Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Well-Known Member
I honestly believe they sorely misunderstood the "Potter Demographic". All that rhetoric about "Rising tide raises all boats" was 100% wrong. TDO wrongly thought "No one is going to come to Orlando to see Potter without spending the bulk of their vacation at WDW". As they found out, Potter Fans have zero interest in WDW. But to be fair, Uni misjudged that demo also. Uni was stunned that not only are Potter fans not interested in WDW they aren't even interested in the other rides in the same park as Potter. Fortunately, with the crowds causing them to restrict access to Hogsmeade, the Potter fans had little choice but to explore the rest of the resort while waiting to get into Potter. And they have enjoyed what they have found so much that they are returning to actually just enjoy the resort as a whole.
Now with Uni opening the moderate family suites resort, Disney is going to lose the few that were using WDW as a base camp for their Potter trip. Only those DVCers who are basically pre-paid will be using WDW for that purpose.
I agree. It really irks me when people refer to Universal's Islands of Adventure as the "Harry Potter theme park". Islands of Adventure is so much more than that. But when they get there, explore all of the Wizarding World, then they begin to realize that there is so much more to Islands of Adventure than that boy wizard. However, it really does draw people more to Universal and make them realize that Universal is amazing. Without Harry Potter, the current draw to the park wouldn't be as big. Personally I'm just a little upset they had to change The Lost Continent, but that's a different discussion.

And nobody calls Magic Kingdom the "new Fantasyland theme park"! It clearly just isn't up to par with what Universal has done and it never will be. Though it does look pretty.


Well-Known Member
I strongly believe that behind closed doors in Burbank, the Powers That Be Mouse have quietly conceded to themselves, that they've run out of time to avoid the proverbial cliff with regard to WDW's continued death grip on the Orlando market.

Whether or not they've conceded is moot. The point is, they're not taking action to fix the issues, or at least not at an appropriate pace.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that TDO and Disney in general are on a bullet train in the wrong direction (FP+/NextGen)...and the execs can't or won't admit that they need to change tracks.

With that much money invested in NextGen, I'd imagine it's far too late to change tracks at this point. They have to let the train completely careen into the gorge now before they can ever move forward with another train.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that TDO and Disney in general are on a bullet train in the wrong direction (FP+/NextGen)...and the execs can't or won't admit that they need to change tracks.

This is not defending them in any way but it takes a lot to admit that they just may have misused a large amount of funding on a project. It isn't always as simple as just saying, "Well, that didn't work." Still, good managers can admit mistakes and move on to make things better.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, as I read through these threads, I wonder if TDO pulled a "Hostess" if many of the posters here would give a cr@p. If TDO is underperforming to such a degree that they are dragging down the Empire, why not close the dump down? Maybe, if we are lucky, Comcast would buy up the pieces and give us UNI Part 3, 4, 5, and 6. That way, we can keep Disney where it belongs, in Cali.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Sometimes, as I read through these threads, I wonder if TDO pulled a "Hostess" if many of the posters here would give a cr@p. If TDO is underperforming to such a degree that they are dragging down the Empire, why not close the dump down? Maybe, if we are lucky, Comcast would buy up the pieces and give us UNI Part 3, 4, 5, and 6. That way, we can keep Disney where it belongs, in Cali.

TDO is underperforming (understatement) and what really needs to happen is house cleaning. Let some guys (and gals) go on their merry way to their next job and get some fresh blood. Hiring should be done carefully and TDO could use some new blood. I often use the word visionary in my posts on this topic but I think that is part of the answer. We need some vision for the park... hell we need someone with eyes, ears and half a brain. Seeing some of the glaring and easily fixable flaws shouldn't be too hard.

News flash to management... just because it costs less to mass produce the same generic Disney Parks gear doesn't mean necessarily more money. Why cheapen your product rather than spend a little more to make unique products that people will actually buy at a higher price too!? Would you rather buy the same Disney Parks T-Shirt you can get online or at outside stores/outlets or would you rather purchase a one of a kind exclusive to that one place, unique and quality product? That is just one of the easier fixes... and what does TDO do? Merch sales are down lets make bracelets that make it easier to buy stuff and lets offer package deals that lock in on site spending before the guests arrive.


Well-Known Member
TDO is underperforming (understatement) and what really needs to happen is house cleaning. Let some guys (and gals) go on their merry way to their next job and get some fresh blood. Hiring should be done carefully and TDO could use some new blood. I often use the word visionary in my posts on this topic but I think that is part of the answer. We need some vision for the park... hell we need someone with eyes, ears and half a brain. Seeing some of the glaring and easily fixable flaws shouldn't be too hard.

News flash to management... just because it costs less to mass produce the same generic Disney Parks gear doesn't mean necessarily more money. Why cheapen your product rather than spend a little more to make unique products that people will actually buy at a higher price too!? Would you rather buy the same Disney Parks T-Shirt you can get online or at outside stores/outlets or would you rather purchase a one of a kind exclusive to that one place, unique and quality product? That is just one of the easier fixes... and what does TDO do? Merch sales are down lets make bracelets that make it easier to buy stuff and lets offer package deals that lock in on site spending before the guests arrive.
That's the problem Disney hired a bunch of guys who don't know what they are doing when they should let us new guys show some plans. They cost a lot less and probably would increase attendance by 20%

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
That's the problem Disney hired a bunch of guys who don't know what they are doing when they should let us new guys show some plans. They cost a lot less and probably would increase attendance by 20%

I'd work for next to nothing if it meant an opportunity to show some people how obvious the fixes are and for a chance to prove myself. Obviously to make any impact you'd need to navigate the muck that is already all to existent in any company today.


Well-Known Member
I'd work for next to nothing if it meant an opportunity to show some people how obvious the fixes are and for a chance to prove myself. Obviously to make any impact you'd need to navigate the muck that is already all to existent in any company today.
That's the only problem now a days companies don't care about listening to the customer or the employee all corporate cares about is the money and how much is coming into their pockets and not spending it on maintenance and new and bold rides and shows.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
That's the only problem now a days companies don't care about listening to the customer or the employee all corporate cares about is the money and how much is coming into their pockets and not spending it on maintenance and new and bold rides and shows.

Some companies are this way for sure. Not all of them are but I think this will change in time. By no means are these problems exclusive to TWDC. Idiocy runs rampant in most facets of life unfortunately, just look around.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There is nothing thrilling about NextGen.

As far as the real world goes, armchair executives (and TDO has a lot of them) would rather sit in meetings letting Marketing & Finance walk through PowerPoint presentations while texting on their iPhones than get off their backsides, get into the parks, walk around, and talk with their customers to get a good sense of what’s really happening. On the few occasions that they do, they take the guided tour given to them by their direct reports who are deathly afraid that they'll get canned if anything goes wrong. Better yet, they should walk into the local mall and ask total strangers when's the last time they visited WDW and what would it take to get them to come back.

In short, TDO needs to update their product, not repackage it.

I so agree with this. They desperately need a VP of quality control and guest services that reports all the way to Tom Staggs (over the heads of everyone else) and, yes (to my friends reading this in O-Town and Burbank) I'd love that job and you'd be very happy with the results!

These people aren't in the parks and resorts and have no idea what to look for (if it isn't on a spread sheet) to see what is and what isn't working and why and think about creative ways to make things work. I gave a speech to a friend earlier about how I'd handle it, and I am sure it's a way Disney hasn't thought of because they're too arrogant to realize they have a problem with their product and it's only getting worse (yes, I am happy that Gary found his dragon, though I did hear he was crushed when he found out that it actually resides up I-4 with The Boy Who Lived!):D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Aw, well, shucks! :) Also, eggnog = booze = recommended. Even if you don't care for it, it doesn't matter after glass number 3. Holiday spirit and all. *disclaimer: drink responsibly. unless you work in a theme park, on a theme park or near a theme park. In that case, drink irresponsibly. *disclaimer #2: kids, don't try this at home, and ignore disclaimer #1. You must be this tall to consume said nog. Merry and all that.

I dunno ... I tried some eggnog froyo (as the kiddies call it) and wasn't thrilled with the taste. I find it so odd that I've made it this far in life without having some ... it's sorta like the MAGICal posters who are afraid of coffee and alcohol, both of which I started consuming in my teens (maybe sooner on the coffee).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I sat here and read 18 frickin' pages and ended up with a lovey sap-fest. This is why I read 18 pages. At no point in pages 1-17 did I ever think this is where 18 would go. It's like a ride....minus plastics and mansion-thick dust.

Yes, and you don't even have to pay. Lucky you!!! BTW, how was Christmas for you and the family?

Surely you must be kidding about the eggnog?! Even I discovered the wonders of the bottled versions before it was legal for me to do so. You really must try this. It could change your perspective on life. Really.

I kid about many things ... fanboi hookups (not all of them) ... Disney crumbling (the whole place isn't, just large pieces), killing @Lee and running away with DD (OK, we've thought about it, but he's worth more alive ... barely), but I would NEVER kid about nog. Nog my style! (see what I did? ... yeah. not my best. You didn't just have the call I had. A friend needed a hug and all I gave was more scary stuff to keep him up all night!)

@ParentsOf4, at the risk of delving into the page 18 lovey sap-fest, I read your posts...you know, the good ones...and I always end up in 1 of 2 places:

1. Hands raised to the sky jumping out of my chair shouting "Amen!" or "Hallelujah!" Preach it. Put it all out there. It's delightful. No better word for it. Deeeeeelight-full!


2. I think I love this person. Can I say that? Would it be too weird? Crap. Where's the "Like" button. Where's the "Love" button I keep hearing about???

I'm feeling very jealous. I am enjoying @ParentsOf4 myself, but I just feel I should be the most loved here (at least among the women and fanboi demos ... the old dudes can find love at the company Christmas parties!)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If they did that today, nothing in WDW would be open. They have really dug themselves into a pit with lack of maintenence. If they had stayed on top of it, the place would be easy to spit shine into sparkling shape for things like a grand opening of "The Largest Expansion in the Magic Kingdom's History". Now TDO is hopeing that those that know better don't come back. That is why the MO now is to go after the "once-in-a-lifetimers".
I just have to question the wisdom of turning away an ardent fanbase.


@raven24, if the OLC ran WDW, I can pretty much guarantee that half of each park wouldn't open every day because show quality really is that bad. And no one seems to care ... again TDO, I am here and willing and just think how I'd likely have to stop posting (and we all know, I haven't posted the worst 75% of what I could yet too!)


Well-Known Member

@raven24, if the OLC ran WDW, I can pretty much guarantee that half of each park wouldn't open every day because show quality really is that bad. And no one seems to care ... again TDO, I am here and willing and just think how I'd likely have to stop posting (and we all know, I haven't posted the worst 75% of what I could yet too!)
Darn it man, tell us! LOL. I really would love to read the 75% stuff.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm mostly public.. but you won't find out when I poop'd, went to bed, or me asking cyberspace which thing I should get from the dinner menu :)

Good. You can tell, I don't do those type of reports either. I try and put some news of what's going on and what will be happening mixed with reviews of what I saw/did.

TR? We'll see.. depends on if anything notable happens. Since this is a trip just for me and the Ms for the anniversary.. I'll be focused on us and not trying to capture for everyone else. But I'll probably share what the Ms thought of DLR as a n00b while she's grown up in WDW with snowbird grandparents in Kissimmie

And crowds.. looks like they'll be higher than I hoped. I bought into Lou's world for this trip to see what they thought, and they are claiming basically 9/10 crowds.

As for being so active on Twitter.. Touringplans ignored me when I tried to ask them a customer service question. Losers.

I am anxious to hear your thoughts on the 'new' resort. You staying with Disney or off? ... I have no experience with TouringPlans.com beyond the shots I've taken at them here. They appear to be a service for mostly diehard fans anyway, who I wonder why they would ever need a plan. ... But you should be tarred and feathered for giving Lou your support. He's such a nice guy, just try and bowl with him and watch the Disney Parks Blog team come over and fetch him to a private lane because he's so important. Are they afraid some other blogger will try and ... you know ... take him out?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member

@raven24, if the OLC ran WDW, I can pretty much guarantee that half of each park wouldn't open every day because show quality really is that bad. And no one seems to care ... again TDO, I am here and willing and just think how I'd likely have to stop posting (and we all know, I haven't posted the worst 75% of what I could yet too!)

That is really a shame management in Florida thinks that way. Letting everything fall apart. Are they really that careless? It's unbelievable and honestly tragic. What's wrong with them? Is it all the one-time tourists that are making them so careless?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks

@raven24, if the OLC ran WDW, I can pretty much guarantee that half of each park wouldn't open every day because show quality really is that bad. And no one seems to care ... again TDO, I am here and willing and just think how I'd likely have to stop posting (and we all know, I haven't posted the worst 75% of what I could yet too!)
Tease! :mad:


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