Spirited News & Observations II -- NGE/Baxter


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
For all the grandstanding about morals and such, have Lee and Dave and 74 weighed in on the morality of sources breaking their non-disclosures to share info?


Consider me shocked....


Active Member

I mean, it was an honest question.... if you're going to take a hard-line stance on honesty/dishonesty/half/three-quarter/97.24553% truths, surely it should apply everywhere?


Well-Known Member
You are wrong.

It is a BIG deal.

And you're missing the point. It's the others here who keep defending her who focus on a technicality.
And it doesn't matter much. It's the big picture stuff that does. Oh, they know it as well. But they're playing games.

I work in the media. TV Photojournalist(videographer, cameraman, whatever you want to call me) and if I lied on my résumé and it was found out by my work I would probably be fired. It Is no different than if I lied in a story. Your reputation is everything.


Well-Known Member
I work in the media. TV Photojournalist(videographer, cameraman, whatever you want to call me) and if I lied on my résumé and it was found out by my work I would probably be fired. It Is no different than if I lied in a story. Your reputation is everything.
And would characterizing an implication as a statement fall into this category?


Well-Known Member
I work in the media. TV Photojournalist(videographer, cameraman, whatever you want to call me) and if I lied on my résumé and it was found out by my work I would probably be fired. It Is no different than if I lied in a story. Your reputation is everything.

I agree. And if she said she stated she worked for the NYT paper instead of the NYTCo then we would be having an entirely different conversation.

I wonder if employees of newspaper companies get stock options (and yes, regular employees do). In JFB's case, would she get options to buy stock of the Lakeland Ledger, or the NYTCo? Does a frito-lay employee get stock in frito-lay or PepsiCo? Does a banana republic employee get stock in banana republic, or GAP? Does a Cunard Cruise line get stock in Cunard, or Carnival? (I can go on all night) See where I'm going?


Well-Known Member
I skipped a few pages I missed but if I could offer up my "three cents" ...

For the record, I think she should be fired, not so much for the lying but the conflict of interests (the lying is bad too, come on!) But that's MY OPINION. I find both issues terrible. BUT ...

Here's what we know ...

1. According to the dictionary definition she lied. No debate, right?
2. Whether it matters or not is up to each one of us (actually it's ultimately up to who hired her), according to our own ideals. No debate, right?

So why so many pages? Obviously the ones of us that find this onerous are not going to change the ones who don't care as much, and vice-versa, so ... can we get back to more Spirited discussion of something we can all agree on ... here are some options:

1. TDO sucks.
2. MyMagic sucks.
3. FP+ sucks.
4. Magic Bands suck.
5. Iger sucks.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I skipped a few pages I missed but if I could offer up my "three cents" ...

For the record, I think she should be fired, not so much for the lying but the conflict of interests (the lying is bad too, come on!) But that's MY OPINION. I find both issues terrible. BUT ...

Here's what we know ...

1. According to the dictionary definition she lied. No debate, right?
2. Whether it matters or not is up to each one of us (actually it's ultimately up to who hired her), according to our own ideals. No debate, right?

So why so many pages? Obviously the ones of us that find this onerous are not going to change the ones who don't care as much, and vice-versa, so ... can we get back to more Spirited discussion of something we can all agree on ... here are some options:

1. TDO sucks.
2. MyMagic sucks.
3. FP+ sucks.
4. Magic Bands suck.
5. Iger sucks.
These "fights" always makes me think of LESS FILLING/TASTES GREAT... Neither is right or wrong, all a matter of opinion... But, of course, these "fights" could also be avoided if certain people just got over their crush on 74 and moved on... But no, they can't... They flock to him like bees to honey... They need him... If he leaves, their online existence becomes meaningless... Now, if people were to finally get the boot for their constant thread derailing, well, maybe we'll have better threads...

BTW, Lou Mongello, I mean Sue_Vongello, love the screen name...

As for topics: I'd rather talk about the news 74 has to drop on us about Universal... We know TDO sucks... We know MyMagic sucks.. We know FP+ sucks, we know Mouse Arrest bands suck, and we know Iger sucks... Not much left to discuss there... :)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Before a hard-working woman is publicly strung up by the pitchforked mob, lets try to get some facts in the way.

Jennifer Fickley-Baker a liar? Not according to her very own employer! :)

The Ledger said:

Skip Perez, executive editor of The Ledger, says he's pleased to see Skop's work put to good use, as doing so is in line with the mission of the newspaper.
"We're a New York Times Co. newspaper and the first words of our corporate mission statement are 'to enhance society,'" he said. "There's no better way to enhance society than to help those people who are less fortunate than we are and who find themselves in dire need through no fault of their own, and The Ledger lives by that corporate mission statement.
So it emerges that ms. Fickley-Baker's very own employer self-identifies as a NYTC newspaper. That JFB in public, in her very own newspaper, self-identifies as writing for a NYTC paper. That this is not a lie, but the very company line of the NYTC, which it expects its employees to adhere too.

Morals, people, morals. Do not call somebody a liar, do not threaten a young family in its livelihood, based on hearsay and flimsy research.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
People in Burbank will be scratching their heads as they read this thread tomorrow morning.
Mwah. I don't think they even care. Except as a source of curious entertainment ("Look at those foamers go!")

Here's what I think people in Burbank read tomorrow: work related stuff. Not the drivel of self-important internet CEO's (yes, I include myself in there! Why don't they make me CEO already dammit!)

By next month, ms. Fickley-Baker will still have her job, her LinkedIn profile will still happily state 'local correspondent, NYTC', the NYTC won't give a hoot (after all, it's true), and TWDC will care even less.

Outside the alternative reality of the outcry in this thread, to the actual business communities involved there is no issue of misrepresentation of ms. Fickely-Baker's work past. There is no conflict of interest either. There is only a storm in a teacup over a non-existing non-issue.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I'm going to very respectfully ask that you don't, Steve.

They've made their points known. Now, let them just move on. You know who they are.

It wouldn't be allowed on Eddie Sotto's thread and we both haven't worked for WDI this century. It shouldn't be allowed here.

Eddie Sotto is not dragging the good name of this forum down the gutter by yelling obscenities to the posters in his thread.

If you are seriously concerned about not having this thread closed down over insults, if you are serious about morality, perhaps you can consider setting the example yourself by apologising for your many insults and outright obscenities. It is unbecoming.
Are you dense? That's all I can ask when I read something like this? Or do you just get a bulge

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
My background came primarily from community papers; they had no political bias other than trying to get people to advertise in the paper. Spot News - fires, shootings, death, etc., really dont have a political inclination one way or the other although we stopped covering car accidents unless it was "newsworthy." By that I mean "screwed up traffic for six hours" or was fatal or otherwise.

I don't never gifts more than a bottle of water unless it was something that everyone was getting. (Bowl Games give out a 'media gift' which explains why everyone clamors to be on the sidelines I suppose. People love free stuff). I never took free food, especially when I was covering the restaurant reviews. Always insisted I pay if I chose to eat there.

I owe it to the readers and the community as a whole to be honest with everything and as straight down the middle as I could be. When I quote people, i record it and make sure my subject knows they're being quoted. I dont pad my mileage. I never trespassed into Trayvon Marin's apt complex as I was asked not to. (Others did, I didn't. There wasn't a photo there a month after it happened). I dont photoshop things out of my photos and try to be as representative of the story with them as possible. (I ran across some sports photographers the other week who dont get that concept).

Its not a hard profession to be honest in when youre on the front lines; its the editors and the people who sit behind desks all day that clearly have a hard time with the concept. The Jason Blairs of the world who are looking for glory and awards are people who drive me nuts, mainly because if you work hard, the awards come without question. There are thousands of journalists who are ridiculously ethical (like Chris Branch of the Wilmington, Del., paper who is a very ethical sports journalist... just to show I'm not picking on the sports guys) and do their jobs day in, day out. The unethical ones get caught and theyre the ones whom get the attention.

I don't advertise my politically leanings, I don't discuss it with campaign staff nor my editors. I cover the candidate or politician equally whether I like the guy or not.

At the end of the day my readers and community trusted me to be an advocate for them and represent them at whatever story I was covering. I owe it to them to be truthful and straightforward with my conduct and how I report the story. Since I started working in a contract basis for national publications and wire services, I guess I owe it to everyone. My work has gone globally at times and I'm proud to do it.

One last thought: The pressure to be accurate and honest will always outweigh the pressures of being first.
As somebody with extensive experience in print media, all I can say is: well put.

However, as somebody with extensive experience in print media, I must ask: what has that got to do with anything? Ms. Fickley-Baker works neither in unbiased media, nor is she a reporter, nor do her readers mistake her for such. No, she works in pr. She writes company communication pieces.

What you are doing is akin to saying that a firefighter fails the standards of an accountant. When both professions have their very own code of conduct, applicable to their specific jobs. It is akin to trying to apply the same code of conduct to a police officer and a school teacher - you don't want some guy pulling a gun at your kid when he misbehaves, and you don't want a teacher engaging an armed bank robber caught in the act with understanding, mild talk.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
So I've been reading both side and understand where Dave and Spirit and the others are coming from ... but I have to ask shouldn't Disney's own side kind of checked out all her recent places of work - before giving her a job with Disney's Social Media division then? So....isn't this kind of all Disney's fault?
I assume Disney totally checked her out. And found her resume totally added up. Because there is nothing wrong with it. There is no conflict of interest either. On the contrary, one must assume that TWDC thought her ten year experience as a correspondent so useful they offered her a job writing pieces for their blog.

She worked for Disney for over a decade, and in this period she was also a free-lance local correspondent for the NYTC, and she did a Ph.D. in the University of Central Florida. All of it is known, all of it is publicly available information.

Her résumé does beg the question: why is there no moral outrage here over her 'UCF misrepresentation'? After all, the UCF is the parent entity, whereas ms. Fickley-Baker studied at the College of Arts and Humanities. That immoral liar, tsk tsk.

Did JFB perhaps list herself on LinkedIn as part of UCF because that network has...Meg Crofton as a prominent member, her being a UCF Board of Trustees member? The same Meg Crofton who is also president of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, and so...simultaneously responsible for both employing JFB as Social Media Manager and for granting JFB her a Ph.D at UCF!? The plot thickens!
(Well, no it doesn't. Not in the business world it doesn't)


Active Member
Outside the alternative reality of the outcry in this thread, to the actual business communities involved there is no issue of misrepresentation of ms. Fickely-Baker's work past. There is no conflict of interest either. There is only a storm in a teacup over a non-existing non-issue.
I can't agree with you that isn't a conflict of interest because it isn't our place to be judge and jury on that. I personally am not an expert on that field, but we don't know if they knew about it or what. If Disney doesn't care, it's a non-event and this whole discussion doesn't matter. I find it hard to believe that someone would get a manager job without someone asking what she was up to for years.

However, this Linkedin "detective" work that 74 took upon himself is the hallmark of a coward. I'm not sure if anyone actually checked out the page.... she has three connections. People who sign into that site for a week and never again have more than three connections. Nobody with any concept of how that site works would base that vicious of a charge based on a three-connection Linkedin page.

Having done a bit of hiring and more resume reading, I wouldn't bat an eye at the Linkedin page. I'd expect her paper resume to say New York Times Company, job title Local Coorespondent, Dates worked, and some bullet points with what she did, most likely mentioning the Lakeland Ledger. If there were no bullet points, the job title would prompt my first question to be where did you work.

I don't buy the self-moderation, you can read other threads argument for one second. Once a poster hiding behind a staunchly defended veil of anonymity fires off at another person with the intent to cause harm in real life, the whole idea of it being his thread goes out the window.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who has gotten lost on the last 25 pages seemed to have popped up within 2 or 3 days??? Like Sue said, I'd rather hear about Disney stuff that's interesting, not about some lady that I have no idea who she is who seems to have a faulty resume/job not qualified for??? This is really what this thread has turned into? LOL

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