Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Cousin Huet

Well-Known Member
So if I may ask. According to your post you have been here for a while and you are tired of whining and whatever. You only have 18 posts. Why have you not contributed your views until now? What is your other screen name? Amazing how these types of posts pop up randomly when the person who started the thread is away. Hmmmmmm

Sorry bud, I usually just don't post on forums for this very reason. I know that my ability to get fed up with nonsense does not fit well. I was using this one as a news site essentially for Disney information, but just got sick of hearing it today. Should of just shut it down and left but I didn't. Whenever someone does not like something or voices an opinion others don't like then all of a sudden they are a "troll" or someone insults them personally or apparently I am now someone else you all must not like. All three happened fast here.......I'll leave you all to it though and go back to checking in for my news and sifting through the muck. I'm not into the hysterics of most of the people that came out of the woodwork to weigh in without making a single point other than attacking someone who rarely weighs in.


Well-Known Member
It is a myth that Universal is doing some kind of amazing things....they are not.

Ok, maybe they haven't done amazing things in you point of view, but your probably comparing that amazing thing to Disney. What has Disney done amazing in the last 5 years???

Universal: Transformers:The Ride 3D
Dispicable Me: Minion Mayhem
Spring field USA
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

The facade of the LM ride...


Well-Known Member
Please try......I'd like to hear someone defend Flight of the Hippogriff, defend the job done with the Dueling Dragons coaster as some kind of Potter theme that makes no sense. I literally found the exact same stuff on both sides of a gift shop (sometimes the same rack) that was the size of a room in my house "Oh, more Jellybeans!" It was initially a pretty cool thing to see the Hogsmeade Village but that faded quickly (that from a huge fan of the books and movies). Then we get to the School.........HUGE expectations on what could be done......scared to death a young lady in the vehicle and made 4 out of the 4 in our group queasy. Should have been more Haunted Mansion and less whatever it was......The picture on the screen was TERRIBLE quality (especially considering the criticism that Soarin takes when it is WAY older and it still looks better than that mess).

I do not get the praise heaped upon this place from so many........Simpsons is a food court that is really awkward (should have tore down and rebuilt. Transformers is a warehouse with a billboard (vinyl sign) on the sides.

Jurassic Park......one ride......it makes no sense.....there is water flowing through there with rafts??? Where are the jeeps? Not one other ride or attraction? The Ultrasaurus doesn't look a machine or anything with that crane neck! The best park was literally walking in the entrance.....the ride had potential as some of the AAs were really cool, but a boat? What?

I have similar issues with our guys at Disney but the praise all goes to Universal and I do not see it. Of course I can't even begin to fathom how someone looks at what all will happen on the SDMT and call it a "kiddie coaster" (see Hippogriff or Barnstormer). SDMT has a whole new ride feature with the swaying, show scenes inside a freaking mountain that in itself is an amazing visual addition to the park and CRAZY cool visuals of the whole place while on outside portions of the track. It is going to be awesome on many levels. Everyone will be able to enjoy it in my opinion. Mermaid is not impressive but it is a cool little dark ride for my daughter and she loves the show with Belle. This area is often bashed for the exact issues that are present in the WWOHP. Carsland out does both areas and Avatar looks to be even better with two very cool attractions and an area that will be an attraction itself with all the new features.

Lets here the defense though....Im curious.
Dueling Dragons used to be so much greater. I'm sure by you referring to it as Dueling Dragons, rather than Dragon Challenge, that you've experience the old, better Dueling Dragons.

Soarin's screens do not look better than Forbidden Journey's. Soarin's are so dust ridden and dirty that it pretty much ruins the entire show. And at least Forbidden Journey does not focus entirely on screens, as more of the ride takes place going through actual sets.

Your complaints about Jurassic Park needing more actual rides is valid, but it offers other experiences as well. Which aren't in the form of a ride. I love Camp Jurassic and the Discovery Center. Then, people will complain about how Universal is all about walking from one ride to the next and how there is nothing to do that isn't a ride. I don't get it. I also don't get the complaint about Jurassic Park River Adventure being a water ride. Okay?

Transformers actually doesn't look too bad, and looks pretty awesome from certain angles, like from across the lagoon or from the New York waterfront. The backside of it doesn't look too great though. I find RockIt to be much more visually intrusive.

I am also excited for SDMT. I don't think it will be the greatest attraction in the world, but I think it will be very pretty and a nice little unique ride experience. I look forward to it.

Plot twist: I love both Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World. Though, IOA still rules the "mostest"! ;)

Cousin Huet

Well-Known Member
Potterland=amazing things......says the number of clicks at the turnstyles....says the amount of money made off of merch.....says the amount of money being spent on expansion.....says what it has done for Uni even allowing them to even to be in this discussion to begin with. Not defending them....just throwing it out there.

Definitely a great business decision.....execution could have been better. Make Hogwarts more family friendly, rip out Hippogriff and do something else, do something else with the dueling dragons or get rid of it and replace it. It did not matter as the thing was going to be a smash either way so it was a financially better move to not change those things but it would have been a better area show and entertainment wise had they changed things up.

Like I said, its visually impressive except for those two rides.


Well-Known Member
Ok, maybe they haven't done amazing things in you point of view, but your probably comparing that amazing thing to Disney. What has Disney done amazing in the last 5 years???

Universal: Transformers:The Ride 3D
Dispicable Me: Minion Mayhem
Spring field USA
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

The facade of the LM ride...
Also a whole new parade and nighttime spectacular for Universal Studios Florida. And things like upgrading Spider-Man, general park maintenance, the current rapid construction of Diagon Alley, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bud, I usually just don't post on forums for this very reason. I know that my ability to get fed up with nonsense does not fit well. I was using this one as a news site essentially for Disney information, but just got sick of hearing it today. Should of just shut it down and left but I didn't. Whenever someone does not like something or voices an opinion others don't like then all of a sudden they are a "troll" or someone insults them personally or apparently I am now someone else you all must not like. All three happened fast here.......I'll leave you all to it though and go back to checking in for my news and sifting through the muck. I'm not into the hysterics of most of the people that came out of the woodwork to weigh in without making a single point other than attacking someone who rarely weighs in.
The skin is thin on this one.


Well-Known Member
Within modern manufacturing, value engineering tends to focus on reducing the cost of goods sold while maintaining or even increasing the consumer price of those goods. Value engineering is focused on increasing margins.

As applied to WDW, value engineering refers to Disney management's propensity in recent years to reduce the production cost of their goods by using less expensive and often lower quality material. Abandonment of custom printed napkins for generic brown napkins is an example of recent value engineering. Whether it's food or merchandise, it refers to WDW management's focus on reducing cost by eliminating variety and concentrating on high margin goods. The goal is not to reduce the cost to consumers; they are charged the same no matter how little the items cost to produce. Instead, it's to get WDW's "guests" to pay a premium for the Disney name without actually receiving a premium product.

Old school corporate Disney focused on providing excellent value to its customers. Case studies throughout the 1980s and 1990s often cited Disney as a company of excellence, intent on improving financial performance by providing a superior product, "the Disney difference".

Under Iger, the focus has shifted towards cashing in on the positive corporate image. Especially at WDW, the focus has been on value engineering the product. :greedy:

In recent years, most intellectual resources at WDW have been devoted to identifying ways to squeeze out a few more pennies from their "guests" while Universal has been thinking big and focusing on winning the dollars

Even the $2B invested in NextGen has been more about maximizing return on the existing infrastructure rather than product improvement. NextGen is mostly about repackaging. At the end of the day, NextGen does nothing to increase ride capacity. At the end of the day, it's still the same old WDW. :banghead:
"Golf Clap!!!!!"

Cousin Huet

Well-Known Member
Again.....most miss my point. It is not to trash the Universal Islands of Adventure. I've been plenty and like it but the complaints against Disney also reside in Universal and listening to people make a silly argument that they do not has gotten old as the forum is now full of this mentality like it is required for membership to some cult.

Have at it though......fire away with the insults, troll claims and all that. good night


Well-Known Member
Again.....most miss my point. It is not to trash the Universal Islands of Adventure. I've been plenty and like it but the complaints against Disney also reside in Universal and listening to people make a silly argument that they do not has gotten old as the forum is now full of this mentality like it is required for membership to some cult.

Have at it though......fire away with the insults, troll claims and all that. good night
What i do agree with is that no theme park is perfect. Universal's Islands of Adventure is as open to as much criticism as Magic Kingdom is. I don't know which bothers me more; the horrible dead zone between Marvel Super Hero Island and Toon Lagoon, or the concrete wasteland look of half of Fantasyland and many parts of Tomorrowland.

However, both are amazing theme parks! What I do think is a bit ignorant is when one trashes the other due to an extreme personal bias. I don't see how you can't recognize either park as offering only the highest level of a theme park experience.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bud, I usually just don't post on forums for this very reason. I know that my ability to get fed up with nonsense does not fit well. I was using this one as a news site essentially for Disney information, but just got sick of hearing it today. Should of just shut it down and left but I didn't. Whenever someone does not like something or voices an opinion others don't like then all of a sudden they are a "troll" or someone insults them personally or apparently I am now someone else you all must not like. All three happened fast here.......I'll leave you all to it though and go back to checking in for my news and sifting through the muck. I'm not into the hysterics of most of the people that came out of the woodwork to weigh in without making a single point other than attacking someone who rarely weighs in.

I understand what you are saying. I think the praise for Universal and criticism for Disney comes from the fact that Disney did it right for so long and expectations were established. Disney set the precedent. The reason Universal is getting praise is because in a lot of ways they ARE doing Disney better than Disney. Flight of the Hippo makes as much sense as Storybook Circus except form one angle. Saving money by re-purposing existing infrastructure/attractions. Im not going to compare DIsney to Universal tit for tat because we will be here all night. What I can say is that Universal DOES have big plans as DIsney does but the difference is Universal you will be able to touch, feel and experience these new offerings where Disney you csan open your hotel room door with no key, buy merchandise with no physical credit card and utilize FastPass (even though I have heard some CM's are not even following the proper protocol when the bands do not work right).

As far as you being attacked or called a troll? That is why you should put your emotions to the side, speak your peace and join the debate.

None of this on the board is worth losing sleep over or get angry about. Sure even I get annoyed by Timmy and his minions but it is for good reasons. Not everyone gets it.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Definitely a great business decision.....execution could have been better. Make Hogwarts more family friendly, rip out Hippogriff and do something else, do something else with the dueling dragons or get rid of it and replace it. It did not matter as the thing was going to be a smash either way so it was a financially better move to not change those things but it would have been a better area show and entertainment wise had they changed things up.

Like I said, its visually impressive except for those two rides.
Why would you rip out two fully functioning coasters? That's preposterous.
Yeah, since they cut the dueling aspect, Fire & Ice aren't nearly as exciting, but they still remain a decent ride.
This used to be my sons' favourite ride. One afternoon, my boys rode it more than a dozen times. Hubby bailed after two. I made it to six or seven.
Hippogriff, I have never experienced; under either name. Don't you need to be accompanied by a kid of a certain size to ride?
I too, was a little surprised when I figured out that WWOHP really only consisted of one new ride, and 2 (or 3, depending how you count) re-purposed rides. But from what I have seen (not been yet - next trip, for sure), they did an extraordinary job! Clearly, it has worked wonders for their park attendance and merchandise sales numbers.


Well-Known Member
No, Jurassic Park is problem because that is the ONLY ride

Why would you rip out two fully functioning coasters? That's preposterous.
Yeah, since they cut the dueling aspect, Fire & Ice aren't nearly as exciting, but they still remain a decent ride.

Having ridden it several times when it was still dueling, I don't think the dueling aspect was as important as everyone makes out. It was fun to watch off ride, but after the lift hill you only saw the other train for fleeting moments, and even then only from the front seat. Overall, the experience has barely changed.

Hippogriff, I have never experienced; under either name. Don't you need to be accompanied by a kid of a certain size to ride?

You do for the Pteranodon Flyers ride I posted above, but not Hippogriff. It's a perfectly acceptable junior coaster with a nice-looking queue and animatronic next to it. Same thing as Barnstormer, really, but better themed.

I too, was a little surprised when I figured out that WWOHP really only consisted of one new ride, and 2 (or 3, depending how you count) re-purposed rides. But from what I have seen (not been yet - next trip, for sure), they did an extraordinary job! Clearly, it has worked wonders for their park attendance and merchandise sales numbers.

Oh definitely, and the overall land is stronger than what was there before, which also was excellent.

I was hoping that Forbidden Journey was going to kick off a kind of E-ticket arms race, but sadly it seems to be a race with exactly one participant: Universal Creative.
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Well-Known Member
Cousin Huet:



Well-Known Member
Why would you rip out two fully functioning coasters? That's preposterous.
Yeah, since they cut the dueling aspect, Fire & Ice aren't nearly as exciting, but they still remain a decent ride.
This used to be my sons' favourite ride. One afternoon, my boys rode it more than a dozen times. Hubby bailed after two. I made it to six or seven.
Hippogriff, I have never experienced; under either name. Don't you need to be accompanied by a kid of a certain size to ride?
I too, was a little surprised when I figured out that WWOHP really only consisted of one new ride, and 2 (or 3, depending how you count) re-purposed rides. But from what I have seen (not been yet - next trip, for sure), they did an extraordinary job! Clearly, it has worked wonders for their park attendance and merchandise sales numbers.
The general public loves roller coasters! It would be a dumb idea to rip them out, especially Flying Unic--- errr, Flight of the Hippogriff. It's actually a very pretty coaster and works well with its surroundings. I also love the Hippogriff animatronic and Hagrid's Hut, and the wicker basket look of the trains. Very nice!

What they could do to the Dragons is repaint them and landscape 10x better in and around the track. And let them duel again! The ride is such a shell of its former self. I miss those giant dragon statues and the amazing queue... (the queue is still pretty nice, just not as amazing as before).


Make Hogwarts more family friendly...
You mean Forbidden Journey?!?!
No. Horrible idea. It's arguably one of the top three or four attractions in the US. Nearly perfect.

Also, with the new film upgrades, the "blurry image" argument is no longer valid.

Hippogriff? Better themed than Barnstormer.
Dragons? World class coasters, despite the somewhat weak theming. No need to change them.


Well-Known Member
Again.....most miss my point. It is not to trash the Universal Islands of Adventure. I've been plenty and like it but the complaints against Disney also reside in Universal and listening to people make a silly argument that they do not has gotten old as the forum is now full of this mentality like it is required for membership to some cult.

I think part of the problem is Disney is being held to its own standard it set, while Universal is judged somewhat against itself. WDW is a resort that is/has been stagnating, Universal is a resort with tangible plans and an aggressive roadmap. The current product has its issues, but when you consider the roadmap it is easy to stop being so critical because "they are going to fix that in 2-3 years".

Universal seems to be evolving, WDW is mostly idling or standing still. The gap is closing and people will trumpet progress while spitting venom at a breakdown of a product. Sure one is the bigger, "better" product, but Universal is on a better trajectory, and that is why most arguments are through rose-coloured glasses.

Objectively attraction for attraction Magic Kingdom is better than IOA, but it is a park that has largely been the same way for longer than IOA has even existed.

Despite this I would rank IOA higher than MK on my list, what you are arguing is that is not truly objective, and I admit it isn't. When a far superior product (Disneyland) is available, it takes away somewhat from the lower version.
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