spaceship earth scorched!?


New Member
i'm sorry, but that is a long freaking way for a firework to go off course. I think Disney has a better handle on their fireworks, seeing as though, they allow the guests to stand around the lagoon only a few hundred yards away from the launch points, don't you think that by now if there were this many rouge fireworks that someone would have been hit by one standing close to the lagoon?


Beta Return
djronnieb said:
i'm sorry, but that is a long freaking way for a firework to go off course. I think Disney has a better handle on their fireworks, seeing as though, they allow the guests to stand around the lagoon only a few hundred yards away from the launch points, don't you think that by now if there were this many rouge fireworks that someone would have been hit by one standing close to the lagoon?

It was a guess - and no, it's not impossible. Everyone on here is trying to guess what caused the marks - nobody on here knows for sure so we're all playing detective. It COULD have been an errant firework - it COULD have been lightning - it COULD have been dripping caulk - it COULD have been alien discharge :p


Beta Return
Kynar said:
First off, want to say...rogue know how it is..hands get going ahead of the

NEW thread!

Painted vs Anodized...

Either way, it is definetly not self cleaning. I am going to check if it is painted or not.

Later day!!


Anodized and Painted are commonly interchanged, when they shouldn't be. So for those of you who are really confused with this discussion, we're basically arguing over how the "color" was applied to the triangles :lol: . If it was painted (which it probably was not) they simply bake it on or spray it in a controlled environment.

However, most aluminum products that I've ever had on one of my projects are anodized (I honestly do not know how that process takes place, because i failed chemistry, I just know it's different). Like when you go to a shopping center you enter through a wall of glass and doors - most likely aluminum frames with glass between them. The two most common colors are Dark Bronze Anodized and Clear Anodized. Clear Anodized lets the actual aluminum show through - giving it the silver appearance of SSE, but protects it from the elements (like a clear lacquer). It is still an applied chemical and can burn or scorch. I've seen similar marks on anodized aluminum on a building that was struck twice by lightning in the same night - the chemical (or paint) was scorched just like these pics.

I do not disagree that it could be a combination of dirt, adhesives and scorch marks though. HOpefully the mystery is solved someday :)


Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.
Premium Member
Im probably repeating what someone else said earlier in the thread but just in case im not. I've worked on several construction projects in which Alucobond (R) has been used. The product comes in three sizes 3,4,6 mm which is not very thick stuff. Keep in mind that this product provides no structural support and is only cosmetic in nature. The key to Alucobond system is the mounting frame, this substructure is key to the system and allows the exterior to remain attached to the building. With regards to lightning, the material is so thin that any lightning strike would probably act just like an arc-welder and actually "melt" and pit the material rather than char it as shown in the pictures, additionally the surface area affected would not be so big. From the looks of it, the HVAC exhaust theory would seem to fit. What it looks like to me is something very similar to a dirty air register one would commonly see on the ceiling in a commercial building. It seems that maintenance may have skimped on new air filters. Then again it could be stitch shooting laser beams a SSE. Without a crane to get one of us there to inspect the charring the best we can do is guess.


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
edwardtc said:
It was a guess - and no, it's not impossible. Everyone on here is trying to guess what caused the marks - nobody on here knows for sure so we're all playing detective. It COULD have been an errant firework - it COULD have been lightning - it COULD have been dripping caulk - it COULD have been alien discharge :p

It could have been the decaying flesh and entrails slowly oozing from the inside of the sphere from the last guest who climbed out of the cars mid ride and was subsequently splattered all over the inside of the roof. Probably


New Member
A discrase! An Outrage! A scandle!

i have never been SO mad at disney then i am now. this is the reply they sent me from the letter i sent:

Thank you for recently contacting the
Walt Disney World Resort.

We invite you to partcipate in an important
online survey. To complete the survey, please
log on to the Internet web site below and enter
the password printed on this card.

Your Feedback is very important to us, for we
genuinely want to provide our guest wth the
ultimate vacation experience. We appreciate
your time and participation.

Best Regards,
The Cast at the Walt Disney World Resort
Password:xxxxxxxx(thats not it im just leaving it blank)

They just really dont care. they....omg im so mad i dont know what to say. im scared to take the survey because i put everything negitive! but thats all
they do is send me a $0.05 post card with the walt disney world resort logo on the front and this Stupid letter on the back!!:confused:idk what to do!


Well-Known Member
MiCkEyROCKSxalp said:
i have never been SO mad at disney then i am now. this is the reply they sent me from the letter i sent:

Thank you for recently contacting the
Walt Disney World Resort.

We invite you to partcipate in an important
online survey. To complete the survey, please
log on to the Internet web site below and enter
the password printed on this card.

Your Feedback is very important to us, for we
genuinely want to provide our guest wth the
ultimate vacation experience. We appreciate
your time and participation.

Best Regards,
The Cast at the Walt Disney World Resort
Password:xxxxxxxx(thats not it im just leaving it blank)

They just really dont care. they....omg im so mad i dont know what to say. im scared to take the survey because i put everything negitive! but thats all
they do is send me a $0.05 post card with the walt disney world resort logo on the front and this Stupid letter on the back!!:confused:idk what to do!
You may still be contacted by WDW regarding your letter. This survey comes from WDW research and has nothing to do with your specific letter, all they know is that you contacted them so they sent you a survey. This is not their response to your letter.

P.S. If you answered the survey honestly there is no way everything would have been negative.


monothingie said:
From the looks of it, the HVAC exhaust theory would seem to fit. What it looks like to me is something very similar to a dirty air register one would commonly see on the ceiling in a commercial building. It seems that maintenance may have skimped on new air filters.

Thank you. Remember the smell effects from Rome may be vented out up here (I believe they are), and that is not clean air.


New Member
i've already posted in this thread several times, I just wanted to bump the post the page 16 (maybe? I'll see if this one is enough to get there) Sorry I just find it funny that's there's 15 pages of this. And I love it!!! Keep the posts coming...


Beta Return
Bratstarman said:
First, the panels are very likely anodized. Anodizing is an oxide coating that is very hard (aluminum oxide is just slightly less hard than diamond). It wears very well, doesn't scratch, and lasts almost indefinitely. It is far more rugged than paint (if anyone has a aluminum Powerbook you will know what I mean). Because it is an oxide, it cannot burn. So if there is scorching, the black would be a residue from something else.

Second, I live near the Chesapeake Bay and almost every house in my vicinity has a roof that looks black like the picture. It is mildew from the humid environment and is easily removed by powerwashing with bleach. The give-away are the "spot and streak" regions further down the sides. That's how it begins until it becomes almost completely black like the panels on top. A good cleaning and all will be well.

Third, regarding the "rogue firework" idea, why is there nowhere else in all of Epcot where we see this problem? I can't believe that a rare errant firework would hit the top of SSE dead-on and miss everywhere else.

Just some thoughts from an engineer.

If this is seen from the parking lot or bus station, that would put it on the north-ish side of the ball. At least in Indiana, that's where mold grows on trees, rooves and buildings. Not sure if that applies in Florida, due to the location of the sun, etc, etc. BUT, the mildew theory makes sense.

I still don't really buy the HVAC exhaust thing. Unless someone can provide a blueprint that confirms otherwise, I still find it hard to believe that they are exhausting the building's return air, smells or other fumes from between then panels at a visible point on the ball. In normal commercial buildings there are large fans on the roof to vent restrooms and other things, but things like smells and hot air will be sucked through Return-Air Ducts back to the central Air Handling system, which is most likely located in the attached building - thus any exhaust from that system would occur at the remote location - and all filtering of the smoke or smell chemicals would also occur there.

As for the rogue firework comment which so many people have gotten worked up over - it was a random guess, or theory. I didn't say it was 100% feasible or logical, just that it COULD have been an option. Many of the guesses and theories on here are not entirely logical or feasible, but we're all bored and we all like to play detective - so we keep guessing to pass the time.


Beta Return
Kynar said:
Actually edward, I think we are both right. I believe that the streaks you are seeing are the fireworks fallout collecting on the oily silicone. The spots followed by steaks could be either larger collections of fallout or where the heavy rain has caused the oil to run.

Yes, very good, I did name myself after paint..actually the very paint on the panel.

PS...we are both in the contruction industry...I know your family..we go to the same church.


Kynar - I sent you an IM on the boards. Where are you from and what church do you go to? Please reply to my IM, if you would be so kind.

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