Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts Tres

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Original Poster
Wow, the Spirit is a constitutionalist? I never woulda thunk it.

The Spirit is a patriot who believes in the basics that formed this nation. He also happens to firmly believe that the Bush and Obama adminstrations have broken the document that is sacrosanct in governing this nation.

They also have done so much to create hate toward this country that makes us less safe and more vulnerable than ever, all while having us live in an Orwellian police state.

Guess what? Remember all that post/9/11 talk about how the evildoers will never change our way of life, our freedoms, they'd never win?

They did.


Well-Known Member
Why do I get the feeling that if the Watergate scandal happened today, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward would be branded domestic terrorists, Be on the run from Federal agencies and Fox News would be calling for them to be water-boarded.

Ummmm... what about the Army's inhumane treatment of Private Bradley Manning; leaker of the State Dept. diplomatic cables?


Well-Known Member
I doubt that the tiny number of guests from outside Japan are behind the OLC's decision here ...but I am very intrigued by what they are going to be doing.

Not as tiny as it used to be. Chinese visitors are to TDR as Brazilians were to WDW 10 years ago. And growing.


Well-Known Member
I was looking forward to Pac Rim and it has some good action scenes but was very poorly acted in parts. Not sure why sunny in Philly guy and hell boy guy had to yell at each other in a normal conversation. Was it loud on the set?


Well-Known Member
It appears she is from some tiny town in the northern most reaches of Minnesota. Not exactly a place that lends itself to worldly people or opinions.

That's your opinion, me thinks Bob Dylan might disagree....or maybe agree. Just don't use Southern Minnesotans, I might take offense. ;)


OV 104
Premium Member
@WDW1974 I am down to be at the opening with you. I know of a great hotel that will be nearby.

I am making a made dash to BGW in the next two weeks...

Too late. Devastating cuts have already taken hold... BIGTIME. Just got word a few hours ago that another round is coming down as well. The infighting is hitting on high too. Getting close....


Well-Known Member
Too late. Devastating cuts have already taken hold... BIGTIME. Just got word a few hours ago that another round is coming down as well. The infighting is hitting on high too. Getting close....

So much for Pirates 4D. Now the only place to see it is Phantasialand in Germany.

Fun fact: Their Hollywood adventure boat ride has the only physical King Kong figure operating in a theme park attraction. And it was a ripoff.

Sea World Orlando just resorted to staggered attraction openings and closings in the middle of peak summer season too. Because that's ALWAYS a sign a of healthy theme park operation. That Antarctica ride is killing them. Literally doesn't matter how many people they attract. It will never pay for itself.


Well-Known Member
I was simply comparing the cost vs. other top oil producers. Look at what gas costs in Venezuela or most nations in the Middle East.

When I about gas prices, I have friends in the UK who give me the comparison. Of course, in most of Europe you don't need a car to live and live a high quality life. I have friends over there who use their cars a few times a month. Try that in the USA where you'll pry these keys out of my cold, dead hands.

Fair enough - but Canada is the 6th top oil producer, our population is 1/10th the size of yours (so by comparison a lot more oil than we need), we have to drive just as much, most of our oil gets shipped to you guys AND we pay probably 20-30% more and have for decades. Plus we actually make a ton of your vehicles but we pay more for them...

That said, the oil Alberta (and the US) are producing is quite expensive due to the way it is extracted from shale. Hence the price differential from the Middle East.

So no more complaining! ;)


Well-Known Member
Spirited Weekend Musings II:
OK, so like @Lee and I intend to be at the opening of Shanghai DL in 2015 or 2016 or whenever those Commies, God bless them, decide to open the place. I say we have a MAGICal meet because none of those Lifestyler losers will be there? Who's in? C'mon at @WDWFigment, you know you want to! Maybe @The Mom can handle the sign up sheet.

Promising, so I assume that means it will be a heck of a lot better than HKDL was on opening to drag you out there? I was IN Hong Kong before all the expansions rolled out two or so years ago and didn't think it was worth my time.

Tron coaster, Pirates boat ride, the Castle boat ride and whatever that Dino raft ride is (if nothing else gets built) is probably enough to get me out there. Although I certainly hope for more.

I plan to head there May 2016 (assuming it is finished by then), so we will see if the stars align.


Well-Known Member
That's not how the math works in the movies.

Disney spent close to $500 million on the film, including marketing. Paramount Pictures gets nine percent of the gross. Distribution costs as well. Disney also had a revenue sharing deal with a Chinese company that allowed the film to get major play over there.

As of about July 1st, Disney's profits on the film were about $125 million.

Now, do you get why this big budget/tentpole strategy is a disaster?

:Simply Venting Here: I get so irritated that now that box office numbers are thrown around like Vegas gambling that everyone thinks that they are some expert and understands how the business works. Ugh. SMH. Some of us actually know how the industry works, but to hell with us because everyone is an expert.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough - but Canada is the 6th top oil producer, our population is 1/10th the size of yours (so by comparison a lot more oil than we need), we have to drive just as much, most of our oil gets shipped to you guys AND we pay probably 20-30% more and have for decades. Plus we actually make a ton of your vehicles but we pay more for them...

That said, the oil Alberta (and the US) are producing is quite expensive due to the way it is extracted from shale. Hence the price differential from the Middle East.

So no more complaining! ;)
You live there, so I'm not in a position to argue your point, but back when I did travel in Canada a lot, granted a while ago, it seems to me that the majority of that higher price were due to the Imperial Gallon being larger then the American gallon. Five quarts instead of four. When divided by quarts (or as close as we can due to liters vs. quarts) it seems that it came pretty close. Has that changed?

Wasn't part of the reason that you "paid" more for cars and most other things was due to the fact that for the longest time the US Dollar was worth more then the Canadian Dollar. So something that costs $100.00 in the states cost $110.00 in Canada. That and the rest of the higher prices could also have been attributed to a higher rate of inflation. What I am unaware of is what is happening now. I think that the money is at par, which should bring the amounts paid more in line, but a lot of it is the result of the profit margin vs. tax rate charged by the governments which also adds to the cost. From my recollection Canada has never been shy about imposing tax upon tax upon tax.
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