrill rides have been much much better) neglect to be stories in their own right and instead play like a highlights reel from the movie. Given that there is supposed to be a new narrative for this particular ride, I’m hoping that’s not the case here.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, I may think that Haunted Mansion is way more atmospheric than Little Mermaid or Nemo simply because I grew up with HM but not the others. Maybe if I was equally nostalgic about all of the rides I would see them differently
I grew up with Buzz Lightyear and Nemo. Nemo is not atmospheric IMO, but Buzz does a decent job of having a similar linear way of storytelling that Splash Mountain does. If the line is moving fast enough, it is easy to skip the Buzz animatronic's exposition, but still be able to pick up what is going on and why by riding it.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine Disney bringing back merchandise for Splash. It's not even sold anymore and I doubt they want anymore attention for SOTS.
If Disney did bring back merchandise they wouldn't announce it, it would probably be a very quiet under-the-radar thing.

Still, if I were Disney I wouldn't risk drawing more controversy by creating new Brer Rabbit merch.
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