Premium Member
Regarding general problems, recently a co worker took his and like 10 of his family members to the world and had a "problem" at the end of their trip. From what I understand they basically were not allowed to check in at the magical express desk on departure day with southwest due to down computers or something, so they complained and the whole complaint process from this family spilled over to when they got home, for a couple weeks even.
Apparently protocol was followed by disney management. THis whole problem wasnt even disneys fault cause if they did what they were supposed to do they should have checked into Southwest the day before. So protocol was followed he and his family were offered compensation of a 4 day pass each towards their next visit.
Here is where your statement below bugs me and why the repeat vacationers like me see partially why prices go up, I am now in a indirect way paying for you keeping guests happy. you guys arent giving these freebies for free, we all pay in the end. Its like retail security. Anyways the 4 day passes werent enough, His mother persisted to the point that complaining enough got her and her family a 7 day vacation complete with passes.
THis is the crap that bugs me, it was never disneys fault that southwest was not working and that when a guest
just keeps complaining until they are blue in their face you, the cast members, have bowed down to the practice of just not really standing firm on your compensations but always giving in.
This reminds me of the summer I worked at TGI Fridays as a waiter. They had this policy of giving out gift cards for either free apps or free entrees to anyone who complained. If you asked to speak to the manager to complain about slow service or cold food or a long wait you got a coupon for a free app at minimum. If you complained enough they would give you both a free app and a free entree for your next visit and if you still complained more they would comp your current meal. It got to the point where there were several "known" families who would eat there regularly (several times a month) who always complained and got free stuff. They knew the policy and exploited it. When I asked the manager why we didn't just turn them away at the door or refuse to give them anything he just told me it was corporate policy and that corporate felt that their bad word of mouth to others would cost more than a free meal or 2. That's great for corporate, but when they got their free meals they only left tips on what they paid for which was never much. Despicable human beings.
I applaud Disney for trying to have good customer service and since a Disney vacation is excessively expensive if things go wrong they should absolutely try to make people whole for any issues that are preventable and even some things that are not. Its unfortunate that some people feel the need to exploit that good will to their own benefit, but the system can't be set to account for those outliers or good customer service for everyone else would suffer.