Spaceship Earth - my opinions of the refurb - very very dissapointing


i too have ridden it several times this week

:cry: and that is about the way i feel. i admit i am bigoted about SSE. PLEASE PLEASE bring back the original ride with Walter Cronkite. this was my 98th trip to WDW and except for our first trip in 1978 EPCOT is always the first stop and SSE is always the 1st ride.

i got here on friday the 7th and got on SSE the first time on monday. seems like between 10 and 11 in the morning they are opening it up because the 3 times i rode it were always during this time.

if you read the first message in this then you have read it all. well maybe. i kinda liked how they linked rome with the information highway because in a sense they did for their time and technology. but i was not aware that somehow during the fall of rome that the alexandria library was burned, thought that happened during julius cesar's time not later... and also i was not aware that those rascals the muslims saved a great many of the works from the burning library... suffice to say some liberties were taken with truth... maybe this is why they used Dench and not Cronkite. TRUTH does matter. anyway.

i was really excited first getting into the car and seeing the screen for the first time. wondered what great possibilties this would present us... perhaps someone thought about Horizons or something. they ride took off and i thought the sound system was better. essentially the ride is not changed much. some touches here and there but character/animatronic wise basically the same up to the living room scene. furniture is updated and no longer jimmy brown running the football BUT THEY DID USE WALTER for a brief instant and then the Apollo 11 landing. from there on it was nearly entirely different. the computer room reminded me of one from 1988 with its tape drives.

you know i love the scene at the top and whenever i get stuck up there i never mind because i love the view of the heavens and earth. then there is the ride back to earth. and two thoughts.

1st --- if you do not look at the screen there is not a thing to see other then fiber lights not dancing not in a patten no magic to them providing images of cities or communities of tomorrow just white fiber lights.

2nd --- after selecting 3 different options on the 3 rides i got essentially the same cartoon. now i know how Ralphie felt when he decode his little orphan annie message and it said DRINK YOUR OVALTINE.

there is 2 months to go as has been noted and hopefully the back half is still a work in process. i hope so otherwise they have totally destroyed my favorite ride in EPCOT and while the ball stands sadly if this is the way of things then SSE has gone the way of Horizons.

i leave tomorrow and will be back in just under 4 weeks and i will hopefully get on it and see improvements then.


New Member
:cry: and that is about the way i feel. i admit i am bigoted about SSE. PLEASE PLEASE bring back the original ride with Walter Cronkite...

Walter Cronkite wasn't the first version he was in SSE 2.0
The original had a non-Celebrity narrator, still a male voice...

"WHo are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?" The first lines of the original narration in 1982.


I just got back from the evening (8 December) previews. I rode twice and wanted to share my feelings.

Unfortunately, I have to say that overall I was extremely dissapointed with the reworked Spaceship Earth. With WDI's recent great track record (Soarin, Nemo, Everest, El Rio, Pirates, Mansion) I really had no concerns going into this - I was very VERY wrong.

I understand the ride is not finished yet. However, with WDI allowing guests to ride, they must be reasonably close to completion. In the past, we havnt really seen significant changes to attractions after previews, so I am guessing the same will be here. So just to restate - I am reviewing the preview version shown to park guests today.

The Good

- Most of the scenes up to the top have been improved. Animatronics are smoother, sets well lit, and restored to good order.

- A couple of new scenes have been installed, and they are good. I wouldn't say they are spectacular, but they are good.

- The audio is stable and does not cut out.

- Nice new landscaping outside the attraction.

- New costumes for Cast are nice.

- Good looking signs.

The Bad

- The return to Earth from the top is an absolute embarassment to WDI. It consists of being in an almost black tunnel (with a few tiny white lights/fibres on the ceiling), and watching a very uninteresting video clip that is created after you answer 5 totally pointless questions. The finale is basically now a typical web-type flash animation that you find all over the place online. I cant really put into words how much of a let down the finale is - you need to see it to believe it. The video system is not a way to spend your time on an omnimover. It is like they decided to put a good chunk of a very boring post-show on the actual ride vehicle.

- The narration content and delivery is not what is required for an attraction of Spaceship Earth's calibre. The narration now resembles the familiarity of a delivery by a teacher or a mom (not that there is anything wrong with either of those! it just doesnt work in Spaceship Earth!), rather than a grand, impressive narration. Judi Dench is totally wrong for this, and the script is not doing any favors. Somehow they are linking Rome with the World Wide Web, and Arabic scholars as being the first backup system. It is all very tenuos and insulting to our intelligence.

- The score is forgettable. It's OK, but doesnt stand out like the previous versions, and doesn't seem to flow through the attraction.

- The ride system is just as bumpy as ever, very little (if anything) was done to address the bumps.

- Nothing at all has been done to the load or unload area. They are just as beat up and worn out looking as they were before the refurb began.

- They have some colored lights on the trees outside that make the palm trees look like they have been spray painted. Its interesting to have some color, but it doesnt look right.


For me, this is by far the worst refurbishment in recent years. It really reminds me of the Imagination saga. It looks to me as though there has possibly been been corporate pressure from Siemens to include certain messages that WDI could only achive via the video return to Earth. The first half of the ride is a fine, but the second half, and unfortunately the memory you walk away with, is a total mess. I didnt see anyone leaving the ride in a usual "I've just been on an awesome new Disney ride" kinda buzz. A lot seemed to be somewhat shell shocked, but I didnt really get a chance to hear anyone elses comments.

Disney are still saying February for reopening, so they have time to do some fixing. I guess it all depends on what the average guest thinks. My views may or may not match those. I can say though, to me, Spaceship Earth was CONSIDERABLY better prior to the refurbishment, and I just hope someone at Disney stands up and makes it clear to whoever is orchestrating the changes that it isnt good enough for Epcot's signature attraction.

are we still allowed to talk about SSE?


Well-Known Member
I just listened to SE's new narration for the very first time, and I must say that I don't like it. It feels way too loose, too light for SE. While SE shouldn't have a narration that's overloading, it should have one that's heavy, something grand. This new narration seems as though they went in and said "Alright, people are too stupid nowadays to understand something like the old narration. Let's dumb it down and make the information sparse." It never gives me a compelling feeling like the old one did. To be honest, this new narration really just bores me.


New Member the risk of starting firestorm of flaming......

Am I the only one (besides my wife) who thinks this ride was kind of boring in the first place? Not terrible, but just okay. My six-year-old liked it and that's great--we'll ride it next trip, I'm sure.

Just didn't "wow" me.


New Member the risk of starting firestorm of flaming......

Am I the only one (besides my wife) who thinks this ride was kind of boring in the first place? Not terrible, but just okay. My six-year-old liked it and that's great--we'll ride it next trip, I'm sure.

Just didn't "wow" me.

Uhhh I'm with you. I was never "wowed" by it. I liked it and all, just not a high priority attraction for me.

I had hoped this rehab would make it a bit more exciting...apparently it has but not in they way anyone really


New Member the risk of starting firestorm of flaming......

Am I the only one (besides my wife) who thinks this ride was kind of boring in the first place? Not terrible, but just okay. My six-year-old liked it and that's great--we'll ride it next trip, I'm sure.

Just didn't "wow" me.

I can totally understand. I didn't care particularly a lot for it until I started working there. Getting to know all the intricate details about the ride and it's history and even just the history of original EPCOT Center is what draws me to it now. As far as all the new ride, I'm yet undecided. I only rode it once and it was not nearly enough for me to take everything in that I'd see. In fact, I didn't even hear the narration 75% of the time when I was riding it (and in truth had gotten used to the Irons narration it was the same with that, as I was always looking for things in the ride for show quality as my job demands and/or pointing out all the little details of things that I know to friends). I'm not particularly against it right now, or disappointed, just waiting it out.

On another note, it occurred to me that from what I understand, Siemens has had a hand in the design of the ride, and maybe some people are forgetting that. Has anyone considered the Imagineers were possibly limited by Siemens' wishes? I don't really know how rides and sponsorship go, but it seems to me a lot of these wishes come from Siemens and then the Imagineers just bring them to life. I kind of feel like this might be part of why the descent is how it is.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
I can totally understand. I didn't care particularly a lot for it until I started working there. Getting to know all the intricate details about the ride and it's history and even just the history of original EPCOT Center is what draws me to it now. As far as all the new ride, I'm yet undecided. I only rode it once and it was not nearly enough for me to take everything in that I'd see. In fact, I didn't even hear the narration 75% of the time when I was riding it (and in truth had gotten used to the Irons narration it was the same with that, as I was always looking for things in the ride for show quality as my job demands and/or pointing out all the little details of things that I know to friends). I'm not particularly against it right now, or disappointed, just waiting it out.

On another note, it occurred to me that from what I understand, Siemens has had a hand in the design of the ride, and maybe some people are forgetting that. Has anyone considered the Imagineers were possibly limited by Siemens' wishes? I don't really know how rides and sponsorship go, but it seems to me a lot of these wishes come from Siemens and then the Imagineers just bring them to life. I kind of feel like this might be part of why the descent is how it is.

If this is ture, then shame on Siemens. Originally, I was feeling good about this refurb because I felt that Siemens really understood the theme of what SSE should be about: a "grand and miraculous spaceship" where we are all living together as one "to create a better world for ourselves and our children." (As you can tell, I really liked the old narration). If they truely were responsible for the current ending (and I'm beginning to think they were), then I can see my faith in Siemens was sadly misplaced.:(


Active Member
Ricky posted the new narration back to back with the old (Irons) version on his podcast. Wow, a world of difference! I encourage everyone to listen this week for the full effect of just how bad the new version is.


Well-Known Member the risk of starting firestorm of flaming......

Am I the only one (besides my wife) who thinks this ride was kind of boring in the first place? Not terrible, but just okay. My six-year-old liked it and that's great--we'll ride it next trip, I'm sure.

Just didn't "wow" me.

No, you're not the only one. The second half of the ride has always been a weak point. It seemed like a missed opportunity to use all of that real estate for something really nifty, but that's the way it's been for 25 years.

However, based on what everyone's said, it seems like an already weak area has been weakened further.

Maybe they're not done; won't know for sure until after February I guess. Hopefully, someone can come up with a way to create a really "Wow" ending, something SSE has never had.


Well-Known Member
However, based on what everyone's said, it seems like an already weak area has been weakened further.

Right. Many apologists seem to say "it's always been bad" as an excuse for the finale. If that's the case, then why not try to fix it instead of making it worse?


Well-Known Member
Right. Many apologists seem to say "it's always been bad" as an excuse for the finale. If that's the case, then why not try to fix it instead of making it worse?

I've always wondered about that. Kinda been a blind spot...the first half of the ride has always been a great experience, but the ride was really over at the top.

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