....right...and that's why a lot of people are complaining now because of "change" when in reality, they are ahead of the game. 5-10 years from now we'll be wanting more from it
There's a good chance that 10 years from now, FP+ will be viewed as antiquated technology.
The history of technology is that all technology has a limited shelf life. CDs and VCRs are just some recent examples of technology that are past their prime, that have been superseded by superior technology.
FP is criticized today by some yet when it was created 14 years ago, FP was considered the new "it" theme park technology by corporate Disney. However, the public never embraced FP the way corporate Disney wanted. We all remember FP instructions printed on park maps as Disney tried to sell the public on the idea of FP but even today, it's only a limited number of super-users that take disproportionate advantage of FP.
The pay-to-play FP-type system in use at Six Flags and Universal is perhaps the best way to recuperate investment. That system is relatively easy to use, requires no preplanning, and provides obvious benefits to the customer along with immediate financial reward to the supplier. Even today, it amazes me how many purchase these systems
after arriving at the parks.
The current generation is obsessed with iPhone technology but as technology advances, that generation will face the same struggles that all previous generations faced when presented with "new" technology, whether it be the automobile or the VCR.
MyMagic+ represents a multi-billion dollar investment in a technology that will be superseded within a decade, two at the most. By the time MyMagic+ technology achieves sufficient penetration, a new technology will be there to replace it. It's difficult to imagine how Disney will ever recuperate its investment for it. Unlike a brick-and-motor attraction such as Haunted Mansion which is "ageless" and can drive revenue for decades to come, MyMagic+ will have a limited shelf life.