And the topic is back again, I thought we moved on but OK we digress.
As I said, I really hate the classification of Mommy Blogger and especially in the context it was used when initially posted. It was in a demeaning manner. Many words and phrase start out innocent and turn ugly. I have read some interesting blogs by women, who happen to be Mothers and slam they are put down by being labeled a Mommy blogger. So no matter the origin I don't personally care for it.
Disney demonstrated some class by moving away from the condescending term Mommy Blogger and yet seeing it flipped back and rebranding the Panel here to Mommy Blogger wasn't done out of respect for the people on the Panel quite the contrary. I do not believe the Mom's Panel is part of the Mommy Bloggers affiliation you speak of, so why go there? To use Mommy Blogger in a post as a Dig and then complain about hating having to be politically correct is only demanding permission to be ignorant. That is the interesting part about words, it isn't how the word was originally intended to be used, it is when it is often misused to belittle a certain demographic, the word or phrase then looses its original intent and becomes unacceptable to be used publicly.