I always understood that the main reason why SSE didn't get it's original "Horizons-esque" theme was because Bell System/AT&T really wanted to push the communications theme to promote their telephone company. It makes sense if you think about it. And that's why Horizons appeared with the original SSE theme over in FWEast. So basically, we have been deprived of the original SSE for over 25 years and we are now finally getting it back. Thanks to Seimens not being just a telephone company, we can now enjoy a wide range of future technologies. Take a look at the post-show: it has aspects of Test Track, WoL, and UoE. And you can create your own imagined future? I'd say that's a reflection of (Ji)Imagination. See, now SSE truly is the park representative!
I'm not sure about that one. Afterall, communication is the beginning of understanding and its been that way for 25 years. Anyone else want to weigh in on this thought? (Waits for Merf)