Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Magenta, I think we all knew, including you, something like this would happen. It's fine that you continue to express your dislike for the Muppets in the parks, but sooner or later, it was going to turn into a joke, like it has, now. I still think this is all a funny joke, so these photos you've posted are unnecessary. I think we're all just having fun.

BTW, it takes a nerd to know another nerd. Believe it or not, but every member on this forum, including you and I, are geeks.
She has a point. If you are on the internet, on a forum site, dedicated to a subset of themeparks, checking up on it repeatedly and constantly going on about your disdain for the muppets so much so that your kinda infamous for it. You might be a "nerd"


Well-Known Member
Well, that was fun. :joyfull:

Oh, and as to the Muppets' profitability:

The unit's revenue for the quarter was $1.6 billion. That was roughly the same as a year earlier but shy of the $1.8 billion analysts had expected. Disney said DVD and Blu-ray sales of "John Carter" and "The Muppets" fell short of last year's sales of "Tron: Legacy" and "Tangled."

Oh wow, John Carter! Well at least the puppets are in good compan...oh, wait...:joyfull:

I'm not sure you wanna tangle with the muppets...

Magenta Panther kept scrolling while reading all the comments directed at him within the thread, surely they knew, they had to know. Those things that dared called themselves friendly, those..puppets were evil. Perhaps they needed to be reminded again about that one article about the DVD sales, that had to settle it. Surely one article could prove their malevolence. Yet they continued to ignore his constant warnings, he kept typing away furiously until he heard a voice come from behind him. "We told you there is nothing you can do" His heart skipped a beat he slowly turned away from his computer screen only to find a frog on his bed with a banjo in his lap. He began to strum a tune Magenta knew what was coming next "STOP IT YOU AREN'T REAL, YOU'RE NOT EVEN RELEVANT ANYMORE". But his words had no effect the frog began to sing the song, dear god he began to sing the song.

The one song that haunted his dreams every night the song about...rainbows. With great haste he turned back to his computer screen and began to try and tell everyone why these puppets were irrelevant. They had to be reminded again, and again these nerds who were raging on him had to know. As he began to type his computer faded to black, for a couple seconds silence, had the nightmare ended? Did his words reach through? All too soon the screen came to life again, only this time with a puppet in a lab coat who had no eyes yet he wore glasses anyways his complexion was the color green peas. Even with no eyes he knew the soulless demon was staring right at him "What are you doing beaker we have another experiment to do" he looked down only to find a lab coat where his shirt had been, and felt...were his skin used to be. "Oh god no" he tried to speak again but all he could say was "MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI" the experiments were coming up and he knew what happened with each one. He showed fear on his face and for some reason the sound of laughter filled the room as if some twisted audience or spectators were enjoying these antics. "MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI MI" but it was too late, his words couldn't help him those dreaded puppets had won. Spread this around to 5 people if you don't want the same thing happening to you at midnight.

Mahna Mahna.


Well-Known Member
Well, okay, fine, I deleted those naughty puppet pictures. Except this one:


I think Disney should totally sell this in the parks. With darts. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA!!!!

(keeping in character)

A Frog always pays his debts....


Well-Known Member
Nope. Look, of all of Disney's unnecessary acquisitions, the Muppets are easily the weakest. Which is one reason there's a very strong possibility the puppets are getting kicked out of their theater at DCA and probably at WDW. And if that happens, it's likely they're not moving to a bigger better attraction. They're probably going to be downgraded and their presence in the parks reduced. Because they're so "profitable". :p

Its called a stewardship. Sometimes you dont do things because theyre a "property" or for a "profit"... instead you do it because its the right thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Which is why we're getting another one in March.

Exactly, 1st film basically had to reintroduce The Muppets. Plus the cost for the first one was $45million made $88million at the Box Office - combine with DVD/Bluray sales and other merch from other Muppet films its more profitable than Tron/John Carter.

TWDC needs films which are cheaper to make ...


Well-Known Member
@Magenta Panther , for the record Planes' sequel had already been planned for awhile now.

You have to remember that Planes was suppose to come out on DVD over a year ago, but Disney changed their minds and decided to go full force and switch it to theaters instead. There already had been plans for the sequel to come out on DVD the following year back when the first was to be DVD release only.

And it wasn't an awful movie by any means. Yes, it is not a Pixar quality film, but was a good kid film that both my boys loved! I manage a movie theater and can tell you that Planes has been doing very well...


Well-Known Member
@Magenta Panther please tell me when you go to HS and there is no line for SW? I'd like to know, because anytime I've gone there has always been a 40 minute wait, including when I went in September which is supposed to be value season. It's my husbands favorite ride and I'm tired of having to always wait for him when he rides it. Please give me your tips of when there is no line ( I'm being serious, I'm not joking).


Well-Known Member
So youre all for sending 19 year olds off to die so Haliburton can make a profit?
Wow. Bit of a stretch there Dave. Been taking ballet? No, I am all for making sure when our soldiers go into harms way, it is NOT A FAIR fight. Meaning, I want to see them come home to their families. Contrary to what so many people here on this website think, there is a lot more evil in this world than WDW management.


Well-Known Member
I've been sick for a week with mono (who knew adults could get it...and that it's worse :(), so I've had an unusually large amount of time to read...this thread, of course, and Marty Sklar's new book.

Yeah, it just came out yesterday, but I just finished it on my iPad, and man does it make this thread more depressing. How the heck did we go from focusing on show quality and Guest experience to this junk?

In other news, I was pretty surprised at the massive digs at Pressler and Harris. Sklar openly ripped their tenure at DL and lamented the maintenance and show quality leading up to the 50th. He mentions that WDI had a massive list of maintenance and show problems throughout the DL parks that were ignored by leadership. I have to imagine a list (a much longer list) like that exists for WDW. So when will we get leadership that actually cares enough to do something about it?


Well-Known Member
Quite frankly, yes. I have 2 teenage daughters and live in an apartment complex with many CMs. I am curious as to how much of my daughters' personal info these CMs have access too.

Just this year, 3 Disney CMs have been arrested on child predator charges.
No disrespect intended, but it sounds like you have a negative connotation of CM's and living in the same complex as them in general. I think if that were the case I'd want to be out of that complex regardless of anything Disney was or was not doing.


Premium Member
No disrespect intended, but it sounds like you have a negative connotation of CM's and living in the same complex as them in general. I think if that were the case I'd want to be out of that complex regardless of anything Disney was or was not doing.

The guy has 2 teenage daughters. That has to be a tough gig in general. Now he knows that a large number of CMs, some who may live in his building or visit people there, have access to his daughter's info. The CMs don't have to be predators or even bad guys, they could just be your typical teenage guys who are focused on what we all were when we were that age, meeting girls. I think it's well within his rights to not want those guys to know his daughters plans.


Well-Known Member
No disrespect intended, but it sounds like you have a negative connotation of CM's and living in the same complex as them in general. I think if that were the case I'd want to be out of that complex regardless of anything Disney was or was not doing.
That's absurd. How did you come up with me having a problem with CMs.

But I do work in the News industry in Orlando and have covered 3 different Disney CMs getting arrested on child predator charges since Jan. AND I have 2 teenage daughters. And since we are local, I would prefer stuff like their home address not be available to 66,000 Cast Members.

Seriously, I might as well take out a roadside billboard, put their pictures on it and our address in big flashing letters.


Premium Member
How many front porches of parents with dead kids have you camped out on?

The business is prey on prey and it is sick. That's why I left the business.

Is this getting off topic?

This is true to an extent, but the public eats it up. If people turned off their TVs and didn't watch the media would cover things differently. Now if you are the only outlet not covering things this way you are going to lose viewers or sales or web hits. The business is prey on prey but I think that's a reflection of a society that is as well. Or maybe society got that way because of the media. It's a chicken or egg scenario.
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