Splash Mountain re-theme announced

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Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Good to know that you think that is racist, because the cast didn't think so.

The cast needed jobs! There weren't exactly many going around in 1946 in Hollywood. Unless of course it was a bit part. Remember that Hattie McDaniel was also given guff for playing Mammy in GWTW. They wanted good work and prominent opportunities. So stop with this boilerplate reasoning, please.

Horizons '83

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am super excited for this and honestly I'm a bit surprised by the negativity here. I've seen plenty of people here wanting this to happen. What happened to that? I will be a bit bummed if there isn't a nod to either zip a dee do dah or any of the brer creatures anywhere though.
I think a poll is in order. I can't see plenty of people here wanting this.


Well-Known Member
And again, the movie the Song Of The South itself was not racist or offensive in any way.
That seems to be the problem most people have with it though, because it “sugar coats” history. Its a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. Make it “happy go lucky”, you’re sugar coating history. Include the realistic nasty side, well then you’re “no good racist”. It’s almost as if it’s a Disney musical, and not a non-fiction documentary.

Parker in NYC

Well-Known Member
Those died down very quickly after the film was released and people realized that Uncle Remus was the hero of the story. Today the NAACP has no position on it, and Whoopi Goldberg has called on the company to stop hiding it because it’s definitely problematic, but not racist.

Don’t get me wrong. The live-action and Remus framework are pure cringe for multiple reasons. The animation, however, is superb.

But there’s no question that Walt was foolish to wrap the stories within the Reconstruction period. Regardless of how much he thought he was making a stand for equality, the movie was still unfortunately a reflection of its time.

I mentioned Whoopi Goldberg earlier. And I agree that with the right context, the film could be presented.

And the protests did not die down quickly. They bubbled up every few years with every re-release. But since those re-releases were insanely profitable, no one gave them a second thought.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Youre right. I thought it was immensely popular due to being Splash Mountain. Funny how it has lines in winter in Tokyo too.

Start by emailing guest relations for now.
Marni, I actually LIVE in Florida, and it’s currently 93 Degrees Farenheit/34 Degrees Celsius outside. It’s popular because IT’S A WAY TO COOL OFF. Some people may care about history and yada yada, but the average guest just wants to not be burning hot.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Just here for the meltdowns.

Ya'll in Florida aren't ready, they changed Tower of Terror out here despite big fan push back. They've announced this, they aren't going to turn back the clock now.

It will still be an incredible attraction, with characters and music that is truly wonderful. Love love love it.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Saying Song of the South isn’t racist because there aren’t any slaves and it takes place in post Civil War times ignores the reconstruction period of US history. It’s tone deaf and ignorant.
Not only that, unless you read the book, there is no way you see that movie's plantation scenes and know if its during slavery or not, They chose to not be explicit with this. And the implication is that Uncle Remus is just so darn happy to help those white folks as best he can and maybe even wistful for "old days".
In Princess and the Frog, I don't think anyone who views it sees Tiana's friend as anything more than a spoiled rich girl that is totally unaware of her privlege and the film is pretty explicit in how nothing is GIVEN to this young black girl trying to work her way up.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
You are missing my point. If you know something has a racist past - no matter how much they cleaned it up... why keep it?
I'm a white woman. I have a disproportionate amount of black friends who will tell me if they find something offensive. I'm of the opinion that it's our job to listen to black people (or those or any other race really) when it comes to whether or not something is offensive or not.

Literally none of them have ever said to me, "Splash Mountain is so offensive". One time I went on Splash Mountain and was the only white person on that boat. All I remember was a whole lotta laughter at getting soaked.


Well-Known Member
Marni, I actually LIVE in Florida, and it’s currently 93 Degrees Farenheit/34 Degrees Celsius outside. It’s popular because IT’S A WAY TO COOL OFF. Some people may care about history and yada yada, but the average guest just wants to not be burning hot.

Then why is it also super busy in January and February when it's not super hot? And why would people line up to wait in the sun?

Also, FYI, Marni knows far more about how the Disney parks operate than almost anyone else here, so you should probably defer to his knowledge. He's not just a random fan.
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I don't hate the idea of Splash being rethemed to PatF, in fact it's something I always had in my mind as a cool idea for a Splash retheme. Hopefully they keep some of the animal animatronics, and maybe they can even keep Zip a Dee Doo Dah as the finale song? Though not exactly holding my breath on that one, but it's such a classic song that I hope it still appears in some way in the new ride.

That being said though, I do think the idea of retheming/changing everything just because a small subsection of people might be offended is a potentially slippery slope. The Pirates auction scene was one thing, and now this is an even more drastic step. Splash was based on the stories of Song of the South, yes, but the ride basically removes any racist connotation featured in that movie. I mean people could find offense in just about every classic Disney attraction you can think of.

Haunted Mansion? That's making death seem fun. I'm offended, remove the attraction!
It's a Small World? Those scenes are just showing stereotypes of various countries around the world. I'm offended, remove the attraction!
Carousel of Progress? That shows the wife only doing household chores. I'm offended, remove the attraction!
Hall of Presidents? Some of those presidents once owned slaves. I'm offended, remove the attraction!

See what I mean? There's certain attractions that are classics for a reason, and are still beloved to this day by the vast majority of people, and it worries me that Disney lately has been so quick to respond to a very loud but tiny minority of people that find offense in everything.
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