Spirited Spring Break News, Observations & Thoughts ...


Premium Member
I know I met these lovely young women omw to Vegas last year that became my fb friends and I finally figured out one of them was probably in the high end companion biz, but wth..I kept them as fb friends .

Discretion is important... however in these cases the ladies proudly advertise their speciality right on their twitter profile. And it's not just as casual 1, 2, or even 10 instances... no such excuses for mr. disturbed :)


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I just want to thank the Lifestylers for giving me some Easter evening entertainment. Honestly, the Twitverse is just so damn amusing. Who knew that Tom Amity Corless didn't like Mrs. Ricky's hubby? Not moi.

And Jason Surrell, just going to sit back and act all new Daddy like and pretend that he didn't misbehave yet again in a way that should have him being called into HR.

I don't really know what I am going to do for fun when I start tuning this out and start a six-week Faux Top One Percent Spirited Spring Holiday. How could anything I have planned possibly be as fun as this?

Oh, and why exactly did Mrs. Ricky's mealticket have to give his driver's license to the folks at City Hall today? Anyone got an answer as to why Disney would need that type of extremely personal information because someone's FP+ for a meet-greet-and-grope was lost due to an IT failure?



Well-Known Member
Discretion is important... however in these cases the ladies proudly advertise their speciality right on their twitter profile. And it's not just as casual 1, 2, or even 10 instances... no such excuses for mr. disturbed :)

I am all for discreet. She was so discreet I didn't pick up on until I started seeing her at all these events in Miami and Vancouver and Dallas on my FB thread...:oops:


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Unrelated (but kind of related) news - RCCL is shifting their newest vessel Quantum of the Seas to Shanghai in 2015 (much to New Jerseys chagrin apparently - one can imagine all the ignorant comments on Facebook).

Moral of the story is an early winter 2016 vacation will now yield low crowds and cheap prices on both Disney and RCCL's newest products. Should make for a nice vacation opportunity. :D

I also wonder if Disney will shift one of their ships there (or earmark one to be built for the market). Seems like a no-brainer.

I am so glad you posted this, Brian. I meant to link to the USA Today story last week. ... This is actually a very big deal, although I strongly suspect RCCL is getting something ($$$) in return.

It is interesting because it is a very large new ship in a market just starting to figure out cruising.

There has been plenty of DCL chatter about Asian cruises coming in the not too distant future. Of course, there has also been chatter about moving one of the new ships to Europe to help kick start a huge 25th anniversary for DLP in 2017 (I would bank on this, btw.) And, originally, Disney had thoughts of taking the Dream out west next year to coincide with DL's 60th, but with the Canal expansion falling behind that talk sorta petered out.


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I'd be willing to bet that this was the real issue, not his personal desire the meet Anna and Elsa.

This is someone VERY into foamheads. Someone who has talked about taking trips to Anaheim just to see Roger Rabbit and Darkwing Duck (is that the right guy? quick someone who was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s ...) I am sure his visit fit multiple personal agendas.


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Only in America do you have a vacation destination where you want have To work and plan In an attempt to enjoy yourself…

The entertainment company with their vacation destination has put the onus on the guest and no longer is providing a place for families to relax and be entertained.

Instead you do all the work yourself.

Not exactly what I would describe as a "vacation"

Great post, Dave.

And ultimately when you peel the layers back on all the NGE/MM+ criticism this is the one that most anyone (except BRAND advocates and the OCD spreadsheet vacationeers that need to see shrinks) should be able to agree on.

WDW is becoming much more like work and more work than it is worth. MM+ doesn't simplify a damn thing, it makes things much more complex.


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I don't know if a lot of the resorts in the area could command the rates that they do if not for the convention/meeting crowd. Most of the flagship resorts in Orl/LBV have extensive meeting space to host small conventions or company retreats. I bothered to to a little looking and the FS offers 37k sq ft of meeting space. BC/WA have around 180k and Hyatt Regency has around 300k. I'm intrigued to know what the occupancy rates will look like once the new hotel smell wears off.

I don't know how Four Seasons will do. I had doubts when Ritz and Waldorf entered the O-Town market and they do just fine.

I have to believe Four Seasons will attract a different guest than the typical rube staying at the Poly or Beach Club and paying crazy prices to do so. The typical WDW deluxe resort guest wouldn't feel comfortable setting foot in a Four Seasons.


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One point of order: the only theme park operator in Orlando that was crying a river over its Feb/Mar performance was Sea World. WDW and UO both had very, very good 1st quarters.

This non-traditional Spring Break period was foreseeable to anyone who has been in the business for more than a few college semesters. Why the parks decided to load up their schedules with peak hours this week is beyond me.


I recall a similar scenario playing out in 2011 (when Easter was even later) ... spring break is over, and it has been over for weeks (I saw that at WDW and UNI a few weeks ago).

This is actually a year when they should have cut back some hours to save money. I wonder what the 'crowd' will look like at EPCOT on Tuesday or DAK on Wednesday!


Well-Known Member
Probably not what people expect, but apparently the act of planning a vacation makes most people happier (and for longer) than a vacation itself. Disney is just looking out for ya. :p


I've only skimmed the article so far, but where does it say the act of planning contributes to pre-trip happiness? They appear to attribute this affect to anticipation of the upcoming vacation; That's not the same thing. More telling, perhaps, from the abstract was that "Only a very relaxed holiday trip boosts vacationers’ happiness further after return".

Which directly flies in the face of the direction a Disney vacation is going with MM+.
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Well-Known Member
I just want to thank the Lifestylers for giving me some Easter evening entertainment. Honestly, the Twitverse is just so damn amusing. Who knew that Tom Amity Corless didn't like Mrs. Ricky's hubby? Not moi.

And Jason Surrell, just going to sit back and act all new Daddy like and pretend that he didn't misbehave yet again in a way that should have him being called into HR.

I don't really know what I am going to do for fun when I start tuning this out and start a six-week Faux Top One Percent Spirited Spring Holiday. How could anything I have planned possibly be as fun as this?

Oh, and why exactly did Mrs. Ricky's mealticket have to give his driver's license to the folks at City Hall today? Anyone got an answer as to why Disney would need that type of extremely personal information because someone's FP+ for a meet-greet-and-grope was lost due to an IT failure?


CSF (Customer Service File) Whenever anything is given out or some sort of guest service recovery is/was administered it is recorded in an online database. A drivers license/passport is required in order for any "recovery" is given out.

NOW...this is what is supposed to happen but does not always work that way.


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Wow... I was slammed all day Good Friday because of course I had someplace to go for the weekend and the last time I looked this was at 90000 views and I was on page 56...I got some catching up to I can see..Hoppy Easter.

Social Media at its finest, yet I haven't gotten my invite from WDWGems.com yet ... you know Dr. Blondie wants to talk at me.


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So , he is a troll he is not for real and I have had like 3 years of blonde moments when I would read his posts?o_O

Um ... to be blunt: Hell, yeah.

I don't want to sound insulting, but I don't know how anyone could take him seriously. He recently made up all sorts of stories about going to Tokyo (naturally, he likes WDW much better) ... and managed to stay at Cabana Bay (amazing how much time off a street cop gets!) and he didn't like it etc. He also had a sock puppet account that he was using to create issues in multiple areas.

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