Here's a question I'd be interested in finding out the answer to, and was not getting much success googling.
So far, the Muppets were used in multiple commercials from other companies this year. Toyota, Lipton, Go-Gurt, and Subway to name a few I've found on a Wiki list.
These commericals were for another company, advertising their product. They also got to get a little tag-line in of "Go and see Muppets Most Wanted" on the end of these.
My quesiton.
Does Disney PAY for this, or does Disney GET PAID for these? By allowing the Muppets to be used in the commercials of another company, is Disney earning money off this property that are related to the movie, yet not directly tied to the movie? Is it a swap (ie, we'll let you use Kermit for free, as long as you put a movie tag in the end)?
I'm kind of curious here, because the Muppets were everywhere leading up to this film, but how much of it was actual marketing spend from Disney, and how much was absorbed via other methods?