Spaceship Earth - my opinions of the refurb - very very dissapointing


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instead of screens the descent should have narration that kind of serves as a conclusion for the ride, great music (something upbeat like Tomorrow's Child), and involve special effects all around (you know lighting effects, pepper's ghost effects, maybe even some next generation hologram technology, heck I would even take the ol'Tom Fitzgerald special of video projections on the descent). Also there is absoluetly NO reason to not rebuild/recreate the original space station scene that used to be there when you first start descending. I don't want the same thing but something similar yet modern would be appropriate especially since the ride is about how far our technology has come.

The current descent into darkness by watching flash animations and using a 90s touchscreen is just disgusting and insulting to guests intelligence. In all seriousness, if they do not improve the descent by the time the ride opens in late Febuary I will seriously conisder NOT RENEWING my annual pass.


Active Member
Well, I've gone the last two days to try and ride, but it was closed both times. I must be just missing it.

For what its worth, I think the exterior music sounds good - very Future World, although the loop seems a bit too short.

The exterior BGM is only 2:10 for those that are interested.


Well-Known Member
Not to beat a dead horse (excuse the politically incorrect phrase), but I wanted to know if anyone could confirm if the track truly is just as terribly clanky and bumpy as ever, or if this was even somewhat fixed. I could never fully enjoy this ride because the clankiness of the cars seemed to take away from the greatness of the ride. I'm hoping this has been/will be fixed.

And just to add my own opinions: I really do hate the ending flash animation, but am really hoping that something amazing will end up here. I can imagine some interaction with the ride through these screens using WDI's amazing technology. Imagine the possibilities: you could touch the screen and light up a portion of the overhead starfield, or the old glowing tubes on the wall. I think the screens have potential and I know WDI knows they have more potential than a crappy flash animation.


Well-Known Member
Not to beat a dead horse (excuse the politically incorrect phrase), but I wanted to know if anyone could confirm if the track truly is just as terribly clanky and bumpy as ever, or if this was even somewhat fixed. I could never fully enjoy this ride because the clankiness of the cars seemed to take away from the greatness of the ride. I'm hoping this has been/will be fixed.

From what others have said its still clanky and bumpy on the ascent and descent, but better in other locations.


New Member
Just a random thought (I'm watching a great video of the 1994 version from Mousebits) - they were INSANE to ever get rid of the music, if you ask me, especially everything from just before the top section until the end of the finale. Granted, I haven't been able to ride the new version yet, but what I've heard of the new score just doesn't compare!

If you've forgotten already how the ride used to sound, I STRONGLY urge you to download this video: (it took me around 6 hours to download it, but it was worth every second). The music from the planetarium and throughout the descent is STUNNINGLY beautiful (the kind of stuff so emotionally charged it can bring you to tears). Jeremy Irons' narration is amazing too (but I don't have much against Judi Dench either - it's the script that's at fault in that area).

I still can't wait to ride the new SSE, but I already have to wonder what could possibly have possessed WDI to remove this truly wonderful score.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Don't just change for the sake of change!


Well-Known Member
The exterior BGM is only 2:10 for those that are interested.
Ahaha! ...

Like Broughton only recorded two minutes and 10 seconds worth of music. Here's an mollify all the heartaching (which is completely justified) that's been going on lately about the lameness of this beta version, why not pipe the old Edo Guidotti score through the speakers from here on through the official reopening?... I believe that in total clocks out to just about 20 minutes....


Well-Known Member
SSE's legs

Do alot of you like the new blue swooshes underneath SSE?

Imagine that if they could incorporate that to the other legs and get rid of the leave a legacy paint?



New Member
Rode the new SSE on Dec. 8 p.m. - loved the first half, terribly disappointed on the downward ascent. Our "future" was not accurate to what we had picked out on the screen, and had nothing to do with where we lived, so why did it ask that? Hated the cheesy cartoon aspect as well. Oh well....guess the ascent is a good place to catch a few winks!!:snore:


Premium Member
I watched the onride of SSE on Youtube....

I'm VERY disturbed by the ending....and I'm usually not very worried about these things....

BUT 20 questions as you're descending, then what looks like a quiz (I knew there was a school scene in the old SSE, but no pop quizzes!!!) and then some cartoons that look like they're about to sell me auto insurance.

Now, there could be a lot of changes by February, but I'm insulted so far by what I've seen. Whoever came up with the corny cheap animation idea shouldn't be anywhere near EPCOT for future projects.

Yes, I think interactivity can be done effectively, but it should be more like a new version of Horizons, something very quick on the screen, but that effects show scenes in front of you, that would make it much more interesting. Starting at a screen for the entire descent is....the most unproductive idea they could have come up with, and I can only hope that isn't the final plan.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I watched the onride of SSE on Youtube....

I'm VERY disturbed by the ending....and I'm usually not very worried about these things....

BUT 20 questions as you're descending, then what looks like a quiz (I knew there was a school scene in the old SSE, but no pop quizzes!!!) and then some cartoons that look like they're about to sell me auto insurance.

Now, there could be a lot of changes by February, but I'm insulted so far by what I've seen. Whoever came up with the corny cheap animation idea shouldn't be anywhere near EPCOT for future projects.

Yes, I think interactivity can be done effectively, but it should be more like a new version of Horizons, something very quick on the screen, but that effects show scenes in front of you, that would make it much more interesting. Starting at a screen for the entire descent is....the most unproductive idea they could have come up with, and I can only hope that isn't the final plan.

I agree. While 20 questions is a bit of an exageration, they do ask about 7-8 questions total. I agree this is way too many. At most, there should be 3 questions (really there should try to make it one). Oh, and that quiz...I found that insulting. :hurl: It felt like they were testing us to see if we payed attention to ride on the way up. Definitely need to get rid of those stupid things.

Peaches Magee

New Member
Anyone know when the ride is running? I am here now and we went on Friday hoping to get into the Siemens Employee Lounge (but we were too late and it had closed for the day :() But the ride was definately not running.

We are going to stay on another day and hoping to get on it tomorrow and get into that secret lounge...

So does anyone know the ride times or anything? Walls are still up all around and have no clue how to ride this blasted thing. And I am dying to take in my own opinions on the refurb, being as it is the hottest topic in this joint.



New Member
Anyone know when the ride is running? I am here now and we went on Friday hoping to get into the Siemens Employee Lounge (but we were too late and it had closed for the day :() But the ride was definately not running.

We are going to stay on another day and hoping to get on it tomorrow and get into that secret lounge...

So does anyone know the ride times or anything? Walls are still up all around and have no clue how to ride this blasted thing. And I am dying to take in my own opinions on the refurb, being as it is the hottest topic in this joint.


There are no set ride times. The ride opening each day is dependent on the work that gets done inside and whether or not it's able to run. It literally runs randomly, when maintenance and the imagineers release the building and then it depends on if the ride is okay to run with guests. Although, generally the ride tends to open sometime in the mornings from what I have seen and heard.


New Member
There are no set ride times. The ride opening each day is dependent on the work that gets done inside and whether or not it's able to run. It literally runs randomly, when maintenance and the imagineers release the building and then it depends on if the ride is okay to run with guests. Although, generally the ride tends to open sometime in the mornings from what I have seen and heard.

Hey, are you feeling better today???:eek:


New Member
Hey, are you feeling better today???:eek:

lol, thanks. :) A bit. Now that my finals are over its a lot easier to get sleep. But unfortunately that also means I had to go home for our Christmas break, so I won't be back to work for the next few weeks. It makes me sad, I miss being there for this wonderfully exciting time. Although if previews end and we're back to just 3d glasses in Project Tomorrow I don't feel bad at all. ;)


Well-Known Member
Just a random thought (I'm watching a great video of the 1994 version from Mousebits) - they were INSANE to ever get rid of the music, if you ask me, especially everything from just before the top section until the end of the finale. Granted, I haven't been able to ride the new version yet, but what I've heard of the new score just doesn't compare!

If you've forgotten already how the ride used to sound, I STRONGLY urge you to download this video: (it took me around 6 hours to download it, but it was worth every second). The music from the planetarium and throughout the descent is STUNNINGLY beautiful (the kind of stuff so emotionally charged it can bring you to tears). Jeremy Irons' narration is amazing too (but I don't have much against Judi Dench either - it's the script that's at fault in that area).

I still can't wait to ride the new SSE, but I already have to wonder what could possibly have possessed WDI to remove this truly wonderful score.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it! Don't just change for the sake of change!

glad you liked my video :wave: have you used headphones on this one ?


Do alot of you like the new blue swooshes underneath SSE?

Imagine that if they could incorporate that to the other legs and get rid of the leave a legacy paint?

Yeah...I can imagine it. I think those LAL brown designs are ugly! They did so much great work on the exterior, I can't believe they left those. Of course, I'm not a fan of the purple circus tent thing either. blech..

instead of screens the descent should have narration that kind of serves as a conclusion for the ride, great music (something upbeat like Tomorrow's Child), and involve special effects all around (you know lighting effects, pepper's ghost effects, maybe even some next generation hologram technology, heck I would even take the ol'Tom Fitzgerald special of video projections on the descent). Also there is absoluetly NO reason to not rebuild/recreate the original space station scene that used to be there when you first start descending. I don't want the same thing but something similar yet modern would be appropriate especially since the ride is about how far our technology has come.

I absolutely agree with this. We have a working (well international space station, astronauts working in space and live video feed from the station into classrooms to have interactive communication with students. I think it would be a nice addition to have the current station and an astronaut floating there that perhaps you don't see immediately, but as you reach a certain point, he (or she) lifesize, close and moving, comes into view. One example, the astronaut could be working on the station and turn toward you and give a slight wave as you go by. After that, in the descent, there is so much that you and others have suggested that would work and would be much improved over the touch screen focus. There are so many possibilities that would tie it all together and bring the message home in a very dramatic, inspiring and challenging way.


Just rode it!

I just rode SSE today; they had the construction wall open with a CM guiding people in. I'm not sure whether it was open all day or just part of the day, since that was the only time I was in that area.

I was riding with my family, who are not WDW freaks like me. They're more the "average guests"; they've been to WDW before, but not for a number of years, and they had only vague recollections of SSE as a slow-moving, "boring" ride. I kept my mouth shut during the preview to listen to their reactions, particularly my 20-something sister, who was sitting next to me.

As has been said numerous times before, the ascent portion of the ride was awesome. My sister, who was only riding to humor me until I would take her on something faster, marveled a number of times at how much "better" this version was than the one she remembered. (Some of the changes were real; others were only in her mind, but the point is, she enjoyed it.)

I had a weird experience with the narration. I've always enjoyed the grandeur of the old style (Irons et al.) and when I heard some of the new version online, I hated how dumbed-down it sounded. But in person, maybe just because I was expecting it, I found that it didn't bother me. It seemed to connect better with my sister, and although it's not the choice I would have made, I still found it enjoyable. (I know, I know. Don't shoot me.) The new focus on technology works, and I like the plussing of the ascent. So, excellent work there. Yes, I prefer the Irons narration by quite a bit, but the Dench version will grow on me. The ascent is still awesome.

Now, the descent... Well, it starts off great. The grid of blue dots is really, really cool. And then come the video screens.

Now... I like the idea of the touch screens. It reminds me of Horizons. And I get why a lot of the cool lights and things didn't stick around, since they might be a distraction from the touch screens. It was really hard not to miss them, but I was trying not to fault the ride for being different from a previous version, and focus instead on what was there.

But the real problem was the whole questionnaire/cartoon thing. Like seriously. I let my sister answer all the questions, and without my saying anything, she found the resulting cartoon both frustrating and silly. Silly because it lacked the tone of the rest of the ride, and frustrating because (in her view) her input didn't seem to impact the cartoon very much. "We got the same one he did!" she said with disdain, comparing our video in the back seat to the one in front of us. Truthfully, our video was different in subtle ways based on the questions we answered (I was paying careful attention) but this was lost on her as the average guest. The differences just weren't enough to make her feel that her choices meaningfully impacted the story. Too many choices, too little difference. Horizons' approach (one choice, three vastly different scenarios) was far superior.

I'm thinking that the rumor about your faces appearing in the cartoon has to be the goal. The stand-in faces in the cartoon are all facing the camera, making for an easy JibJab-like substitution, and when your picture is taken, the voice tells you to be sure you can see your face on the screen. (Unfortunately, you don't always have time and I don't think it will work consistently. My brother took the opportunity to pose wildly, and my sister's head was blocked because she didn't have time to get into position.)

Having your face in the toon would definitely add a "cool" factor for the average guest, but the cartoon is so poor and the questionnaire so complicated, that you're basically depending on that one little aspect to make the entire descent worth it, and that's too much of a gamble.

My advice for fixing it? Create a better cartoon with ideas about tomorrow that don't feel so silly, give it a tone that fits with the rest of the ride, and limit the rider's choices to one or two questions, with vastly different outcomes so that the rider can see how their choice made a difference. With fewer choices, you can add more effects to the descent instead of making the touchscreens the total focus. Then you can still have the superimposed faces, but the theme would be more cohesive and ride wouldn't be so dependent on one little trick (the faces) to make or break the entire last portion of the attraction.

-p.b. :cool:

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