spaceship earth end not done

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One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Very good analogy! I know that I did my best to stay as far away from those dry, boring and condescending (grand?) professors. But, I was always trying to grab the courses where the classroom setting was fun. You can enjoy learning, but it's all about the environment.

But wait, this is a THEME PARK... a VACATION... it should be first and foremost about ENTERTAINMENT! Because, just like that college class, the guests will gravitate to the entertainment and leave the dry and boring stuff alone.

AH-HA! :drevil:

Herein lies the slippery slope of what each individual considers entertaining. I can see how Dame Judy's more caring, nurturing tone would be more entertaining for some. Also the more mystic, serious tone of Jeremy Irons would grab others attention.

I agree wholeheartedly that the tone at which she's speaking does change the 'story' that SSE is trying to tell, and I applaud WDI for taking that into consideration. True, a lot of the scenes have been there since I first rode SSE, but there's no denying the storyline is different now.

Either way, I always used my trips on SSE as a 'cultural event' in my college humanities classes. I learned more from SSE than I did in 5 entire semesters of humanities classes. Guess I'm a sucker for amazing visual aides. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Herein lies the slippery slope of what each individual considers entertaining.

That's correct and I will agree wholeheartedly.

But... ;)

Do you really think most people walking through the gates want something that is "grand, ecletic, mysterious" or "more personal and entertaining"?

Of course, I'm betting there's a bunch that JUST DON'T CARE... :lookaroun :lol:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
That's correct and I will agree wholeheartedly.

But... ;)

Do you really think most people walking through the gates want something that is "grand, ecletic, mysterious" or "more personal and entertaining"?

Of course, I'm betting there's a bunch that JUST DON'T CARE... :lookaroun :lol:

I think your final point is the most honest answer out there. We here of course will have our varying opinions on the attractions because we've invested a certain amount of ourselves to 'loving WDW'.

I have no fact to back this up, so it's merely speculation, but I'm willing to bet that the majority of people that come through the gates are so excited just to be at WDW that they don't care to dissect entertainment vs education. :lol:

I know that I hold certain attractions on property in a high regard that most seem to detest because to me it's ALL part of the magic. I'm more excited and thankful to just be there experiencing it all.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Personally I don't think the new narration is that bad, but it isn't as enjoyable to me as the previous versons. Educational and "proper" is more entertaining to me. And while I won't be taking my iPod to the park to listen to Irons, I like you, will certainly miss the tone. I still think I'll love the new verson and can't wait to see it in person.

Same here...I don't hate the new narration but Irons gave me goosebumps every time.THAT is entertainment at it's best.

Very good analogy! I know that I did my best to stay as far away from those dry, boring and condescending (grand?) professors. But, I was always trying to grab the courses where the classroom setting was fun. You can enjoy learning, but it's all about the environment.

But wait, this is a THEME PARK... a VACATION... it should be first and foremost about ENTERTAINMENT! Because, just like that college class, the guests will gravitate to the entertainment and leave the dry and boring stuff alone.
You say potato I say putato.:p

AH-HA! :drevil:

Herein lies the slippery slope of what each individual considers entertaining. I can see how Dame Judy's more caring, nurturing tone would be more entertaining for some. Also the more mystic, serious tone of Jeremy Irons would grab others attention.

I agree wholeheartedly that the tone at which she's speaking does change the 'story' that SSE is trying to tell, and I applaud WDI for taking that into consideration. True, a lot of the scenes have been there since I first rode SSE, but there's no denying the storyline is different now.

Either way, I always used my trips on SSE as a 'cultural event' in my college humanities classes. I learned more from SSE than I did in 5 entire semesters of humanities classes. Guess I'm a sucker for amazing visual aides. :lol:

That's correct and I will agree wholeheartedly.

But... ;)

Do you really think most people walking through the gates want something that is "grand, ecletic, mysterious" or "more personal and entertaining"?

Of course, I'm betting there's a bunch that JUST DON'T CARE... :lookaroun :lol:
Wasn't "grand and eclectic" EPCOT Center's original description and aims?



Well-Known Member
Same here...I don't hate the new narration but Irons gave me goosebumps every time.THAT is entertainment at it's best.

You say potato I say putato.:p

Wasn't "grand and eclectic" EPCOT Center's original description and aims?

Aims? No... their aim was to make money. The angle they used? Yeah, edutainment and looonngg dark rides all over the place.

Problem... the angle just didn't work at first, they propped it up quickly, it had some value, but it soon got boring. Enter the changes we've been seeing for the past several years. Honestly, the only people I have EVER met that doesn't see a positive improvement in those changes are a few purists on forums. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
WannaB what do u think of my version of the narration? :zipit: :cry:

I like most of the narration and a good chunk of epcot as it is now. :)

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
WannaB what do u think of my version of the narration? :zipit: :cry:

I like most of the narration and a good chunk of epcot as it is now. :)

I really like your avatar! :lol: :wave:

I also have to agree with your last sentence. Once things have been changed, we'll never get them back to their original state. (I still have my fingers and toes crossed for a reincarnation of the original JII though... :lookaroun) At a certain point we have to take a step back and appreciate the change and find the good in it all.


Well-Known Member
There are things I do enjoy that have changed at all of the parks and the resorts in general.

One example I don't like that has changed involves the cosmetics of future world in Epcot.

Now many would say "what the hell Expo, go ride Soarin'" :p but remember Disney Parks are like a set, you walk on stage and are in a story. It is all about the mood and details, and the flow from one scene to another.

If you have a set from the early 1900s, you are not going to put a set piece from the late 1990s in it.

"Yeah but Disney doesn't care about that stuff"

Not true, atleast not to the PR people who gave us the BS that became EPCOT Center, the BS about the year of a million dreams, and the BS that Disney designers still make sure there is a story that flows "on stage".

When I enter Epcot, I am hit with a big sphere, and as nice as it is, the plaza shrinks to obstrusive, tall, and out of place legacy stones. The idea isn't bad, the concept of leaving a legacy, but the execution isn't good.

The only thing it complements are the angle of SSE's legs, and that's just some of the stones.

The colors are

You have faded yellow and purple 80s colors from EPCOT Center at the very front of the park....hell even I don't want that around.

There is no sense of flow, the various overgrown trees, plants, etc do not bring you toward SSE. Yes you know you have to walk forward to get into the park, but there is so much going on its chaos to the eyes, not inviting and attractive. Had they made one row of legacy stones and all small and at the same size it would have been much more appropriate.

That is why I still am in favor of the original entrance....not because it had an 80s prism scultpture or hideous orange and blue paint schemes...but the purpose of the flower beds...benches...lamps...and palm trees that led up to SSE...everything had a intricate detailed purpose of a story that flowed together regardless if the average joe could see it or not.

Walt Disney himself did this, making details all over the place, the people that did notice were the ones that got the extra umph on their visit.

Now it seems Disney is all about what the average joe cares about and notices.

The parks can still make money via the average joe with rides like test track, space, and soarin', but still have flowing and attractive architecutre and landscaping for the average joy and disney fan to enjoy.

When I enter Innoventions Plaza...there are a ton of design items clashing....80s architecture painted in salmon pink. :zipit: :rolleyes: red neon bars, vibrant green and blue signs....a faded pink tent structure with a random pin central placed in the plaza....numerous sidewalk designs, with random LED sidewalk tablets....overgrowth of plants and trees.

The plaza is chaotic. The old plaza had plenty of benches, trashcans, umbrellas, lamposts, shady trees and umbrellas, even ponds and greenery.

Not exactly in 1982, but certainly by the late 80s/early 90s.

Everything flowed, everything was mid century modern.

The average joe isn't going to care what the buildings look like.....
"so then why change what is there now"?

because the story and elements Disney feeds to us with BS will still be preserved.

My only gripes with SSE are some of the narration and what is going in in the descent.

I enjoyed project tomorrow. I rave about it to people who are planning trips to WDW.

But if I can make a video and then send it to someone in project tomorrow, as they have a camera that will take your picture at the booth and do it.

Then I should have the option of not having to do the video during the ride.

I can select a language, I can still show where I live and have my picture taken, but I should then be asked if I want to participate in creating my future toward the end of the ride.

I have the option and convenience to select no and can enjoy the ride as is.

That way ANYONE can choose to create their future during the ride or in project tomorrow.

I can still enjoy the fun and whimsicle video,but in project tomorrow where I can also play some fun and interesting games.

That way the average joe and disney fan are both happy! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Now it seems Disney is all about what the average joe cares about and notices.

The parks can still make money via the average joe with rides like test track, space, and soarin', but still have flowing and attractive architecture and landscaping for the average joy and disney fan to enjoy.


And not only can they still have flowing and attractive architecture for the non-Average Joe type, but attractions as well. As you said, there is still plenty of things for the masses in the parks. But you also need the charm of certain attractions that cater to those looking for more. Don't get me wrong, I love most Disney attractions and I think there are levels to Test Track, Mission Space, etc. that go beyond the simple thrill. I love the back stories and I love the attractions. But for every few big blockbusters, there should be a small independent film as well :)


Well-Known Member
Someone sees the light! :sohappy:

Doesn't mean I want the entrance to look like and blue paint, and people wearing tube socks and short shorts.

The palm trees, the flowers, a new paint scheme...maybe even the nice blue paint scheme at the entrance to SSE could be used, and even the SSE music should extend into the plaza. Golden Dreams is about America....the music to SSE is about everyone and everything...and the warm upbeat and inspiring musical score will get people into the park. :D

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Epcot has some of the best music on property. I know I always listen at home to the Epcot entrance music, SSE score, and all the other background Epcot offers. The park may not be perfect, but, I enjoy it more than DHS.....


Account Suspended
Heaven forbid we're entertained with jokes while VACATIONING at Disney World... :zipit: :rolleyes:

There is a difference between genuienly funny jokes and lame jokes that come off as attempts to be hip. You know what I mean too so don't play dumb :rolleyes:


Active Member
Epcot has some of the best music on property. I know I always listen at home to the Epcot entrance music, SSE score, and all the other background Epcot offers. The park may not be perfect, but, I enjoy it more than DHS.....

I agree. And the Soarin soundtrack is excellent as well.
Miffed at the camera ban

Sucks about no video or pics. I can understand why though.

Unfortunately, I can't. With the timing, it just seems more of a retaliation against the nay-saying. Sure, easier to add to the spiel when you alter it and the ride, but why add it to the spiel now rather than months ago when the initial, almost-done form of the ride opened?

There are good reasons for a total ban: more so on rides like ToT where there's the problem of hitting yourself with the eyepiece or someone with the camera, "nightshot" active scan infrared mode that shines a bright light at infrared security & safety cams, and for "those people" that don't understand that flash photography ruins it for everyone but an unlit video camera or ISO 1600 SLR does no harm.

But again, curious timing. :(


Well-Known Member
I think they are slowing working on the "look" of EPCOT. They took down the wand, and the new landscaping, color scheme, and lighting of SSE are phenomenal. Leave a Legacy is likely to go now that they've shut that down. Some work has been done to Innoventions, and Mission: Space is a work of art on the exterior...even if you don't care for the inside. So, I believe that they are working on EPCOT's look, even if you don't think so. One of the problems with maintaining EPCOT, is that it's almost in constant change due to Food and Wine, Christmas, Flower and Garden, Summer, and the process repeats.


Well-Known Member
Yes but with the exception of the center flower bed at the epcot entrance and the flowerbed behind SSE, food and wine and pollenfest do very little the epcot entrance and innoventions plaza as well as future world east and west. A great deal is throughout world showcase, and along the grass that sits around the ponds between future world and world showcase. With the exception of a few small and temporarily pavilions built and taken down for these events...the events have a minute role on the overall look of future world.


Well-Known Member
I think they are slowing working on the "look" of EPCOT. They took down the wand, and the new landscaping, color scheme, and lighting of SSE are phenomenal. Leave a Legacy is likely to go now that they've shut that down. Some work has been done to Innoventions, and Mission: Space is a work of art on the exterior...even if you don't care for the inside. So, I believe that they are working on EPCOT's look, even if you don't think so. One of the problems with maintaining EPCOT, is that it's almost in constant change due to Food and Wine, Christmas, Flower and Garden, Summer, and the process repeats.

While everyone is waiting for the LaL stones relocation, FOR MICKEY'S SAKE, PAINT THOSE HIDEOUS SSE LEGS! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!? :hurl:

Sorry I just had to say that :lookaroun

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
While everyone is waiting for the LaL stones relocation, FOR MICKEY'S SAKE, PAINT THOSE HIDEOUS SSE LEGS! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!? :hurl:

Sorry I just had to say that :lookaroun

Interesting thought...

In your opinion, what color would look best to go with the entire theme of FW while still remaining aesthetically pleasing?
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