Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Suggestion to all who see major issues with any of this Mickey Mouse minus project. If you only point out issues here in this forum you are mainly preaching to the choir. Please write or call WDW to complain as well. If you are able to visit during the test period even if you do not participate please let WDW know of your concern in writing or a personal visit to GR at the park or resort. Spend a bit of time at one of the so called service centers for this program now open in the parks and voice your opinion. Let Disney know it is not just 2% or even 20% of us who have issues as Disney seems to like to proclaim in the news. I do not believe any of those numbers based on this forum or from my friends who have been through parts of the nightmare MM minus. You should know Disney or any company can construct a survey that can only come out positive with clever wording or bribes.

I am one of the group that won't abandon a life long enjoyment with Disney but I see a change coming. Being local to WDW I have a pass and visit often. I very often go to a park and have the inflated price meals over a local restaurant to enjoy a walk in the park. I make an annual visit to Universal. My family is in discussions more often these days about when it is time to get new passes it may be for Universal and then WDW becomes the annual visit. Just to much control, effort, and problems to deal with in the future 1984 WDW. Vacations and fun should not require as much planning and effort I see coming at WDW.


Well-Known Member
How about an ownership change?
It's not like there's an actual Disney still left in any significant management position, is there?
If you throw the warm and fuzzy feelings out the window, a buyout/takeover doesn't seem that bad.

No. I wouldn't never want to see that happen.

I want to change their attitudes towards the theme parks and show them that the way you profit from them in the long-term is through reinvestment And quality.

An absolute ton of money can be made and can continue to grow Exponentially if you just give people the quality product to begin with.

The theme parks are not a business that works well on the quarterly model. Because of the nature of what they are and the nature of tourism a Systane and profit through long-term investing and long-term goals.

What we need is management gets that.

(Any major typos or grammatical or star thanks to Siri and voice text. I'm not proofreading this on I-95.)


Well-Known Member
Throw in a craps table and I'm in:)
Not sure about a table but they did open those new Tangled john's in the MK. Is a table more of a foreign thing? Not sure it would work in the Colonies. . . Unless is is kinda like PLINKO from the Price is Right? Take a dump, win a prize?


Well-Known Member
Jay Rasulo has wanted a boutique park the moment he was made an executive.

Let's name the boutique concepts (that we know of.)

D-MGM Stdios - originally planned as an attraction at Epcot. Later changed as a three to four hour attraction tour for resort guests called the "Studio Tour."

Disney's Boardwalk - Atlantic city amusement park later to be repurposed as a DVC resort.

Cape Canaveral "Discovery Cove"-type clone. Do not know much except it was to cater to DCL.

Night Kingdom - repurposed as Africa Jungle Trek at DAK.

Any others?
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Premium Member
I'm not sure about the concept of someone else being a partner with Disney on this project. TWDC is still a publicly traded company so if there was another backer of the project who had a financial stake in the project they would have to disclose that on public filings.

It's very possible that the vendors they are working with plan on using this project as a marketing tool to sell others on similar projects. Whether or not Disney would benefit economically from that is unknown, but I can't imagine payments received would put a dent in the total price tag.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Let's name the boutique concepts (that we know of.)

D-MGM Stdios - originally planned as an attraction at Epcot. Later changed as a three to four out attraction tour for resort guests called the "Studio Tour."

Disney's Boardwalk - Atlantic city amuse by park letter to be repurposed as a DVC resort.

Cape Canaveral "Discovery Cove"-type clone. Do not know much except it was to cater to DCL.

Night Kingdom - repurposed as Africa Jungle Trek at DAK.

Any others?

Considering I didn't know any of the above... Wow.

Thank you for that.


Well-Known Member
Let's name the boutique concepts (that we know of.)

D-MGM Stdios - originally planned as an attraction at Epcot. Later changed as a three to four hour attraction tour for resort guests called the "Studio Tour."

Disney's Boardwalk - Atlantic city amusement park later to be repurposed as a DVC resort.

Cape Canaveral "Discovery Cove"-type clone. Do not know much except it was to cater to DCL.

Night Kingdom - repurposed as Africa Jungle Trek at DAK.

Any others?

Is Beastly Kingdom considered a evolution of Night Kingdom or was it always just intended (conceptually at least) as a "land" for DAK?

What about the "Disney Villains Park"? Or was that just the fever dreams of the fanboy community?

IMHO a ABD style "behind the scenes" tour or exhibition at Canaveral would be pretty awesome...at least it could have been 10-15 years ago, maybe not so much today.


Well-Known Member
Let's name the boutique concepts (that we know of.)

D-MGM Stdios - originally planned as an attraction at Epcot. Later changed as a three to four hour attraction tour for resort guests called the "Studio Tour."

Disney's Boardwalk - Atlantic city amusement park later to be repurposed as a DVC resort.

Cape Canaveral "Discovery Cove"-type clone. Do not know much except it was to cater to DCL.

Night Kingdom - repurposed as Africa Jungle Trek at DAK.

Any others?

Internationally, there was a concept called "Disney's Enchanted Forest" which looked pretty interesting with its Tree Castle (you can find artwork for it on John 's website).

And the Singapore indoor entertainment mall featured in 2006(?) Annual Report.


Well-Known Member
So, please don't say you're surprised by Jason Garcia's PR for WDW. He is a weak pathetic excuse for a beat reporter, but this is 2013, that is the Sentinel and he's probably thrilled that he can bring home $47k plus benefits, while so many in the field are unemployed.

Oh, and the idea that he doesn't troll this forum (and others) is laughable ...as was his 'piece'.

But rest assured TDO and CP are quite pleased with it ...and, really, that's what matters. Just a sorry excuse for a reporter.

wow jealous much?


Well-Known Member
Is Beastly Kingdom considered a evolution of Night Kingdom or was it always just intended (conceptually at least) as a "land" for DAK?

What about the "Disney Villains Park"? Or was that just the fever dreams of the fanboy community?

BK was a land of the park (like Dinoland) through most of its development, and was a strong contender for a future addition even as the park opened. Night Kingdom had no connection to it (that I'm aware of).

Regarding the Villains park, one would guess that if it ever got past the early blue sky discussion/sketch phase some kind of media would have slipped out in these past 20 years... I've never seen anything for it.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of sounds coming from the hallways and offices and cubicles of TDO, chuckling wouldn't be one.

People need to look beyond the simple attendance figures (which are not accurate anyway, but PLEASE let's nor start that inane and never-ending debate). One business is growing by leaps and bounds, the other is treading water at best and hoping for giant leaps in revenue due to a flawed system they can't get up and running.

Golden goose? How about burnt goose?

Boy do I ever agree... Disney should just put a going out of business sign at all the parks and liquidate items now before it's too late and Uni and Harry rule the world! We'll celebrate by drinking a butterbeer lol

Keys Please

New Member
As for the companies that cater to the masses--if guests are truly limited to one "E-ticket" FP per day, their touring plans might become even more important. Ditto if FP drives up lines at C and D-tickets.

Right, but I guess what I was saying is that this type of product is based upon the current FP system. Any touring plan that claims to eliminate lines longer than X has to rely on current FP system. If people can't get E ticket FP's, or only 1, or unknown, it kind of renders their product obsolete. At best they are going to need a several-month cooling off period to figure out how they need to re-write all their material.

For example, right now it is very easy to create touring plan for which you can hit all the E tickets in Magic Kingdom over the course of a day, and easily make a claim that you will not have a wait of more than 15 minutes. But if you take away the readily-available FP option, there is no way anyone could continue to make that claim.


Well-Known Member
Right, but I guess what I was saying is that this type of product is based upon the current FP system. Any touring plan that claims to eliminate lines longer than X has to rely on current FP system. If people can't get E ticket FP's, or only 1, or unknown, it kind of renders their product obsolete. At best they are going to need a several-month cooling off period to figure out how they need to re-write all their material.

For example, right now it is very easy to create touring plan for which you can hit all the E tickets in Magic Kingdom over the course of a day, and easily make a claim that you will not have a wait of more than 15 minutes. But if you take away the readily-available FP option, there is no way anyone could continue to make that claim.

Not to mention that with FP+ it should be very easy for WDW management to "dynamically adjust" the amount of FPs available per day/per hour/per whatever thus making the ACTUAL hourly capacity of any attraction very difficult to determine.
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