Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Difference being, with FP+ there is a likelihood of all the FP being gone before the park even opens. As someone who has no desire or interest in booking ride times weeks in advance, I don't like it. For me, that makes it a fail.
I predict that the dad who wants to take his three year old on Dumbo, but is faced with either a 90min standby line or using a FP at 11pm (because all the others were booked a month out) will see it as a failure, too.

if that dad didn't wait until 11am to get to the parks... they could ride dumbo without much of a wait :)


Well-Known Member
How about an ownership change?
It's not like there's an actual Disney still left in any significant management position, is there?
If you throw the warm and fuzzy feelings out the window, a buyout/takeover doesn't seem that bad.

Careful what you wish for after all TWDC is pretty much the biggest fish in Entertainment these days. That would mean you'd be looking at some nightmare acquisition from outside of the industry.

Of course if Comcast keeps making such great moves with UNI then maybe AT&T or Verizon might think they need a theme park too.....and a chill went down my spine.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
No, I think we're rooting for management change

I really want to say something like "yeah! someone who will manage it all!" but the better (worse?) half of me is saying "caution, be careful of what you wish for". I think we can just about all agree that management needs a solid overhaul. But to what degree of change are we willing to accept? And who would be "the perfect fit" for the top management?

In regards to what someone posted earlier, the more I read about MM+ the more I think there are other companies behind this ...initiative... besides Disney. Obviously someone in Disney thought this would be a great idea, and after too much money was dumped into it, it now has to go through- but there's something else behind it.

It all feels so sinister.... doesn't it?

I think I've become an honorary member of the Doom And Gloom club. All I need is a gold star sticker for my tinfoil hat. :(


Well-Known Member
His name may be mud in this thread, be interesting Tweets from Jason Garcia ...

Interesting tidbit that was cut from the MM+ story: When Disney began crunching numbers for NextGen, one concept it was weighed against....

..was a 5th theme park, tho a small one. Apparently, options floated included all thrill rides, park just for young kids and high-end park

For those asking, that detail got cut cuz discussion was yrs ago and never led to anything. Also, had to make room for Disney's 80% claim.

TDO's continuing quest to build their own Discovery Cove reminds me of the Underwear Gnomes. "We need a high-end park --> ??? --> Profit!" Without a solid concept, it's never going to work. Throwing lettuce at hippos is not a solid concept.


Well-Known Member
Difference being, with FP+ there is a likelihood of all the FP being gone before the park even opens. As someone who has no desire or interest in booking ride times weeks in advance, I don't like it. For me, that makes it a fail.
I predict that the dad who wants to take his three year old on Dumbo, but is faced with either a 90min standby line or using a FP at 11pm (because all the others were booked a month out) will see it as a failure, too.

Hey that's me! Throw in the fact that last November when she just turned 3 she had a super melt down when it was time to leave the indoor playground and go on the actual ride this scenario becomes worse. As the Dad, I'm basically F'd without on demand fast pass options. In fact, we successfully rode Dumbo 3 more times using Fastpasses.

That indoor playground is a good idea on paper but not with execution. If anything, they should just let people move on to the standby after they are done with the playground and forget about the buzzers. Because the kids do like the playground. I would argue the actual ride is probably a let down for most kids after being in the playground.

I wonder how much of this planned Fastpass Plus will be around a few months after it goes live. Someone at TDO must realize how hard it is for families with young children to plan what ride to go on weeks or months in advance. The entire keep them on property reasoning backfires if we stop going. We are renting DVC points in Feb (screw you rack rates) while the 2 year old is still free so we'll see how it goes if this is all live on that trip.


Well-Known Member
So one thing that may not have been discussed, if FP+ will turn out as described, is the death of the touring plan (and the cottage industry that was built around it) as we know it.

The high end tour companies have already taken a beating from the Today show scandal (not that any of them were involved, that I know of, but TDO still cracked down). That said, if guests that use them now can't be bothered to learn the basics of the park, I don't know why they'd be more inclined to buckle down and take the college-level course required to fully understand MM+. In other words, still willing to pay someone to tell them how to use the bands, just like they pay now to have ADRs taken care of.

As for the companies that cater to the masses--if guests are truly limited to one "E-ticket" FP per day, their touring plans might become even more important. Ditto if FP drives up lines at C and D-tickets.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how much of this planned Fastpass Plus will be around a few months after it goes live. Someone at TDO must realize how hard it is for families with young children to plan what ride to go on weeks or months in advance.

Perhaps the best outcome for us all would be for Disney to launch this MM+ debacle sooner rather than later - and then sit back and watch it fail miserably. I don't think it will be because people stop going or anything, but rather the inevitable hailstorm of complaints (can't you just see the line at guest relations...) and irate guests (hopefully) compel changes more favorable to the casual visitor.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the best outcome for us all would be for Disney to launch this MM+ debacle sooner rather than later - and then sit back and watch it fail miserably. I don't think it will be because people stop going or anything, but rather the inevitable hailstorm of complaints (can't you just see the line at guest relations...) and irate guests (hopefully) compel changes more favorable to the casual visitor.

You are right that people will complain before stop going. I don't typically complain about things but if it is live in Feb. and negatively impacts me and my children's experience, I will surely complain. I don't think the bands and rfid and tracking are going to disappear but the Fastpass scheduling could very well disappear after a few weeks/months of going live. Not to down play the tracking as it is a concern of mine as well.


Well-Known Member
His name may be mud in this thread, be interesting Tweets from Jason Garcia ...

Interesting tidbit that was cut from the MM+ story: When Disney began crunching numbers for NextGen, one concept it was weighed against....

..was a 5th theme park, tho a small one. Apparently, options floated included all thrill rides, park just for young kids and high-end park

For those asking, that detail got cut cuz discussion was yrs ago and never led to anything. Also, had to make room for Disney's 80% claim.

TDO's continuing quest to build their own Discovery Cove reminds me of the Underwear Gnomes. "We need a high-end park --> ??? --> Profit!" Without a solid concept, it's never going to work. Throwing lettuce at hippos is not a solid concept.

Jay Rasulo has wanted a boutique park the moment he was made an executive.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Jay Rasulo has wanted a boutique park the moment he was made an executive.

I just don't get the line of thought behind opening a boutique park when three of the current four parks are flailing their arms in the deep end and two of them have their heads underwater.

What would creating a boutique, fifth gate park do besides put the proverbial nail in the coffin for DHS/DAK- and arguments could be made for- Epcot?
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