Spectromagic spectromen?


New Member
Original Poster
I heard a rumor that they were doing away with the masks for the spectromen and making them face characters and putting makeup on them. Is this true, and if so, does anyone have any pics of that makeup?


Active Member
I love the creepy little things. Wonder if too many babies cried over them? Heck I used to cry because of the clowns in the circus, but the circus didn't get rid of them. ...and I got over them and lived.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I heard a rumor that they were doing away with the masks for the spectromen and making them face characters and putting makeup on them. Is this true, and if so, does anyone have any pics of that makeup?

I heard this too, and I forgot from who, but I know it was someone reliable.


New Member
I do hope they are getting rid of them.

I first saw them in 1993 in the Spectro Magic Parade when Micheal Jackson was all the rage, and he was featured in Captain E-O in Epcot.

I was so surprised that they were still there when I last saw the Spectro Magic Parade in 2006. I honestly thought they would have been done away with long ago.



Well-Known Member
I just want those Chuckie Dolls gone for good! Oh how they disturb me... That parade would be 10 times better in my book if they just disappeared.


I love them they are so weird. Face paint just won't have same effect. They look like little electrically charged men :shrug: whats wrong with that?


New Member
when i was younger they freaked me out as well ,but now that im older i like them,its like im enthralled by the creepiness of these little buggers

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
As part of Disneys comitment to the environment they are powering the night time show on fart gass, the decision to remove the masks was made on the grounds of the potential health risk from gas escapes.


Active Member
i think that the whole parade needs to be re-thinked. the last time i was in disney was may 2006 so i can only speak till then but it the past years it has always been the same song with the same parade. there may have been small changes in effects but none i noticed. my fam and i didnt even bother to watch the end because we knew what it was already. maybe a new song and different looking floats. but on the flip side its an amazing parade to watch and i hate to be the guy when one of those bulbs goes out trying to find the bad one, i can only think of christmas light at my house trying to find the one bad light to make the whole tree work :brick:


New Member
It's been tested, but as of right now there's no set date as to when it'll happen. But, i've seen the "prototype" and it's pretty awesome.


New Member

I'm TERRIFIED of little people and clowns.... but somehow these creepy guys soothe me, they're my favorite part of the parade! I guess since it's Disney... they can't be scary...who knows...

To anyone who cares, you'll break my heart if you take them away. I know the masks are annoying to wear...but PLEASE don't take them away.


Well-Known Member
As a former "good friend" of the logo and trumpeteers I would be very sad to see them go. And they are not scary clowns they are creatures of light.


i think that the whole parade needs to be re-thinked. the last time i was in disney was may 2006 so i can only speak till then but it the past years it has always been the same song with the same parade. there may have been small changes in effects but none i noticed. my fam and i didnt even bother to watch the end because we knew what it was already. maybe a new song and different looking floats. but on the flip side its an amazing parade to watch and i hate to be the guy when one of those bulbs goes out trying to find the bad one, i can only think of christmas light at my house trying to find the one bad light to make the whole tree work :brick:
emphasis mine

I know that you're probably kidding. In case you are not, if you're still having this problem you might want to invest in some new light bulbs. This problem has been fixed in the 2nd Generation of light bulbs they've started putting a break loop in the circuit (actually in the light bulbs) to prevent the whole strand going down when one burns out. Still behaves the same way if one bulb is missing from the socket, which should be easy enough to find. Because they are in series ... well that's another story for another day. You can read up here. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Oh This Is weird! The Spectromen Were In My Nightmare Last Night!

Not Even Kidding!

He Took Off His Mask In The Dream!

It Was Hideous!!!

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