I think it's safe to rule out tomorrow's child inside the ride for now ( but that doesn't mean it won't return somewhere else..just look to the sky
If...if they ever went ahead and did a tomorrow's child ending, not saying now,but saying sometime down the road, the only way to have people actually looking at the triangles would be to have us ask all our questions heading up in the ascent tunnel i.e. we choose our language when we board our vehicle, and rather than wait to select where we are from, we immedietely select where we are from, than have an intro from SSE control go past the safety video screens, answer our questions, have our picture taken and then our screen turns off.
I timed this.....our video presentation would be able to fit in this way....as soon as we exit the worm hole of infinite stars, our screens turn on, showing our video, this would last in the stars section of the former gas clouds as well as the current black curtains of pepper's ghost. By the time we get to the first set of blue triangles, where they meet together at former glitter city, our video would basically be done, and turn off.
Leaving us to sit back and watch a fitting ending.