Spider webs on IASW! Gross!!

Fable McCloud

Well-Known Member
I remember there were horrible webs in the queue for BTMRR, but this was a few years back. I only noticed it while riding at night, because the lights illuminated all the grossness. I just wonder how difficult it is to do a pass of each ride with a swiffer or hose. There are so many CMs in the parks overnights, I'm sure someone could do something?

Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
It sure is man, it sure is...

HAAAAA !!!! HHHAaaa !!! Haaa!! Haaa 1! Haaa!!! - that is too good - just sublime !!! ROFL !


Well-Known Member
It goes beyond cobwebs. It's indicative of a larger issue. ;)

Exactly.....just like it isn't about a few burned out bulbs or some paint chips. It goes well beyond those things. They all add up.
Um, some spiders can spin elaborate webs in as little as 30 minutes, some can spin six feet a minute.

So without knowing the species of the native spiders for this region, this could just be one of those, " Its a real world life thing", instead of the intended D & G fiasco/ sarcastic jab its trying so very hard to be.

Jimmy Thick- <--- Not impressed, slightly amused in a clown car kind of way.

Jimmy......Jimmy....Jimmy....did you even look at the pic? That is built up crud. As I said not every person who post things they perceive as troublesome is being a D&Ger.

Jimmy Thick <--------------amusing in a Mad Hatter kind of way.


Well-Known Member
spiders eat flys so i don't really have a problem with them. just think of it as they are keeping those pesky flying biters from getting to you.

but spiders build webs every day, they could clean it up and come back the next day to a new one already so i really wouldn't hold it against Disney. If you feel so strongly about it, bring a rolled up magazine and ride again and take it down yourself. :cool:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sorry, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I just think it's something unecessary to complain about. Now if the ride looked liked haunted mansion, then go ahead and complain away, but don't make a stink about one cobweb...


This domestic spider can liquefy your flesh with one bite. So far found in Hawaii, Gulf States and Ohio.
Where there are webs there are spiders. She only lost half of her ear,so far.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member

This domestic spider can liquefy your flesh with one bite. So far found in Hawaii, Gulf States and Ohio.
Where there are webs there are spiders. She only lost half of her ear,so far.
that spider is "domestic"??

also, I think the people of these attractions forgot that Halloween last last month.
webs should be removed already!


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
that spider is "domestic"??

also, I think the people of these attractions forgot that Halloween last last month.
webs should be removed already!

Like many creepy crawling things, it was not originally a domestic spider here. But they were first discovered in towns with shipping ports from overseas. They have kinda spread to areas that also receive cargo in seaboxes from overseas. Ever look at the Made in _______ on most of Disney Souvenirs? That was one of less-sick pictures of liquefying skin these spiders cause. The others were too stomach turning, gross to post.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sure this could be spider webs but looks like the dusty sort of cob webby kind of ick to me. Either way, IASW is about to be shut down for a week-long refurb (in a week and a half) and I'd betcha it's because it does need a good cleaning and dusting job. Sure it'd be great if each morning a CM was responsible for walking the attractions with a swiffer, or at least areas like this that are right in the guests' face, but since that obviously isn't happening I'll take the occasional closure of an attraction for a few days to do a big clean-up. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, so I got a response to my complaint. Here it is:

Dear Alissa,

Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts with us. When we
receive comments such as yours, they are shared with various members of
our organization. We appreciate your observations and will share them
at the appropriate levels.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Howard Snyder
WDW Online Communications

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and
should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Original Message Follows:
Hello, I rode its a small world last week and I could not believe what I
saw. As we went under the last bridge before we got off the boat, the
bridge had caked on black dirt with spider webs hanging down being
pulled down from the dirt. It was hanging so low that it almost hit
someone's head. The bridge was filthy with dirty cob webs and it was
completely gross. I could not believe how low Disney has dropped in show
quality. I mean how hard is it to get a cleaning person with a swiffer
to wipe away the dirt, dust, grime and webs?? I cant believe Disney has
let their standards fall so low. There is also cob webs all over the
lights in the queue. I'm very disappointed to see Its a small world this
filthy! I was disgusted. I have photo's to show you how dirty it is.
Please tell me where I can mail you the photo's so I can give them to
someone who cares. Because it's obvious that no one seems to care. Thank
you- Alissa

Reservation number:
alissa williams


Well-Known Member
This is not a new issue on any ride. In 1994 we stayed at the WL 6mos after it opened. This trip was the first time I got the feeling that WDW management was trying to control costs. The bus service was very slow no mater where we wanted to go. Some of the aspects of the parks had lost there shine and customer service was just ok.

Fast forward to 2001. My wife and I stayed at the GF for a long weekend. Our room was ready at check in. The bellhop that helped us with our bags was very informative. He said one of the big problems Disney was up against was finding quality CM's. Back in the day WDW only hired "all American young people" that we're required to buy into Walt's ways. Back in the day if you remember CM's couldn't wear a watch, have any jewelry except a wedding band, no facial hair, and be physically fit. Times have changed, now they have to compete with the other Orlando theme parks when recruiting employees. Bottom line is not every new employee will buy into Walt's way of running the show. They sign on for a paycheck and do the minimum that is expected of them. No different than what happens in any other business in the USA.

It take 2mins to remove those cobwebs in the OP's picture with a dust mop on a pole. Before that will happen there has to be a manager or lead that gives a crap or a maintenance worker willing to take the initiative.

Before any of you CM's flame me let me say this. I know there are many of you that work at WDW because you want to be part of the magic. You go that extra mile everyday to enhance my and every other Guests experience. You take pride in your work. For that I thank you!
I saw an old documentary that showed the training of new CM's. They had to take a Disney knowledge quiz (e.g: what are the names of the seven dwarfs, etc). I highly doubt they still do that which is a shame. Last time I was in Magic Kingdom, I over heard a guest ask a CM: "What is that green spinning attraction with the rocket ships?" The CM had no clue of the name. So I walked over and told the guest that it was called Astro Orbiter, and the CM was like "Oh ya! That's it." In my opinion, it's really bad when a guest such as myself knows the park better than a CM.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Sure this could be spider webs but looks like the dusty sort of cob webby kind of ick to me.

Oh Jenn you made me spit my coffee again!

  1. 1.
    a spider's web, esp. when old and covered with dust.


Well-Known Member
Oh dear! My house has so many cobwebs, but I manage to get them clean weekly if not daily. I use a stick with a dust cloth on it. It's not that hard. I just don't get it! More stuff to show about the poor condition of the parks!:bawling:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I got a response to my complaint. Here it is:

Dear Alissa,

Thank you for taking a moment to share your thoughts with us. When we
receive comments such as yours, they are shared with various members of
our organization. We appreciate your observations and will share them
at the appropriate levels.

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Howard Snyder
WDW Online Communications

PLEASE NOTE: All information is subject to change without notice and
should be confirmed just prior to your visit.

Original Message Follows:
Hello, I rode its a small world last week and I could not believe what I
saw. As we went under the last bridge before we got off the boat, the
bridge had caked on black dirt with spider webs hanging down being
pulled down from the dirt. It was hanging so low that it almost hit
someone's head. The bridge was filthy with dirty cob webs and it was
completely gross. I could not believe how low Disney has dropped in show
quality. I mean how hard is it to get a cleaning person with a swiffer
to wipe away the dirt, dust, grime and webs?? I cant believe Disney has
let their standards fall so low. There is also cob webs all over the
lights in the queue. I'm very disappointed to see Its a small world this
filthy! I was disgusted. I have photo's to show you how dirty it is.
Please tell me where I can mail you the photo's so I can give them to
someone who cares. Because it's obvious that no one seems to care. Thank
you- Alissa

Reservation number:
alissa williams

What you got was the standard boilerplate initial response that really only tells you that they received it. Basically a receipt. If they follow usually procedures it will take a while to get a response, but, I do trust that it will be passed along to someone and you will receive a follow-up. That's the way it worked when I did it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What you got was the standard boilerplate initial response that really only tells you that they received it. Basically a receipt. If they follow usually procedures it will take a while to get a response, but, I do trust that it will be passed along to someone and you will receive a follow-up. That's the way it worked when I did it.

No, that wasn't the standard initial response they send to everyone, I already received that one when I first sent in the complaint. This IS the follow up! By the way this is the initial response that I got that you are talking about:

Greetings from the Walt Disney World® Resort!
Thank you for writing to us. We sincerely appreciate your loyalty to Disney and value the time you took to share your thoughts.
Please be assured you that your message has been received and we have begun the process of researching your needs. Please understand that, depending on the nature of your request and the amount of research required to provide you with the most accurate and timely information, our response time may vary. Should we need to enlist the help of other Disney experts to provide you the best answer you may find that your response comes from that resource rather than this e-mail address.
If you are visiting the Walt Disney World® Resort within the next two weeks and need immediate assistance, please call us at 407 W-DISNEY (407-934-7639) between 7:00am and 11:00pm E.S.T. daily.
Again, thank you for your message and thank you in advance for your patience. We look forward to assisting you soon.
Walt Disney World® Resort Online Communications and Support Team.

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