Spider-Man ride in the Studios?


One Mans Dream - Crap!!!!!???? :fork::fork::fork:

Have you taken the time to walk through this and learn about Walt and how it all began???

Had it not been for Walt do you not Realise there would be no WALT DISNEY WORLD!!!

Im of the opinion that if anything, Walt's legacy should have an even larger space!!!!!!

AMEN to everything but especially Walt's legacy! There isn't enough in the parks that give Walt the credit he is due. I know, I know, Disney World is his dream and is a monument to his success. With how much has changed and is changing, I think it's only right and proper to give him a LARGE place in the parks.


New Member
They bought out the competition- and to many, including myself, is a little cheap. If they ever make Uni rip out Spiderman, I KNOW this will anger hundreds of thousands across the world and it will give Disney a lot of bad reputation.

It'd be a nightmare.

I disagree, some people would be upset but in the long run it is better for Disney. Deals a big blow to UNi and they get Spidey.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Nope. It just makes practical sense.If I were to own a company,which is seen as inferior to my rival,the last thing I would do would be to give my rival any type of exposure whatsoever.If you or any one else can't see this,you don't understand business 101.:D

Are they inferior, or just aimed at different sections of the same market?

I thought the first rule was to create a successful product and then get it to market. But then I obviously lack your business genius.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
To be fair I can understand why the pixie dust brigade would want Universal to lose Spiderman, it must be galling to be reminded that even after 10 years of trying Disney have failed to match it and its use of technology. Still they do build a mean meet n greet.


Active Member
To be fair I can understand why the pixie dust brigade would want Universal to lose Spiderman, it must be galling to be reminded that even after 10 years of trying Disney have failed to match it and its use of technology. Still they do build a mean meet n greet.
And now Uni is going to top themselves with TWWoHP's new attraction (not to mention the incredibly immense land itself) while Disney is rushing to build said meet and greets.

Yay, Disney Parks!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
The Marvel characters would fit perfectly in the Studios. I can't see Disney spending 4 billion dollars and having the competition use what they own, no matter what past deals were in place, I would look for Disney to take those characters out of Universal. You cannot believe their legal department is not analyzing this and looking for a loop hole.

It just makes sense.

In their own area, sure.

Not where there's a prominent and refined attraction about the founder of Disney.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, lets try to rephrase this a bit.

Now, say you owned a great pizza company. You make great pies people love, in fact, some people are devoted to your pies they even make web sites about them.

In the process, you get a big competitor who makes equally good pies, and have begun taking away your profits.

So being a huge pizza company, you buy out the cheese company who were supplying cheese to your competitor, but your competitor still had an agreement to get cheese.

Wouldn't you, as a logical businessperson do something to make sure your competitor didn't get the cheese from the company you now own?

In the long run, your competitor could still make pies, but if they want cheese on their pie, they have to come to you.

I rest my case.

I'll take a large pie with pepperoni.


New Member
Ok, lets try to rephrase this a bit.

Now, say you owned a great pizza company. You make great pies people love, in fact, some people are devoted to your pies they even make web sites about them.

In the process, you get a big competitor who makes equally good pies, and have begun taking away your profits.

So being a huge pizza company, you buy out the cheese company who were supplying cheese to your competitor, but your competitor still had an agreement to get cheese.

Wouldn't you, as a logical businessperson do something to make sure your competitor didn't get the cheese from the company you now own?

In the long run, your competitor could still make pies, but if they want cheese on their pie, they have to come to you.

I rest my case.

I'll take a large pie with pepperoni.
That's the same exact point I was making.Well said!Basic 101 w/o being complicated.Some posters just have to stir the pot.


Active Member
To me it doesn't make sense for Uni to give up on Marvel because they are paying Disney.

The way I look at it, Uni is bringing in $X and paying disney $Y. Why stop bringing in the money and allow Disney to bring in $X? Yeah you are feeding the competition, but ripping out marvel island is feeding them a steak.

Just my opinion:wave:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
That's the same exact point I was making.Well said!Basic 101 w/o being complicated.Some posters just have to stir the pot.

If it was, you seem as bad at communication as you seem to be in business.
[FONT=&quot]And if stirring the pot you mean questioning the statements of fan boys, guilty as charged.[/FONT]


New Member
If it was, you seem as bad at communication as you seem to be in business.
[FONT=&quot]And if stirring the pot you mean questioning the statements of fan boys, guilty as charged.[/FONT]
LOL,my business is very successful . Perhaps you need to be less pompous & learn how to read & comprehend .Or, is it that you suffer from low esteem & feel the need to argue on a discussion board tuff guy?

Tip Top Club

Well-Known Member
Vince I hate to tell you this, but you're the one throwing the bait in that particular forum brawl....

If Disney's biggest competitor now has to pay Disney Money to license the characters they already licensed, why would Disney want to end that relationship? Seems like a great deal for Disney to me. Marvel characters would be a challenge to fit into the current parks anyway, so they'll use them in hai (as I'm pretty sure they've said they will) but I highly doubt we'll be seeing the Marvel characters in any other Disney Park Property anytime soon.


It's as simple as this, Spider-Man(being the greates ride on the planet...at least for a few more months;)) brings people through the gates. If Uni has to give up a certain amount of those profits up no matter who owns Spider-man, who cares if it's Disney now? They were always paying a different company for the ride.

Getting rid of Spidey would completely destroy that park, and Uni isn't about to do that no matter what.


New Member
It's as simple as this, Spider-Man(being the greates ride on the planet...at least for a few more months;)) brings people through the gates. If Uni has to give up a certain amount of those profits up no matter who owns Spider-man, who cares if it's Disney now? They were always paying a different company for the ride.

Getting rid of Spidey would completely destroy that park, and Uni isn't about to do that no matter what.

I disagree if they replace it with the Transformers ride that they are building in China they will be fine.

It uses the same ride system so while they have to gut all of the show pieces they could keep the route and system intact.


Premium Member
The Marvel characters would fit perfectly in the Studios. I can't see Disney spending 4 billion dollars and having the competition use what they own, no matter what past deals were in place, I would look for Disney to take those characters out of Universal. You cannot believe their legal department is not analyzing this and looking for a loop hole.

It just makes sense.

Hint: Disney didn't buy Marvel for the purpose of building theme park attractions.

They bought Marvel for the comics, movies, toy sales, etc. which is much bigger than simply building a theme park attraction or even an entire land.


I disagree if they replace it with the Transformers ride that they are building in China they will be fine.

It uses the same ride system so while they have to gut all of the show pieces they could keep the route and system intact.

Nope. Not the same at all. Transformers in Shanghai is going to be unbelievably bigger than Spidey. There's not enough room in the Spidey building for a Transformers clone, which would include huge AAs and is two-three stories tall.

Main St. Matt

New Member
I'm sure Disney would love to have Marvel in their parks but unless Universal does something to violate the agreement, Disney won't be getting them. And if Disney tries to end the agreement, expect the mother of all lawsuits. Disney would end up losing more money than Eisner cost them over Katzenberg and Ovitz.


New Member
Nope. Not the same at all. Transformers in Shanghai is going to be unbelievably bigger than Spidey. There's not enough room in the Spidey building for a Transformers clone, which would include huge AAs and is two-three stories tall.

It could be done. look at the area to the right, they could expand the building. I agree it wouldn't be an Ideal situation for Uni but it would not kill IOA.


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