

Well-Known Member
Just my two cents. I did get an opportunity to see MSEP this year in early June, actually it was the first official night. The parade itself was nice enough, and it was great to see Pete and his Dragon again but the music didn't really help trigger emotion. The wife who had never seen it before was very disappointed.

As a fan of Disney who is all about the emotion of how the parks make me feel, I can say that MSEP completely misses the mark for me.

What works for everyone is different but I just can't imagine how MSEP has such a following. Is it really just nostalgia? or do people really connect with the parade the way I connect with Spectro?

Maybe it comes down to this... If you're a visual person, perhaps MSEP really moves you, and if you're an auditory person perhaps Spectro moves you. I know as a general rule I'm the latter and music brings back memories for me all the time where as pictures are a distant second in my arena of memories.
I have to disagree there. As a professional musician and music teacher, I am COMPLETELY an auditory person. To me, nothing is better than the catchy "Baroque Hoedown." It gets my juices flowing, and it's not really based on Nostalgia, because I have only seen MSEP a few times. I always remember seeing SpectroMagic as a kid on the family trips. It just never got me as excited as MSEP does, especially MSEP with the ORIGINAL soundtrack. There's just something magical about it to me, the music. And you can't beat Jack Wagner's fantastic "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!..." vocoder "robot" announcement. I dont' know..the symphonic grandiose music of SpectroMagic is fantastic and all, but it just doesn't touch me the way MSEP does. Strange, I know, considering I'm a classically trained musician and I frequently go to see the Philadelphia Orchestra, but it's just something about MSEP!!!!!

Look, I don't mean to bash SpectroMagic. I talk about how I want it to drive off a cliff and all this stuff, but I don't think it's a bad parade at all. I just prefer MSEP a hell of a lot more than Spectro. I watched MSEP three times on my most recent trip: more than my SpectroMagic viewing from the previous 4 trips COMBINED. :lol:


Well-Known Member
MSEP is a classic...for me it is a WDW classic.... saw it 1st time in '77 (been going to wdw since the fal of '71).... I frankly do not care if it was in DLR first or not. Spectro is a classic also, no arguement from me there... they should run them both seasonally.....BUT if only can could be retained I would pick MSEP to stay! Sorry. My opinion is just as valid as yours.

Disney is Disney....it was all started with Disney... it is all a Disney original.


Active Member
I cannot agree with you there, Scar. Even though they are literally different parades, with different floats, they are both "Disney's night-time light parade" in most people's minds. Except for us fanatics and some other Disney fans who pay some attention, the only difference most people would see (if anything) is the Spectro music is not as repetitive or annoying as they might "remember" (when they actually remember a childhood version of MSEP).

I have always seen SpectroMagic as an outgrowth of MSEP, which itself was an outgrowth (as I understand it) of the electric water parade on Bay Lake and the Seven Seas Lagoon. Spectro is a sort of 2.0 (or later) version of MSEP.

So, while we can debate their differences and our preferences, I think it is a stretch to say that Spectro is "totally original".


So, you're saying that since some people don't care to know that there are different kinds of parades that means that they are automatically alike since you can categorize both as a "light parade"?

GIVE ME A BREAK! That's like saying all daytime parades are the same, or all the mountains are the same!

Everything, and I mean everything, is original in the parade.


Well-Known Member
So, you're saying that since some people don't care to know that there are different kinds of parades that means that they are automatically alike since you can categorize both as a "light parade"?

GIVE ME A BREAK! That's like saying all daytime parades are the same, or all the mountains are the same!

Everything, and I mean everything, is original in the parade.

All I am saying is that, while they are different parades, MOST Disney visitors wouldn't think twice about the difference. And, yes, I can say the same about the daytime parades. They are more children's parades with characters running around. The night-time parade, to most people, will be an awesome, amazing experience of parade floats made of lights.

Each float in Spectro is original to the show, but the concept of a float made of lights is definitely a derivative of the MSEP.

(Example: Windows 7 is a brand new operating system, with brand-new code and original concepts; but it is effectively an upgrade of Vista and XP... they are all distinctively Windows, thoiugh different in certain ways.)

Scar, I am as finicky as the next person about detail at WDW; but I just think it goes too far to say that Spectro Magic is completely original vis-a-vis the Main Street Electrical Parade.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
My initial reaction to hearing MSEP was returning was "AWESOME!"

Then I realized all that I really thought was "awesome" was the nostalgic aspect of the situation.

My wife never saw MSEP, and as someone said above, their first-time wife was severely disappointed. I'm almost afraid to show it to my wife, knowing what she'll expect after knowing Spectro so well.

SpectroMagic is by FAR superior in almost every single aspect, and this is coming from someone who grew up with MSEP in WDW.

The biggest disappointment has to be the music. MSEP has a cute, eventually annoying little tune. SpectroMagic has a wonderfully enchanting and magical musical score that will be DEARLY missed. It fills the MK's nighttime air with such...well...MAGIC. I'll likely stop by Guest Relations as others have said, if for no other reason, to voice my opinion and add a small nudge to having it return.


Active Member
All I am saying is that, while they are different parades, MOST Disney visitors wouldn't think twice about the difference. And, yes, I can say the same about the daytime parades. They are more children's parades with characters running around. The night-time parade, to most people, will be an awesome, amazing experience of parade floats made of lights.

Each float in Spectro is original to the show, but the concept of a float made of lights is definitely a derivative of the MSEP.

(Example: Windows 7 is a brand new operating system, with brand-new code and original concepts; but it is effectively an upgrade of Vista and XP... they are all distinctively Windows, thoiugh different in certain ways.)

Scar, I am as finicky as the next person about detail at WDW; but I just think it goes too far to say that Spectro Magic is completely original vis-a-vis the Main Street Electrical Parade.


That's just too much of a vague thing to say though. Wouldn't that mean MSEP is entirely un-original due to Water Parade? Disneyland calls itself a theme park, but it's completely original when compared to Knott's Berry Farm "the first theme park".

Where does it end?


Well-Known Member
Spectro is being stored in a large white tent located between central shops and the watercraft storage area. Not sure why it's back there, because last time it was dark they stored it at parade base.


Active Member
while we are on the topic of replacing shows...i think if world of color technology could be placed in world showcase lagoon that would make one heck of a show for EPCOT. I know a lot of people like Illuminations, but to me it's a little boring. There are only about 30 seconds worth of watching material. But if you could fill the lagoon with color and fountains it would be a GREAT show. You could incorporate each countries colors during the show, etc.


I have to disagree there. As a professional musician and music teacher, I am COMPLETELY an auditory person. To me, nothing is better than the catchy "Baroque Hoedown." It gets my juices flowing, and it's not really based on Nostalgia, because I have only seen MSEP a few times. I always remember seeing SpectroMagic as a kid on the family trips. It just never got me as excited as MSEP does, especially MSEP with the ORIGINAL soundtrack. There's just something magical about it to me, the music. And you can't beat Jack Wagner's fantastic "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!..." vocoder "robot" announcement. I dont' know..the symphonic grandiose music of SpectroMagic is fantastic and all, but it just doesn't touch me the way MSEP does. Strange, I know, considering I'm a classically trained musician and I frequently go to see the Philadelphia Orchestra, but it's just something about MSEP!!!!!

Look, I don't mean to bash SpectroMagic. I talk about how I want it to drive off a cliff and all this stuff, but I don't think it's a bad parade at all. I just prefer MSEP a hell of a lot more than Spectro. I watched MSEP three times on my most recent trip: more than my SpectroMagic viewing from the previous 4 trips COMBINED. :lol:

Well to each their own I guess. That's why we all like different things and taste in art especially is unique to each of us.

I wouldn't cross a street to see MSEP again, but you love it. Guess you just have bad taste in music. LOL JUST KIDDING.

Seriously though, as I said before, everyone is different and we all are attracted to different things. I was just trying to understand why people like MSEP. In this case well there is no specific reason because my hypothesis was wrong. It really just boils down to personal taste because all the things you like about it, I truly dislike, and likely vice-versa.

C'est la vie!


My initial reaction to hearing MSEP was returning was "AWESOME!"

Then I realized all that I really thought was "awesome" was the nostalgic aspect of the situation.

My wife never saw MSEP, and as someone said above, their first-time wife was severely disappointed. I'm almost afraid to show it to my wife, knowing what she'll expect after knowing Spectro so well.

SpectroMagic is by FAR superior in almost every single aspect, and this is coming from someone who grew up with MSEP in WDW.

The biggest disappointment has to be the music. MSEP has a cute, eventually annoying little tune. SpectroMagic has a wonderfully enchanting and magical musical score that will be DEARLY missed. It fills the MK's nighttime air with such...well...MAGIC. I'll likely stop by Guest Relations as others have said, if for no other reason, to voice my opinion and add a small nudge to having it return.

I think if you prepare your wife properly should could still enjoy it. I built it up a bit before I got there because I had forgotten how truly uninspiring the music is (for me). I think she had heightened expectations of seeing something new and when it wasn't even close to the emotional experience of seeing Spectro, she was sadly disappointed.

Just don't set your wife up for the same fall. Instead, prepare her for the things that are good about MSEP. The lights, the pixie dust, the opening announcement and let her decide for herself on the musical score. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Well to each their own I guess. That's why we all like different things and taste in art especially is unique to each of us.

I wouldn't cross a street to see MSEP again, but you love it. Guess you just have bad taste in music. LOL JUST KIDDING.

Seriously though, as I said before, everyone is different and we all are attracted to different things. I was just trying to understand why people like MSEP. In this case well there is no specific reason because my hypothesis was wrong. It really just boils down to personal taste because all the things you like about it, I truly dislike, and likely vice-versa.

C'est la vie!

I feel the same way! It was alright to see once... but now I want Spectro back. I like the music way more for Spectro, MSEP got annoying after awhile!


Active Member
Spectro is being stored in a large white tent located between central shops and the watercraft storage area. Not sure why it's back there, because last time it was dark they stored it at parade base.

No idea why that would be unless its due to Boo To You currently in use in addition to the usual Celebrate A Dream Come True and MSEP. They probably ran out of room.


Well-Known Member
Prepare properly for MSEP

LOL, preparation to "enjoy" MSEP would require some pretty heavy hallucinogens. Only way to make such a slow, simple, unimaginative and musically boring parade seem "magic".

Or you could go with the parade that has Magic built in.

Unless you were stuck in the "Twilight zone."

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
LOL, preparation to "enjoy" MSEP would require some pretty heavy hallucinogens. Only way to make such a slow, simple, unimaginative and musically boring parade seem "magic".

Or you could go with the parade that has Magic built in.

Unless you were stuck in the "Twilight zone."
Ha, well, I haven't heard the new rendition of the MSEP music, but I can't imagine it's THAT bad. I'll definitely give it a look while we're down there in a few days and report back with an opinion of the new "updated" MSEP. I can't imagine it will be as magical and inspiring as Spectro, but I can hope that it's at least half as good.


Well-Known Member
I don't really find SpectroMagic to be inspiring. I find it to be....well...boring. I feel like it tries too hard to "inspire" and falls short of it, whereas Wishes delivers on just that. IN fact, go ahead and save the "wonder and awe" for the fireworks, it works better that way. When I see a parade, I want a quick tempo, bouncey music and fun floats. I don't need to be inspired by anything. MSEP forever! :slurp:

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