spaceship earth end not done

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Well-Known Member
From the first time I rode SSE in December the descent bothered me. I couldn't put my finger on it until a few weeks ago and I posted my concerns in another thread. Fortunately they removed the problem from the descent. Was I being "hypersensitve"? Maybe yes, maybe no.

After SSE reopened there was a new feature. As you transition out of the Sistine Chapel (very inspiring music by the way) you encounter what appear to me to be smoke stacks painted on the wall. I am glad they put something there instead of just a blank wall. But I must say that again something bothered me about it that I couldn't put my finger on (proving I actually am not hypersensitive).

SSE's sets show how one era then inspires another. In all of it's remodels this has remained a consistent feature. So now we have the inspiration that religion can create transitioning into smoke stacks (most people today do not consider them progress)! I believe this will work on people on almost a subliminal level. That religion led to something bad. :mad: Considering who sponsors this ride it shows a real lack of sensitivity. Consequently I'm not "going there" in this post. At least not yet. Someone really needs to reflect on the message that may be being conveyed here whether it is intentional or not.

I would suggest some Davinci drawings or sets be added instead. In the manner they were used in World of Motion. Or anything else that inspires and does not bring into question what is really intended here. I'll be watching, always watching. :cool:
The typical representation of the industrial revolution is a skyline showing factories... factories of that period had smoke stacks. It seems to be a plus of the attraction. :shrug:


Well-Known Member

Sorry didn't mean to embarass or make anyone sad. I am also very serious about what I am saying though. Hopefully somone who knows someone who is related to someone who works with somone will pass this on to someone who can change things. I don't intend to "let it go". And I will get more specific as to what I am talking about on these boards if needed. Steve really provides us all a great service here. I intend to send him a contribution in the near future.

PS - I love your artwork! :)


New Member
I really like the drawing for the new design....with all the bushes/trees gone, it really does make it look bigger..and I like the idea of the trees gradually getting taller. It definitely pulls your eye up :animwink:


Well-Known Member

That would be perfect. Good job:wave:


Well-Known Member
The typical representation of the industrial revolution is a skyline showing factories... factories of that period had smoke stacks. It seems to be a plus of the attraction. :shrug:

Wow I am starting to believe you really are an Arkansan! Got to Wikipedia and look up Seimens. Then scroll down to "World War II Era" and read the short paragraph. Then come back here and offer your apologies. I know what I am talking about Arkansas. Just accept it.

PS- I would cut and paste it here but hopefully someone will have the class and change the ride and I won't have to. HAVE A NICE DAY!


Well-Known Member
Wow I am starting to believe you really are an Arkansan! Got to Wikipedia and look up Seimens. Then scroll down to "World War II Era" and read the short paragraph. Then come back here and offer your apologies. I know what I am talking about Arkansas. Just accept it.

PS- I would cut and paste it here but hopefully someone will have the class and change the ride and I won't have to. HAVE A NICE DAY!

You're psychotic and delusional. I cannot follow your logic. And I stand by what I say 100%.


Well-Known Member
Wow I am starting to believe you really are an Arkansan! Got to Wikipedia and look up Seimens. Then scroll down to "World War II Era" and read the short paragraph. Then come back here and offer your apologies. I know what I am talking about Arkansas. Just accept it.

PS- I would cut and paste it here but hopefully someone will have the class and change the ride and I won't have to. HAVE A NICE DAY!
I'll just let your little attacks be...

And, I won't apologize.

A german company had ties to nazi germany. Wow... what a find you made. :rolleyes:

So, I'll do a wiki search for industrial revolution. Ahh.. what do I find...


Now, I'll accept YOUR apologies.

When you go LOOKING for a problem, you will FIND a problem -- or make it up as in this case...


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Ignore a thread for a couple of days and it morphs into...I don't know what. We certainly aren't talking about the descent on SSE anymore, are we?

jt04, whatever you are peeved about has passed me by entirely. Are you suggesting that Disney is dissing religion? Or that Siemens is the wrong company to be sponsoring a Disney attraction? Or that people from Arkansas are dumb (or smart)?

Call me a fool (I've been called worse), but I can't make heads or tails of the discussion.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, jt04 is right!

Disney really really botched the SSE refurb by putting those smokestacks on the wall right there!

They ignorantly placed them right between the Industrial Revolution and the Civil War. How stupid could they get?

Anyone with half a brain knows that Nazi genocide occurred in the 1940's! Disney screwed up! Such atrocities would take place between the radio announcer and the 1960's living room!

It just surprises me that the company run by Bob Iger would make such a factual error while intentionally depicting that historical moment. Especially when so many families count on Disney rides to be accurate. I doubt Disney is ready for the PR embarassment this timeline mistake is going to cause them! Duhhhh!

So either the Imagineers really are getting sloppy and irresponsible....or jt04 is.


Well-Known Member
You're psychotic and delusional. I cannot follow your logic. And I stand by what I say 100%.

If you can't follow my logic it's because you don't have the ability. What I posted is neither psychotic or delusional. Those who forget history are truly condemned to repeat it. And I stand by that 100%!

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Wait, just for clarification so I can try to understand your arguement and see where I stand on the issue jt04... This is in no way an attack and hopefully won't be taken as such. I am merely trying to understand where you are coming from. :wave: :)

You said,

SSE's sets show how one era then inspires another. In all of it's remodels this has remained a consistent feature. So now we have the inspiration that religion can create transitioning into smoke stacks (most people today do not consider them progress)! I believe this will work on people on almost a subliminal level. That religion led to something bad. Considering who sponsors this ride it shows a real lack of sensitivity.

So is it your belief that this was poor taste on WDI's behalf to paint smoke stacks in a transitional area of SSE because of what they may imply being that Siemens is the sponsor?


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Wait, just for clarification so I can try to understand your arguement and see where I stand on the issue jt04...

So is it your belief that this was poor taste on WDI's behalf to paint smoke stacks in a transitional area of SSE because of what they may imply being that Siemens is the sponsor?

OMG! The insinuation is that somebody could associate the smokestacks with nazi death camp gas chambers? Holy cow! I missed it entirely, and I lost (distant) relatives in those camps! :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Wait, just for clarification so I can try to understand your arguement and see where I stand on the issue jt04... This is in no way an attack and hopefully won't be taken as such. I am merely trying to understand where you are coming from. :wave: :)

You said,

So is it your belief that this was poor taste on WDI's behalf to paint smoke stacks in a transitional area of SSE because of what they may imply being that Siemens is the sponsor?

To say it is "poor taste" is to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I am not prepared to do that. You really can't take a segment of what I said and have it keep it's context. So do with that what you will. :wave:

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
To say it is "poor taste" is to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I am not prepared to do that. You really can't take a segment of what I said and have it keep it's context. So do with that what you will. :wave:

I'm just trying to understand what you are saying by putting the pieces together. I didn't realize you would think I was taking what I wanted out of your quote. I'm genuinely attempting to figure out what your main issue is with it. :wave: :)


Well-Known Member
OMG! The insinuation is that somebody could associate the smokestacks with nazi death camp gas chambers? Holy cow! I missed it entirely, and I lost (distant) relatives in those camps! :veryconfu
Of course, that's clearly what he's trying to say. Although, he masks it in insinuation without having the guts to just put it out there. I find it repugnant.

A whole new low has been reached to find a reason to complain about a Disney attraction. It will be a while before someone can top this!


Well-Known Member
If you can't follow my logic it's because you don't have the ability. What I posted is neither psychotic or delusional. Those who forget history are truly condemned to repeat it. And I stand by that 100%!

Is this guy serious right now? I dont really get your complaint, but honestly if whatever is bothering you bothers you that much, then dont ride SSE anymore. Or complain to guest relations, the people who have to listen to guests complaints.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Of course, that's clearly what he's trying to say. Although, he masks it in insinuation without having the guts to just put it out there. I find it repugnant.

A whole new low has been reached to find a reason to complain about a Disney attraction. It will be a while before someone can top this!

Wasn't clear to me until One Lil Spark helped me out. Guess I am too dumb to understand a person of jt04's level of intelligence. :lol:

Or perhaps...perhaps...jt04's view of this is just so obtuse that he is one of the very few who would be offended by this aspect of SSE. :D


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
So what JT04 is really trying to say that TWDC gives its consent to the Holocaust by allowing Siemens to sponsor SSE?

What about GM sponsoring Test Track, knowing full well that its German subsidiary Opel manufactured heavy vehicles for the third reich? As well as Opels late direct vehicle sponsorship at DLRP, as well as its previous sponsorship of Moteurs... Action!

I mean, if reading between the lines can make me come to such a silly conclusion, then perhaps I should add more fuel to the silly fire. Personally, I can't wait for Blackwater to sponsor IASW :D


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
So what JT04 is really trying to say that TWDC gives its consent to the Holocaust by allowing Siemens to sponsor SSE?

What about GM sponsoring Test Track, knowing full well that its German subsidiary Opel manufactured heavy vehicles for the third reich? As well as Opels late direct vehicle sponsorship at DLRP, as well as its previous sponsorship of Moteurs... Action!

I mean, if reading between the lines can make me come to such a silly conclusion, then perhaps I should add more fuel to the silly fire. Personally, I can't wait for Blackwater to sponsor IASW :D
They do already! It's sponsored by their psy-ops division! :lookaroun
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