

Spectro all the way

You hit the nail on the head.

I honestly think that Spectro fits way better in WDW. It's our classic.

They should just bring it back for the 40th with updated music, floats, lighting, structures, and some new units here and there. Do NOT touch the Spectromen and do NOT touch the music. The Spectromen give it a backstory and the music has this grand feeling to it which makes the night truly magical.

EDIT: I must say, it has had a great impact in guests. It's a very nostalgic parade, but hey, DL'ers were mad when we got MSEP, I mean, if they want MSEP, then give 'em MSEP. Oh! But no! I forgot, they have a cooler toy now! World of Color.

I am a Spectromagic fan. MSEP will never be the equal to SM. I am SO disappointed that this Dec. no MS will be available. :( :brick:


Well-Known Member
Wait, I honestly don't understand how people can say SpectroMagic is a WDW classic more so than MSEP. MSEP came first for crying out loud! The argument that "well, actually, yeah, Disneyland had it first." Oh really? That's the prerequisite? They had "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" first. Why aren't people lauding Pooh saying "Well, THAT'S the real WDW classic, Toad belongs in Disneyland since they had it first." How about the Haunted Mansion? Should is it not a classic since it originated at Disneyland? Or anything really that was cloned at Magic Kingdom from Disneyland? Also, remember that MSEP really got it's roots at WDW as part of the Electrical Water Pageant. I'm willing to be that the majority of people who ever saw the original MSEP saw it at Walt Disney World (pure speculation based on WDW attendance figures vs. that of Disneyland). Most of my friends and family did, and it's just as much of a WDW classic as it is for Disneyland.

SpectroMagic has run a total of 17 years at WDW and MSEP as run a total of 16, and if our speculation is correct, it will be at least until next summer, making it 17 years. Pretty dead even.

My point is, it's silly to say that SpectroMagic is more of a classic than MSEP. It's not. If anything it's probably just as much of a classic at this point, but certainly not MORE of one.


Well-Known Member
Wait, I honestly don't understand how people can say SpectroMagic is a WDW classic more so than MSEP. MSEP came first for crying out loud! The argument that "well, actually, yeah, Disneyland had it first." Oh really? That's the prerequisite? They had "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" first. Why aren't people lauding Pooh saying "Well, THAT'S the real WDW classic, Toad belongs in Disneyland since they had it first." How about the Haunted Mansion? Should is it not a classic since it originated at Disneyland? Or anything really that was cloned at Magic Kingdom from Disneyland? Also, remember that MSEP really got it's roots at WDW as part of the Electrical Water Pageant. I'm willing to be that the majority of people who ever saw the original MSEP saw it at Walt Disney World (pure speculation based on WDW attendance figures vs. that of Disneyland). Most of my friends and family did, and it's just as much of a WDW classic as it is for Disneyland.

My point is, it's silly to say that SpectroMagic is more of a classic than MSEP. It's not. If anything it's probably just as much of a classic at this point, but certainly not MORE of one.


I'm amused by the logic that it can't be a WDW classic simply because it began in Disneyland. According to this logic CoP isn't a WDW classic, despite being here since 1975.

MSEP is a both a Disneyland classic and a WDW classic. Much like all the classic attractions that had their roots in DL and were later brought to WDW. One of the things that makes the parade great is that it's been shared across the country and across the world. It even made its way down Broadway in 1997.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't understand that argument either. MSEP was a Disney classic. This whole Disneyland/WDW thing just doesn't work with me. I personally feel that Spectro will not return to Magic Kingdom, however I feel MSEP will only stay for another 3 to 4 years.


Active Member
Wait, I honestly don't understand how people can say SpectroMagic is a WDW classic more so than MSEP.

Really? Reeeeallly? Are you ignoring the facts?

MSEP came first for crying out loud! The argument that "well, actually, yeah, Disneyland had it first." Oh really? That's the prerequisite?

Absolutely. We borrowed MSEP. We never owned it and it wasn't meant for WDW. It has its own home.

They had "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" first. Why aren't people lauding Pooh saying "Well, THAT'S the real WDW classic, Toad belongs in Disneyland since they had it first."

Totally different circumstances.

I know quite a lot of people who LOVE Pooh. I bet a lot more will after this expansion too (:

And that's because a ride isn't mobile. It can't swap from place to place like a parade can.

How about the Haunted Mansion? Should is it not a classic since it originated at Disneyland?

Actually, both are quite different from each other. And, once again, the HM is permanent and will always reside at MK unlike a parade (:

Or anything really that was cloned at Magic Kingdom from Disneyland?

Read above.

Also, remember that MSEP really got it's roots at WDW as part of the Electrical Water Pageant.

That all has to do with technological upgrades which also spawned Spectro (:

I'm willing to be that the majority of people who ever saw the original MSEP saw it at Walt Disney World (pure speculation based on WDW attendance figures vs. that of Disneyland).

The hat is seen by millions a year. That doesn't make it classic by any means.

Most of my friends and family did, and it's just as much of a WDW classic as it is for Disneyland.

So, seeing it first at WDW makes it a WDW classic? Hmmm....

SpectroMagic has run a total of 17 years at WDW and MSEP as run a total of 16, and if our speculation is correct, it will be at least until next summer, making it 17 years. Pretty dead even.

With Spectro being there during this generation's childhood and having a large fanbase of frequent MK visitors.

My point is, it's silly to say that SpectroMagic is more of a classic than MSEP. It's not. If anything it's probably just as much of a classic at this point, but certainly not MORE of one.

So, do you think when MK gets its 50th fireworks that they will play MSEP instead of Spectro because MSEP was there in the beginning before Spectro was born?


Well-Known Member
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but MSEP was running concurrent on both coasts (and in Tokyo) for a considerable amount of time. MK had it's own floats, which were sent to Paris in 1992.

So this "never meant for MK" business? No. We wouldn't have had our own set of floats if it wasn't "meant" for MK in some capacity.

The parade "belongs" to every park it has performed in.


Well-Known Member
We borrowed MSEP. We never owned it and it wasn't meant for WDW. It has its own home.
How did we borrow MSEP? Walt Disney World had IT'S OWN VERSION of The Main Street Electrical parade built...they ran simultaneously at Disneyland and The Magic Kingdom.

Actually, both are quite different from each other. And, once again, the HM is permanent and will always reside at MK unlike a parade (:

The Main Street Electrical Parades at each coast were different from each other in a few ways. The Pinocchio Under Water Float was never at WDW, was it? We also didn't have the Peter Pan float pre-1999, whereas Disneyland did. Also, NOTHING is permanent. They could just as easily drop it and put in a different attraction. That's the same thing as removing a parade, in my eyes.

And that's because a ride isn't mobile. It can't swap from place to place like a parade can.
MSEP never swapped originally. We had our own version and so did Disneyland. WDW shipped theirs to Paris. DL put theirs in storage, not to be seen again until 1999 when it came to the Magic Kingdom. I don't really call that swapping, since it had been officially closed at Disneyland.
Sure, they have swapped since then, but I would much rather see MSEP at The Magic Kingdom than DCA. I hope we can all agree that MK is more "home" to MSEP than DCA is.... :: shudder ::

I love a good argument, Scar :)


Well-Known Member
I really hope spectro comes back! I have heard the Main Street Electrical Parade music and its to repeating. I love Spectros music especially the ending with the kids singing.


Active Member
How did we borrow MSEP? Walt Disney World had IT'S OWN VERSION of The Main Street Electrical parade built...they ran simultaneously at Disneyland and The Magic Kingdom.

Borrowed the idea

The Main Street Electrical Parades at each coast were different from each other in a few ways. The Pinocchio Under Water Float was never at WDW, was it? We also didn't have the Peter Pan float pre-1999, whereas Disneyland did. Also, NOTHING is permanent. They could just as easily drop it and put in a different attraction. That's the same thing as removing a parade, in my eyes.

Good point. BUT Spectro is totally original in all aspects.

MSEP never swapped originally. We had our own version and so did Disneyland. WDW shipped theirs to Paris. DL put theirs in storage, not to be seen again until 1999 when it came to the Magic Kingdom. I don't really call that swapping, since it had been officially closed at Disneyland.
Sure, they have swapped since then, but I would much rather see MSEP at The Magic Kingdom than DCA. I hope we can all agree that MK is more "home" to MSEP than DCA is.... :: shudder ::

Well, IDK about that. DCA celebrates California and what better than to use a parade that originated in Anaheim :lol:


I love a good argument, Scar :)

Absolutely. ;)


Well-Known Member
I see quite a debate is going on.. I love it!!

I am one of the people who went to Disneyworld over the summer just for Summer Nightastic. I hated MSEP when it was at the Magic Kingdom a few years ago but I liked the update Disneyland gave it last summer.

While MSEP is pretty to look at. I HATE the music. It is the most annoying music ever. And it has no plot - all I see is a bunch of HUGE floats. Do not get my started on the end of the parade.. the America float. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!

Spectromagic is introduced by Jiminy Cricket with that music and when the lights go out - that is enough to make people awe. I do agree that the floats need to be updated and the lights replaced. MSEP has great lights. The finale of spectromagic is the best!! The fairy tale characters, the lights, the dance, the music, etc.

I am vocal - I HATE MSEP!! If people want to be historic, they can go be historic and relive their memories at Disneyland. There are certain fixtures at Disneyworld that should never be replaced.. Fantasmic!, Carosel of Progress, Spectromagic, etc.

I do understand certain fixtures become outdated but their are many disneyworld attractions and rides that are timeless!!


Well-Known Member
Borrowed the idea

And the idea for MSEP was borrowed from WDW's Electric Water Pageant. Your argument appears to have hit a brick wall. You claimed WDW never "owned" the parade when in fact MK had it's own version for over a decade.

Are rides like HM and Pirates just "borrowed" ideas that don't belong to WDW simply because they originated in Disneyland?

I am vocal - I HATE MSEP!! If people want to be historic, they can go be historic and relive their memories at Disneyland. There are certain fixtures at Disneyworld that should never be replaced.. Fantasmic!, Carosel of Progress, Spectromagic, etc.

Using your logic both Fantasmic and Carousel of Progress don't belong at WDW, because they both originated at Disneyland. :confused:


Active Member
And the idea for MSEP was borrowed from WDW's Electric Water Pageant. Your argument appears to have hit a brick wall. You claimed WDW never "owned" the parade when in fact MK had it's own version for over a decade.

Are rides like HM and Pirates just "borrowed" ideas that don't belong to WDW simply because they originated in Disneyland?

Pirates does not belong in MK. Period.

And I wouldn't say doesn't belong... I'm not even arguing what belongs and what doesn't at all.

If you paid attention, it's about a classic reputation and I feel something that is purely original gives an attraction an edge over something like BTMRR where there are 4 versions all around the world. It's all about perception and personal opinion on what belong, but a "classic" status is totally different.


Using your logic both Fantasmic and Carousel of Progress don't belong at WDW, because they both originated at Disneyland.



Well-Known Member

Allow me to explain it in simpler terms. Some are claiming that MSEP has no place in WDW currently because it began in Disneyland. You can't claim that and then in the same breath call Fantasmic and CoP "Disney World fixtures" that should never be replaced. It's a contradiction.

Fantasmic is a perfect example for this conversation. Both Disneyland and WDW have their own versions of the show. It began in Disneyland, but that doesn't mean WDW doesn't "own" its version.

Was that clear enough for you?


Well-Known Member
I see quite a debate is going on.. I love it!!

I am one of the people who went to Disneyworld over the summer just for Summer Nightastic. I hated MSEP when it was at the Magic Kingdom a few years ago but I liked the update Disneyland gave it last summer.

While MSEP is pretty to look at. I HATE the music. It is the most annoying music ever. And it has no plot - all I see is a bunch of HUGE floats. Do not get my started on the end of the parade.. the America float. I HATE IT!!!!!!!!

Spectromagic is introduced by Jiminy Cricket with that music and when the lights go out - that is enough to make people awe. I do agree that the floats need to be updated and the lights replaced. MSEP has great lights. The finale of spectromagic is the best!! The fairy tale characters, the lights, the dance, the music, etc.

I am vocal - I HATE MSEP!! If people want to be historic, they can go be historic and relive their memories at Disneyland. There are certain fixtures at Disneyworld that should never be replaced.. Fantasmic!, Carosel of Progress, Spectromagic, etc.

I do understand certain fixtures become outdated but their are many disneyworld attractions and rides that are timeless!!

Why such vengeance towards the American float???
Something against being patriotic? I just didnt care for how you stated that.


Well-Known Member
Why such vengeance towards the American float???
Something against being patriotic? I just didnt care for how you stated that.

Unpatriotic, not at all. I was cross comparing the 2 parades. I like the float itself but compared to the finale of Spectromagic, I hate it. Thats all I am saying.


Active Member
Allow me to explain it in simpler terms. Some are claiming that MSEP has no place in WDW currently because it began in Disneyland. You can't claim that and then in the same breath call Fantasmic and CoP "Disney World fixtures" that should never be replaced. It's a contradiction.

Fantasmic is a perfect example for this conversation. Both Disneyland and WDW have their own versions of the show. It began in Disneyland, but that doesn't mean WDW doesn't "own" its version.

Was that clear enough for you?

The ':brick:' was because you didn't understand what that poster was saying. You just assumed he hated everything that came from Disneyland.

Please stop trying to put your words in someone else's mouth. :wave:
A great deal of Disney World guests have never been to Disney Land. If you saw that MSEP at Disney World as a young child it's something you associate with the park, it probably has no affect on you that it wasn't originally planned for Disney World. You saw it at Disney World and you remember it at Disney World. So if you come to Disney World for their 40th anniversary, you're still seeing a parade that has a great deal of memories and significance attached.

I don't think Spectro is gone from WDW forever. Disney knows that bringing back these parades ever so often and rotating them around is a smart move.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Spectro is gone from WDW forever. Disney knows that bringing back these parades ever so often and rotating them around is a smart move.

I agree! Disney knows their is a large fan base for both parades. If they should eliminate spectromagic all together, I expect for a revolt like in 2008 with Fantasmic! lol


Well-Known Member
The ':brick:' was because you didn't understand what that poster was saying. You just assumed he hated everything that came from Disneyland.
No, I never made that assumption at all, actually. It's not a matter of "hating" something (an assumption on your part, I never said he hated anything at all), but rather the LOGIC of thinking that things originally from DL don't "belong" at WDW. It was a contradictory statement. Dislike MSEP for whatever reason you choose, but to say MK didn't "own" its version or that it doesn't belong at MK because of it's origins doesn't make much sense.

I didn't put words into anyone's mouth. But you'll once again put words in mine.

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