Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Well-Known Member
That is 1.5 billion well spent... And why they will get my time and money and not Disney...

Now what if.... lets just say here, The mouse poured in that 1.5 Billion in attractions, rides, shows, expansion, etc., as well as MM+?

Just a thought. It was my impression that was going to be the original idea, when i heard about all this several years ago.

Genie of the Lamp

Well-Known Member
Not meaning to stir the pot here, but I heard a good rumor that Mr. Iger toured new fantasyland today.

Wonder what role Iger played in ETWB? Or he probably just sat in the corner and watched little kids get all excited about meeting and playing with princess Belle. And by playing I mean being part of the show.


Well-Known Member
Not a rumour.

A reality.

Was also at EPCOT. I believe at Tron Track, but haven't been able to confirm that yet.

He just finished a lovely dinner before bed ... ... I think it would be nice if he just showed up at say the food court and pool and started asking guests questions. But that's just how I'd run things ...

And take the bus after closing at EPCOT to get there.

I agree if his line is going to be "it's what the guests want" then he should talk to guests frankly and openly and see what they actually want.

I'd also think it'd be great to see him on Undercover Boss too.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There is at least one Accenture employee active in this thread, no?

I don't 'out' people. It isn't cool. I give them all the rope. I may suggest something, but if someone works for one of the companies involved or used to or advises them and opts to post here without dropping that detail, then it's on them.

I don't think anyone should do that (out them) to them either. ... If someone wants to maintain anonymity it should be respected. Period. And I believe that even if someone is using a strange alter ego they've created and crafted or if they've decided they're some kind of industry insider, it doesn't change a thing. People ... all people deserve a fundamental right to privacy, even here.

As someone very opposed to MyMagic+ and datamining, I'd be a hypocrite if I flip-flopped just because people are often not honest on forums like this.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, that isn't even funny.

Maybe I am an (just ask my many loved ones!), but I am not welcoming anyone who starts posting in this thread and starts with something provocative. I've been burned too many times. I will gladly apologize if I'm wrong down the line. But, no, I won't welcome them here.

If you want a night of entertainment, Cougartown is on TBS now ... and there's plenty of free or Jeff Lange videos (I don't know which makes me feel dirtier watching!) out there ... It would be nice to leave the entertainment to the experts.
Cougar town is far from entertainment. And free is awful (but eating dinner with Mongello is probably worse)


Premium Member
Well, I have admitted to not being tech savvy about 324 times here. So, you probably have a point. ... But I also think you are much too quick to jump to Disney's defense when you know the tech better than probably anyone here (or almost ... where's @Lil Fort ?)

I'm plenty critical of Disney and have little reason to defend them. That said, I also strive very hard to avoid playing 'jump to conclusions' - I'm not perfect, but I am very conscious of trying to avoid that. In my profession, credibility is everything. There are no points for jumping ahead and being right 'some times' - if you are wrong once, that's enough to hurt everything you do. I won't make a claim or put my name behind it unless I am VERY confident in it.. otherwise I will explicitly state my level of confidence in the info and refuse to back it blindly. Some execs hate that.. others love it because they can trust me blindly.

And let's also be blunt, technology like this morphs and has the ability to change into a much different product than the basics that Disney is allegedly starting with.

I agree - which is why I keep telling people to not get hung up on '3 FP+ reservations' or what the groupings they saw in testing are. I fully expect those things to all change, if not by launch, but as the system evolves over it's toddler years. But there are some things that are much harder to go back on.. and Iger's willingness to throw down a gauntlet along those privacy lines make those even harder to regress on later.

Speaking of the technology, Iger's use of the phrase 'is not GPS-based'' concerns me. Again, I don't know the specifics of the tech. I do know there is a difference between enabled and based. Disney must have had a good reason for using that particular wording, especially because we know the MagicBands have 2.4 GHz antennas in addition to the two RFIDs. Maybe you or someone else can help with the understanding of this.

I wouldn't read into it. The core concept is.. a GPS device looks at reference points and determines 'where it is'. The device itself figures out the location and knows what it is. The MagicBand device doesn't appear to be that advanced. The band doesn't need to know where it is (what is it going to do with the info??).

A phone uses that type of info to report back to an application to say 'Hey, the guy using your software is at lattitude XYZ, and longitude ABC'. The phone may also just be generically logging that info (which is what Apple got in trouble for) for long term stuff. But the phone (the GPS enabled device) actually knows where it is, and can use that, or report it to somewhere.

The bracelets would be much dumber.. they don't need to know where they are, but rather say 'hey I'm here!'. It is likely broadcasting some identifying code all the time. More of a 'Hey, I'm ID=24354 and I'm here!!' type of broadcast. The intelligence is not in the band, but in the receivers around the park. The receivers see the broadcast.. and say 'ok, I'm node Castle3, I just saw tag ID=24354 broadcasting in my area.. so log that'. Now the system knows where YOU (within a zone) based on your chatty bracelet. The bracelet doesn't know where it is, nor does it really care. The park network/system logs whenever a new reciever sees your chatty bracelet. Now it knows you've moved to a new zone. But more importantly, it can be used to say 'Hey, I'm node Castle3, and I see 2,500 different IDs broadcasting in my zone in the last 60 seconds'. Using that type of info, Disney can in effect monitor and track crowd levels and crowd movements in an automated fashion.

Or another example.. to show the brains is not in the bracelet but in the receiver would be picking up a guest at range. Imagine your chatty bracelet is going off as you ride through IASW. It's just chatting all the time. But as the ride designer, I design an antenna that only picks up the bands in a very specific area. When I 'hear' a chatty band going off, I know those IDs are in my target area. Then the attraction says 'Ok, I see 10 IDs coming into my show scene... filter that list for all IDs that have some personalization options enabled, then pick one of those IDs to customize the show.. ok, I picked ID=2344, now go lookup the personalization preferences for that person and show the custom show scene'. The ride system knows where the target area was.. and maybe has another antenna to know when you are in the sweet spot.. and then fires off the show element.

I've speculated the band may have logic to know when to turn itself on or off based on broadcasts in the WDW area. But that is based on my design theory, not anything specific released from Disney.


Well-Known Member
I don't 'out' people. It isn't cool. I give them all the rope. I may suggest something, but if someone works for one of the companies involved or used to or advises them and opts to post here without dropping that detail, then it's on them.

I don't think anyone should do that (out them) to them either. ... If someone wants to maintain anonymity it should be respected. Period. And I believe that even if someone is using a strange alter ego they've created and crafted or if they've decided they're some kind of industry insider, it doesn't change a thing. People ... all people deserve a fundamental right to privacy, even here.

As someone very opposed to MyMagic+ and datamining, I'd be a hypocrite if I flip-flopped just because people are often not honest on forums like this.

To clarify, I don't specifically know of anyone. There are just a few people here who seem very familiar with the technology. Just an assumption on my part, but I know what assumptions can do, too.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Uh, No, That was Me at Epcot & Tron Track. Shortly before it went down around 145.

I believe he was there prior to that ... like in the a.m. ... but I hope the ride was as 'reliable' for him as it is for the rest of us who pay his salary.

BTW, as a type this I caught my first glimpse of a commercial for WDW's 3-day $119 FL Res offer and I have to admit it is the nicest, classiest thing I've seen in years. No princesses ... they do show Fantasyland and Tron Track but also has a more sophisticated 90s vibe where they also show families in World Showcase and kids playing the drums at DAK. No wishes, dreams or MAGIC. ... I frankly am shocked it's so good.


Active Member
Well, I have admitted to not being tech savvy about 324 times here. So, you probably have a point. ... But I also think you are much too quick to jump to Disney's defense when you know the tech better than probably anyone here (or almost ... where's @Lil Fort ?)

I also trust implicitly the source who provided me (and who knows? maybe Markey too?) the internal information.

And let's also be blunt, technology like this morphs and has the ability to change into a much different product than the basics that Disney is allegedly starting with.

Speaking of the technology, Iger's use of the phrase 'is not GPS-based'' concerns me. Again, I don't know the specifics of the tech. I do know there is a difference between enabled and based. Disney must have had a good reason for using that particular wording, especially because we know the MagicBands have 2.4 GHz antennas in addition to the two RFIDs. Maybe you or someone else can help with the understanding of this.

I sort of like how they mentioned that the locating was not continuous. I assume if I mark your location every 30 seconds as opposed to your every move, then it is not continuous. I assume most people associated location tracking as a GPS function and the bands are not GPS based.

2.4 GHZ is one of the frequencies reserved for open use. This is the frequency older cordless phones use, so for an idea of range, just think of how far a cordless phone could be from the base station and still get a dial tone. I assume older home WI-FI networks use this frequency as well. Newer cordless phones (and I assume N routers use another open frequency in the 5 GHZ range.

Now, when it comes to determining location....well cell phone companies had to identify locations for 911 calls before cell phones had GPS built in, so they went with triangulation. They measure the signal strength between three cell towers and your phone to determine the phones location....so my theory is that Disney could have a good idea where you are anytime three of their powered sensors (for lack of a better word on my part) can read your bands' signal.

I have no opinion at this point on the whole initiative, but I do not like folks thinking they can't be tracked if there is no GPS involved. I really think it is technically possible.

Now I will hope that WDW will somehow enhance my experience like they claim...how can this info help them help me? Well if someone in dispatch sees 30 guest entering MSUSA heading towards the exit that are staying at Pop while only two that are at AoA, maybe they can have the correct bus going to the correct resort....maybe they can see the line for Buzz is too long and somehow convince some folks to head to Stich instead...I just do not know but I know I have no interest is planning my day let alone my whole vacation.

Something that does bother me is that they can say they will not share my personal data, but that does not mean they will not sell my data in aggregate as demographically data is valuable too. I know if I get an Andriod phone, I probably saved some money since Google gave away the operating system but the cost is that Google knows more about me then I know about myself...Target at least gives me 5% off if I use their card....I just can't figure out what Disney gives me as an incentive to play in Skinner's box.

Lil Fort

Well-Known Member
Well, I have admitted to not being tech savvy about 324 times here. So, you probably have a point. ... But I also think you are much too quick to jump to Disney's defense when you know the tech better than probably anyone here (or almost ... where's @Lil Fort ?)

I also trust implicitly the source who provided me (and who knows? maybe Markey too?) the internal information.

And let's also be blunt, technology like this morphs and has the ability to change into a much different product than the basics that Disney is allegedly starting with.

Speaking of the technology, Iger's use of the phrase 'is not GPS-based'' concerns me. Again, I don't know the specifics of the tech. I do know there is a difference between enabled and based. Disney must have had a good reason for using that particular wording, especially because we know the MagicBands have 2.4 GHz antennas in addition to the two RFIDs. Maybe you or someone else can help with the understanding of this.
Youuuuu raaaannnnng???? (in my best Lurch voice) ;) Sorry, between my day job and my business I haven't had much time to do more than keep caught up on the conversation.

I think that when Iger chose the phrase 'not GPS-based', he chose his words very carefully. While it is true, it is also misleading. While the bands do not contain a GPS tracking device, they most certainly can be used for geolocation. Think of your cell phone. If you go into the location settings you will see several options. Depending on the options that you choose, different methods will be used to determine your location. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. While GPS is the most accurate, it also requires line of sight with the satellites to work. This would actually make GPS a poor choice for geolocation in the MagicBands because they would not work while indoors. The next best thing is wi-fi or cellular based geolocation. These are similar and work on triangulation of known cell towers and wi-fi hotspots. The location can be determined by sending out a signal and waiting for a response. The receiver is from the source of the signal, the longer it will take the signal to get there. Using the results from several receivers, the location can be calculated by triangulation. The MagicBands don't have a cell carrier, but they are wi-fi enabled. The down side to wi-fi based geolocation is that it isn't as accurate. The up side is that it will work both indoors and outdoors. This actually makes it a better choice for the MagicBands. Hope that helps explain things.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So what? WDW has just spent the same. No attractions to show for it, but those bracelets are pretty.

Well, I may love the way fanbois throw themselves at me ... but I don't tend to wear bracelets. I suppose if one of them gave me one blinged out with diamonds and emeralds then I might wear it ...

But I haven't worn a tracking bracelet since I managed to cut the one off my ankle seven years ago and those dirty coppers ain't caught up with me yet!:D


Well-Known Member
Well, after reading through all the hilarity on this thread (which just now lost three pages...) I finally got around to look at the answers Disney gave. The true insult is not in the wording of the letter, but in claiming that that attachement answers the questions posed.
If one had the time to go through the questions one at a time, it is very obvious that many questions have not been answered.

There are only two answers here:

1.) Disney doesn't know;
2.) Disney doesn't want YOU to know;
At the outset of this initiative, it was also largely the case that:

3) We didn't know that Disney doesn't know.

However, taking the information we've gleaned from this thread, coupled with Iger's glaring non-responses to Markey,

4) Now we know that Disney doesn't know.

And, if anyone at Disney has been following this thread at all -- or has just taken a critical look at what Iger did and didn't actually say in response to Markey, it should be clear that:

5) Disney now knows that we know that Disney doesn't know.

As to whether Disney's knowing this affects the company's strategy with regard to either the marketing or implementation of MyMagic+ going forward, well...

I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And take the bus after closing at EPCOT to get there.

I agree if his line is going to be "it's what the guests want" then he should talk to guests frankly and openly and see what they actually want.

I'd also think it'd be great to see him on Undercover Boss too.

And not guests that PR and Social Media hacks pre-selected for him.

Guests that might tell him in colorful language what they think of their MAGICal WDW vacations. Again, I'd want real feedback. Not what my PR team, execs or researchers tell me.

Old Dead Guy Walt was known for hanging out in the parks and talking to guests like a real human being ... I'm not going to suggest for a second that Bob is a real human being, but I will suggest that he might want to learn how to fake it from time to time.

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