Captain Chaos
Well-Known Member
Maybe... Honestly, I can tell you I like how Claire Bilby is approaching her new position... I wish the other members of TDO would do the same... But you did the smart thing... I went on two DVC tours and spent hours upon hours crunching numbers to see if it was right for me... It was, so I jumped in... No, I do not regret it even though there has been a decline... I don't regret it cause I really love the WDW resorts and the rooms we get with the DVC... Sure, I could stay offsite for 60 bucks a night, but you get a hotel room I can get here in NJ... LOL... And as far as WDW's decline, well, WDW isn't the only thing in Orlando to do.. I know that is hard for some WDW fans to hear and accept... But it is true... So, to me, my investment was worth it...We were so close to going in on DVC and I can see where it is an easy thing to throw your hat in the ring on especially while they have you in their grasp. I am glad we took the time to come home and get introspective about it to realize we had genuine concerns about the "ROI" of our vacation dollar.
Maybe someday the management team will wise up....or not.
You'll buy into it when you feel you are good and ready or when it truly appeals to you...