First, I don't see your point. Oh I don't ignore. I love keeping up with you and timmy. You guys make me laugh...A LOT! Everyone does not feel like going to research your posts that you keep talking about. If you are not motivated enough to show your point instead of telling people to go "look it up" then why post? By the is the job coming along at Buy n Large?
I'm quite certain you don't see the point, funmeister. Too much spirit in your eyes, perhaps.
I'm not going to go back for my replies because you are too lazy to do so. I don't care to repeat myself. You asked, you can look it up. But you are right on one account, my motivation to carry on with you is very low.
I wish I could say I find you funny too, funmeister. But truth is, I always breeze past your posts because I've never read anything of substance. If I would not have been notified via alert of your reply to my post, I wouldn't have read it either.
As for the job, I sign my own check...front and back. But I'm almost certain you're familiar with my body of work, especially if you happen to be a Verizon customer.
You can have the last word. There are some nice storms rolling into Orlando, and I'm going to sit on the porch and watch them come across the lake. Red or White?....decisions decisions.