Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Well-Known Member
But I dunno ... I'm also much more interested in seeing Man of Steel than Iron Man 3 ... and way more interested in seeing Star Trek: Into Darkness than Star Wars Episode VII. And, no, I don't know why I added that. I must just be crazy because of all the stuff I have to do before my vacation and felt like dropping that in.

I am pretty sure that I am not the only one but I was blown away by the new Man of Steel trailer. I haven't been this excited to see a movie in years. I know some people weren't to thrilled about the first 2 trailers but I like the way they have built up the excitement for this movie by just revealing a little bit here and there and then they just drop this amazing trailer. Everything about it is perfect, love the way it was cut, reveals a little bit more but not too much and if that is Zimmer's new Superman theme in the trailer he really nailed it. I already can't get it out of my head of course I have watched the trailer about 20 times. Way more excited for this than Iron Man 3 but for those of us born in the late 60's early 70's Superman is one of our touchstones from childhood. I remember going to the movie theater to see Superman The Move and loving it. So really hope they pull it off. I hope Iron Man 3 is great too(I expect it to be thanks to Shane Black) and the new Star Trek too. I am really excited about alot of movies this summer.


Well-Known Member
I think the social media bible may say not to bother posting anything during a busy world news day as your message gets lost.

But wouldn't that rule have applied to Monday as well? At least here in Germany I don't see much difference, but then I can't really judge what it is like in the US.

However, I think it is curious that there wasn't at least a blog post about Limited Time Magic which always is announced on Fridays. The updated the LTM website though...


Well-Known Member
But Iger has failed to invest in some of its most troubled assets, WDW and WDI come to mind. Every day Disney loses to UNI and SW will be hundreds of millions of dollars lost annually. MAGICAL wristbands WILL NOT fix the problem!!

I agree to some extent. But they may be necessary for anticipated growth long term.

As for WDI, I think we have to consider that the business model Universal is applying to developing new attractions is much more threatening to WDI's future than Iger or the stock holders.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
For Iger, it’s much better to build DL versions 5 & 6 in the Far East, cruise ships #5 & #6, DVC resorts #12 & #13, Iron Man #3, Star Wars #7 #8 & #9, etc. That’s Iger.

Iger is one of the most difficult kinds of CEOs to redirect because he makes the kind of short-term decisions Wall Street loves. But in 10-20 years, what does Disney offer? Cruise ships #11 & #12? Iron Man #6? At some point, the well runs dry and creativity is required. Vision is required. A visionary creates IP that can be built on for decades to come.
The Renaissance just wouldn't have been the same without the Dark Ages.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
A lot of the "darkness" of the Dark Ages was Renaissance propaganda, sort of like the myth that Iger has forged a renaissance from Eisner's dark ages.
I know, I know. The knowledge was never really lost... it turned out there were copies of the books in the libraries of the Middle East, being watched over by Arab and Jewish scholars. The first backup system, I call it.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Only if they are clones;)
Clone Wars is coming to DHS! *runs off to start blog and relay this news to the internetz and entrench myself in the Disney Lifestyler community*

I know, I know. The knowledge was never really lost... it turned out there were copies of the books in the libraries of the Middle East, being watched over by Arab and Jewish scholars. The first backup system, I call it.

Am I the only one who senses a silent dummy at the end of many of Judy Dench's lines? "The first backup system, I call it." (dummy)


Premium Member
Found this... I get this strange feeling that TDO marketing has never looked at demographics for it's own resort.

It's fascinating nonetheless.


This graph specifically is especially interesting



Well-Known Member
^As you may be aware, that chart reflects the Japan's wider demographic trend, with the fertility rate well below replacement levels, the population aging and no massive influx of immigrants that buoy numbers in other highly-advanced countries like the US and Western Europe. It will be interesting to see how TDR/OLC adapts and evolves as Japan's population drops from 130 million today to 80 million over the next 50 years.

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