spaceship earth end not done

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Well-Known Member
I could be wrong, but I believe the original "sky blue" was chosen, along with the mirrored column, were designed to make SSE appear to float or look weightless. To me the painted legs, wand and stones completely ruined the effect. Though with the wand gone it is 100% better. I remember the original configuration and it was great.


Well-Known Member
SSE's legs (that sounds weird saying that :eek:) were originally painted powder blue. After years and years of exposure to the sun the color has faded to a strange off-white blue tint......yeah :zipit:

Because early photos of EPCOT Center do not have the great digitial quality of today's photos, it's hard to tell what that color really looked like. Unless there are some good 35mm slides lying around. :sohappy:

As far as I can tell, the legs were never repainted in 1999, and the legacy, paint scheme was done right over it, making the contrast even more noticeable.

I am in big support of the current blue scheme at the entrance to SSE.

If all the legs of SSE both and all of their sides can be done in a brand new blue...the lightest shade they use at the entrance....and can then use the dark blue color and make brand new lines that run from the entrance legs and across the entrance buildings. I would be in full support of that.

I don't want the pattern to exactly be the same thickness or design that the original black orange and blue patters were that ran across the front of the structure, but something along those lines *no pun intended*

OT: I don't care if a sculpture ever goes back on the fountain, I just rather have a new modern not one that uses rubber black tire...but a nice new sleek fountain...and not the brown and pink montana future they tried to pull off at Epcot in 1999.

I also think they should start to phase out the pink pavement. Yes it was done to make the colors pop, but hardly any of the original pavement exists and there is a clash of many different pink cements....those that are more faded then others. If they redo the entrance and could use those greyish/black tiles they use in Innoventions I think those would be more appropriate. Maybe not that actual square pattern, but rather than color and texture.

If they can successfully rebrand the entrance and make SSE look complete with varying shades of blues...and can get rid of the outdated yellows and purples that still exist around the park, than I think it is a great CHANGE forward for the colors really are bold, sleek, and modern and are appropriate for Future World, but using the 1980s EPCOT Center philosophy or on stage design. :D

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I could be wrong, but I believe the original "sky blue" was chosen, along with the mirrored column, were designed to make SSE appear to float or look weightless. To me the painted legs, wand and stones completely ruined the effect. Though with the wand gone it is 100% better. I remember the original configuration and it was great.

Baby steps. :sohappy:

Perhaps if Michael (STR8FAN2005) is correct, the repainting of the legs are on the to-do list to 'change the look of Epcot'. Honestly, that's a cause I wouldn't mind standing behind. Do you think a few half dozen letters to WDW would make a difference? :lookaroun

:lol: :D


Well-Known Member
While this isn't the shade of blue/purple I'm talking about, it shows that blue or blue/purple is alot easier on the eyes and more futuristic and modern than salmon pink.



One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I agree with you :)D) and I think that the blue/purple color that may have been a little darker was the most aesthetically pleasing. Wasn't there a color along the same lines, but slightly darker? Or am I thinking of the Imagination pavillion?


Well-Known Member
Baby steps. :sohappy:

Perhaps if Michael (STR8FAN2005) is correct, the repainting of the legs are on the to-do list to 'change the look of Epcot'. Honestly, that's a cause I wouldn't mind standing behind. Do you think a few half dozen letters to WDW would make a difference? :lookaroun

:lol: :D

Something tells me they know people want the legs painted. I agree that they are doing a little at a time.

By the way, I have spent a lot of time at Epcot recently just walking around (very excitng) and I have to say it looks GREAT! Especially World Showcase. But I see improvements everywhere. Management should be proud of the job folks are doing there. Bravo! :)

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Something tells me they know people want the legs painted. I agree that they are doing a little at a time.

By the way, I have spent a lot of time at Epcot recently just walking around (very excitng) and I have to say it looks GREAT! Especially World Showcase. But I see improvements everywhere. Management should be proud of the job folks are doing there. Bravo! :)

When I was there a month ago (and granted, I'm sure even more has changed by now) things were looking great compared to years prior. I'm always going to be a huge fan of classic EPCOT Center, but for all intents and purposes I believe that they're making positive steps.

I'm glad we can agree on something jt04. :wave: :D


Well-Known Member
Yes but with the exception of the center flower bed at the epcot entrance and the flowerbed behind SSE, food and wine and pollenfest do very little the epcot entrance and innoventions plaza as well as future world east and west. A great deal is throughout world showcase, and along the grass that sits around the ponds between future world and world showcase. With the exception of a few small and temporarily pavilions built and taken down for these events...the events have a minute role on the overall look of future world.

The point that I was trying to make is that for all of those events, alot of $$ and resources are used up, and millions of construction walls are put up. When I first started my College Program in August, EPCOT was filled with contstruction walls (SSE, F&W, and other random walls.) Gradually they come down, but management has to strike a balance. Over the past 5 years, EPCOT has seen the most improvement with more to come. You just can't do too much at one time, unless you admit defeat and start all over like California Adventure.


New Member
One thing that irritates me slightly about the SSE area is that, after more than 25 years, the original 'Camera Center' and 'Gateway Gifts' signs are STILL in place, and don't seem to have been touched since they were installed. Now with the stunning new SSE signs, they look even more ancient.

Disney have done so much great work to the entrance plaza already, but I still think more can and should be done. Just for argument's sake, if it was my decision I would:-

- Change those signs to be something in the style of the great new SSE ones. Anything more modern is better than what's there now.

- Paint over all of the underside of the SSE plaza, in a shade similar (or identical) to the original 1982 shade. You'd think that after so long they would have done this already.

- Put new SSE logo signs on the mirror column, and finally put something back in the middle of the entrance fountain - anything will do! I suppose I'm being a little too idealistic in suggesting they put a new version of the original sculpture there, but that would be very nice.

- And, obviously, remove LaL.

One thing I've noticed in some photos is that the original paint stripes that run along the entrance-facing walls of Gateway Gifts and Camera Center STILL seem to be there, hidden by the trees! I could be mistaken, but if I'm not, then they need to go too - they don't match anything anymore.

That's just my opinion on how Disney could raise their game and make the entrance to Epcot even more impressive than it already is. I don't mean to criticize too scathingly (I LOVE Disney), but I just thought I'd rant for a little while. :D


New Member
One thing that irritates me slightly about the SSE area is that, after more than 25 years, the original 'Camera Center' and 'Gateway Gifts' signs are STILL in place, and don't seem to have been touched since they were installed. Now with the stunning new SSE signs, they look even more ancient.

Disney have done so much great work to the entrance plaza already, but I still think more can and should be done. Just for argument's sake, if it was my decision I would:-

- Change those signs to be something in the style of the great new SSE ones. Anything more modern is better than what's there now.

- Paint over all of the underside of the SSE plaza, in a shade similar (or identical) to the original 1982 shade. You'd think that after so long they would have done this already.

- Put new SSE logo signs on the mirror column, and finally put something back in the middle of the entrance fountain - anything will do! I suppose I'm being a little too idealistic in suggesting they put a new version of the original sculpture there, but that would be very nice.

- And, obviously, remove LaL.

One thing I've noticed in some photos is that the original paint stripes that run along the entrance-facing walls of Gateway Gifts and Camera Center STILL seem to be there, hidden by the trees! I could be mistaken, but if I'm not, then they need to go too - they don't match anything anymore.

That's just my opinion on how Disney could raise their game and make the entrance to Epcot even more impressive than it already is. I don't mean to criticize too scathingly (I LOVE Disney), but I just thought I'd rant for a little while. :D

Great ideas. Now to convince Disney...


Park History nut
Premium Member
One thing I've noticed in some photos is that the original paint stripes that run along the entrance-facing walls of Gateway Gifts and Camera Center STILL seem to be there, hidden by the trees! I could be mistaken, but if I'm not, then they need to go too - they don't match anything anymore.
Stripes? You mean the vertcial brown slats painted on the walls? Part of LaL these were. The original wall was just plain blue on the SSE legs, then 2 tone blue and red along the support facility (plaza walls) sides. The signs of the east and west shops however are still vintage 1982, as is the interior ceiling finish. No wonder I got so many pics of them last year :D

They also match the interior of the original group sales reception building between the turnstyles and bus station - look through the darkened glass next time you pass ;)


Well-Known Member
Open Letter to Imagineering

From the first time I rode SSE in December the descent bothered me. I couldn't put my finger on it until a few weeks ago and I posted my concerns in another thread. Fortunately they removed the problem from the descent. Was I being "hypersensitve"? Maybe yes, maybe no.

After SSE reopened there was a new feature. As you transition out of the Sistine Chapel (very inspiring music by the way) you encounter what appear to me to be smoke stacks painted on the wall. I am glad they put something there instead of just a blank wall. But I must say that again something bothered me about it that I couldn't put my finger on (proving I actually am not hypersensitive).

SSE's sets show how one era then inspires another. In all of it's remodels this has remained a consistent feature. So now we have the inspiration that religion can create transitioning into smoke stacks (most people today do not consider them progress)! I believe this will work on people on almost a subliminal level. That religion led to something bad. :mad: Considering who sponsors this ride it shows a real lack of sensitivity. Consequently I'm not "going there" in this post. At least not yet. Someone really needs to reflect on the message that may be being conveyed by this design element whether it is intentional or not.

I would suggest some Davinci drawings or sets be added instead. In the manner they were used in World of Motion. Or anything else that inspires and does not bring into question what is really intended here. I'll be watching, always watching. :cool:


Well-Known Member
The Renaissance was a renewed interest in science, philosophy, and art. Work that tends to be religious should not be taken in a literal sense. Nearly everything the great masters did was simply because they were hired so that their talents could paint or sculpt various religious elements for wealthy sponsors.

You really think Michelangelo have two craps about the Pieta? No! He did it for the money. It was for a private and wealthy sponsor that the Vatican eventually aquired and made the piece more monumental then it really is.

The purpose of the Renaissance in SSE is to show where we had come up to that point and how that was the last great inspiration and major breakthrough in cultural achievement we had up to that point. It would be hundreds of years before we would be inspired to build and create...this time with steam power and the industrial revolution. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Here are my crappy paint proposals for the legs of SSE.



Notice how scarred and bleached the pink pavement has become? The dull colors, and the overgrowth everywhere?

By opening up the area, it makes the architecture, plaza, and SSE look bigger. The colors are bold, sleek, futuristic. Rather than have a cluster of palm trees.... 5 palm trees lead up to the front SSE.

There are 7-8 palm trees on the sides of SSE I believe.


Well-Known Member
The Renaissance was a renewed interest in science, philosophy, and art. Work that tends to be religious should not be taken in a literal sense. Nearly everything the great masters did was simply because they were hired so that their talents could paint or sculpt various religious elements for wealthy sponsors.

You really think Michelangelo have two craps about the Pieta? No! He did it for the money. It was for a private and wealthy sponsor that the Vatican eventually aquired and made the piece more monumental then it really is.

The purpose of the Renaissance in SSE is to show where we had come up to that point and how that was the last great inspiration and major breakthrough in cultural achievement we had up to that point. It would be hundreds of years before we would be inspired to build and create...this time with steam power and the industrial revolution. :wave:

Please don't give me revisionist garbage, that stuff is losing it's credibility and make it's practitioners appear foolish (did it for the money? :rolleyes: :lol:). Try rereading my post, this time very slowly and with comprehension.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Expo, I enjoyed your paint proposal. It accomplishes everything you described and doesn't take away from the grandure of SSE itself. I'm not sure if you did this on purpose or not, but the sloping of the palm trees really pulls the eye towards SSE. Nice. :cool: Would you have the fountains on the ground or elevated though?


Well-Known Member
The palm trees go higher and higher so they lead us toward SSE. The fountain would have to be elevated so kids aren't ing in it.
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