spaceship earth scorched!?


New Member
wedway71 said:
out of all the cast members that are on this sight-hasnt anybody asked a member of management what it is and what they plan to do to fix it?anybody work in epcot???im sure one person asking would resolve what it is and what they will do to make it right:sohappy:
Maybe they can't tell you about the location of the new missle silo. Oh no! I've said too much! :eek:


Well-Known Member
I just got home (about 20 minutes ago) from Disney. In 8 days I took a little over 3000 pictures, and I have a bunch from the scorched SSE. It was the FIRST thing I noticed when we arrived at the park. (And I saw it by bus, I can't imagine how well you'd be able to see it from the monorail).
I'll post a bunch of pics tomorrow when I'm more awake.
But, after reading alllll these pages I had to chime in and was weird to see.


Well-Known Member
I have an update!!!

Last night, if you had taken a look over at SpaceShip earth about 2am you'd have seen what appears to be a very bright worklight directly on top of the ball. This is the 2nd time I've seen it in the last couple weeks. It's defenitly on top of the ball, not attached to the big "EPCOT" sign.

So something is going on.

Is it possible they are pressure washing at night and we are seeing the dirt as it runs off?


Well-Known Member
I noticed that also. Very interesting. My guess is the light is them lloking at the marks, and possible trying to find a way to remove them.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Thelazer said:
I have an update!!!

Last night, if you had taken a look over at SpaceShip earth about 2am you'd have seen what appears to be a very bright worklight directly on top of the ball. This is the 2nd time I've seen it in the last couple weeks. It's defenitly on top of the ball, not attached to the big "EPCOT" sign.

So something is going on.

Bright lights in the sky at night, strange marks, men in suits wearing sunglasses, doo dooo dooo, wheres Mulder and Skully.


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
This is great news! Thanks, laser. :)

There's also a lightning rod or something sticking out of the top of the sphere according to a CM. Is this new?
There are thousands of lighting rods all over WDW. I am positive there are more many on SSE.


Well-Known Member
Thelazer said:
I have an update!!!

Last night, if you had taken a look over at SpaceShip earth about 2am you'd have seen what appears to be a very bright worklight directly on top of the ball. This is the 2nd time I've seen it in the last couple weeks. It's defenitly on top of the ball, not attached to the big "EPCOT" sign.

So something is going on.

Is it possible they are pressure washing at night and we are seeing the dirt as it runs off?

good news-hopfully-please keep us updated:sohappy:


Active Member
(i didn't bother to read all 13 pages in this topic, so I apologiize if I'm repeating what's already been said), but it's definitely not lightening or even dirt; if you notice, there's black parts on both sides of Spaceship Earth. And additionally, at the very top of Spaceship Earth, there are panels that are noticeably whiter than the rest of the panels, which can only mean they are doing something with the coloration of it; whether it's cleaning the tiles one by one, or doing something else to it.


Well-Known Member
markc said:
(i didn't bother to read all 13 pages in this topic, so I apologiize if I'm repeating what's already been said), but it's definitely not lightening or even dirt; if you notice, there's black parts on both sides of Spaceship Earth. And additionally, at the very top of Spaceship Earth, there are panels that are noticeably whiter than the rest of the panels, which can only mean they are doing something with the coloration of it; whether it's cleaning the tiles one by one, or doing something else to it.

oh great-if they are testing black this can only lead to one thing-throw 2 big round ears on it and paint the whole ball black-


New Member
Scorched Mark Solved

Having seen the latest pics posted. I can see what the black mark is. I work with this product everyday. What is happening is when they assemble these panels together, they apply a silicone caulk bead in the joint. Well, silicone has an oil base, and over time and weather, the oil from the silicone runs over the panels. since it is a strick clear oil, it collects dirt in the air causing it to streak. I am sure they clean it from time to time, but it will continue to come back. That is what is going on with the black marks.

Just a side note, the company that installed the alucobond panels on SSE, went out of business due to this complex project!

Later days!



Beta Return
Kynar said:
Having seen the latest pics posted. I can see what the black mark is. I work with this product everyday. What is happening is when they assemble these panels together, they apply a silicone caulk bead in the joint. Well, silicone has an oil base, and over time and weather, the oil from the silicone runs over the panels. since it is a strick clear oil, it collects dirt in the air causing it to streak. I am sure they clean it from time to time, but it will continue to come back. That is what is going on with the black marks.

Just a side note, the company that installed the alucobond panels on SSE, went out of business due to this complex project!

Later days!


I agree with your concept Kynar, and what you're explaining does indeed occur. We have had to clean some of that residue at the hospital project I'm on. However, after looking at this excellent recent pic, I don't think that's what this is, mainly because of the little dots of this stuff further down, in the middle of traingles - and it's concentrated to one area.

It definately looks like something that resulted from fire or electricity of some sort. Perhaps an Illuminations firework misfired and the fallout landed in this spot while it was still igniting or very hot? I see the little dots all over the nearby area, with streaks (from rain). They look just like my driveway after a bottle rocket or other illegally launched firework misfires and leaves its fallout on the concrete while still burning.

If it was lightning, then perhaps those dots are just where trailers from the lightning hit, or where the surge poppped out thru the aluminum as it travelled downward through the steel and aluminum. The triangles in the center are way too dark and scorched looking to be residue from silicone or from dirt collecting. They're BLACK. My money is still on fire or electricity - one of the options above.

Edit: Kynar...did you name yourself after paint? :)


New Member
Both Right!!!

Actually edward, I think we are both right. I believe that the streaks you are seeing are the fireworks fallout collecting on the oily silicone. The spots followed by steaks could be either larger collections of fallout or where the heavy rain has caused the oil to run.

Yes, very good, I did name myself after paint..actually the very paint on the panel.

PS...we are both in the contruction industry...I know your family..we go to the same church.



New Member
Good Point!

That is a good point..It in fact may be an open system. I still put money on dirt over burnt.

First off, lets examine the fact that rough fireworks hit it..they would have to hit it several times to make such a wide spot hit pattern. They shoot the firworks over the lagoon, that is quite the distance for rough fireworks to travel. I believe disney is more top notch to let that happen.

It could be dirt and grime that washes off the wand and settles on the top side of the ball. Even in an open system, the panels have to be notched and folded and have the cut points sealed.

Lightning, I think not. First off the paint finish is not burnt through. If it was, the bare aluminum underskin would show through. Also, a massive burn on the skin would cause the core of these panels to melt. And before you ask, it is not a fire core, I already checked it out. Most likley, if the fire protection failed, lightning would hit the wand over the panels.

I still put money on dirt and grime. Especially seeing that it is collecting on the top side. Having worked with this product for many years, I am standing behind dirt buildup. Oh, these panels are not that self cleaning...believe

But all in all this was a great discussion...14 pages on a funny problem..



Well-Known Member
In a rainscreen type system sealing the corners would be both pointless and counter-productive. I've never seen a route-and-return type system use sealant as you've described... I do agree with you though on the likelihood that it is dirty. I wonder where the self-cleaning legend started? It's interesting that if you google self-cleaning and alucobond 90% of the hits have to do with SSE... I wonder if they claimed it at one point, or if it's pure urban legend... Have we determined if the panels are painted? They could be clear-anodized.

Kynar said:
It could be dirt and grime that washes off the wand and settles on the top side of the ball. Even in an open system, the panels have to be notched and folded and have the cut points sealed.


Account Suspended
The book released by Disney about Epcot Center (and thus SSE) refers to it:

"With an an outside 'skin' of aluminum that is smoother than glass.." and then talks about how it was designed to reflect its surroundings.

The Walt Disney World Librabry and Research center says:

"This outer sphere is made up of alucobond paneling (there are 11,324 individual aluminum facets making up the outer sphere). Alucobond is polyethylene plastic chemically bonded to two layers of anodized aluminum. There is one-inch spacing between the panels, allowing them to expand and contract in the Florida heat and permitting rainwater to flow through and subsequently into two gutter systems located at the geodesic sphere's equator and below. Both gutters were sloped to drain water through the support legs and into the canals surrounding the Epcot® theme park. From there the water flows through a retention pond where oils and pollutants are removed before returning the water to the environment. "


New Member
New Thread!!

First off, want to say...rogue know how it is..hands get going ahead of the

NEW thread!

Painted vs Anodized...

Either way, it is definetly not self cleaning. I am going to check if it is painted or not.

Later day!!


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