Space Mountain Updates


Well-Known Member
I'm reliable. I posted The scaled down refurb list myself. I'm not paranoid either. I guess you can't see the bigger picture. With an attitude like "it's good enough" it is no wonder second best has become the norm. Using your comments was just an example of how lack of pushing the envelope - and lack of expecting it to be done - allows TDO to have a smooth ride. Like I said, it's the bigger picture. You'll get it once you've been here for a while then you can make up your own mind.

I thought it was all around cost. 2009 -2010 was the financial meltdown. I bet if that didn't happen, the full list of upgrades would have been completed.


Well-Known Member
There's not enough room in Space Mountain to do a good smooth steel coaster. If you want that I think, go to Cedar Point. The lack of smoothness to the track actually adds a lot. Replacing it with something that feels like the Dinoland USA coaster is watering it down into more of a kiddy ride. Disneyland is usually the one against revisionism, so it's funny WDW is the park that kept the ride as it should be.

yeah...i have no idea what this means.


Well-Known Member
As much as I hate to say this living on the East coast, the Disneyland version is far superior after experiencing it first hand last May. They need to do what they did there in Orlando. The cars can handle two people per row, the track feel is slick, it seems as though you are going faster, the music is more immersive, it's a lot darker and you have no idea what is coming next, etc, etc. There's randomness in the ride because you all board at the same point and the computer supposedly determines which side you ride. It's just a much better experience all around. Just because it's more comfortable doesn't mean it's a wimpy ride. It's just modern. It's just better. Best of all, I didn't leave the ride with a crick in my neck like the last time I rode it in Orlando.

^^^ agreed ^^^
I love WDW, but DL's Space Mountain is faster, more immersive, and overall a better ride. Now that I'm living in California, I go up from San Diego every couple months and make sure we ride it. The only downside is that SM at DL is broken a LOT. 3-4 times a day it's shut down. But it still beats the pants off of WDW SM.

We're going down to WDW in December :xmas: . I hope that many of the rides have been upgraded/refurbed since my last visit in 2010.


Well-Known Member
As much as I hate to say this living on the East coast, the Disneyland version is far superior after experiencing it first hand last May. They need to do what they did there in Orlando. The cars can handle two people per row, the track feel is slick, it seems as though you are going faster, the music is more immersive, it's a lot darker and you have no idea what is coming next, etc, etc. There's randomness in the ride because you all board at the same point and the computer supposedly determines which side you ride. It's just a much better experience all around. Just because it's more comfortable doesn't mean it's a wimpy ride. It's just modern. It's just better. Best of all, I didn't leave the ride with a crick in my neck like the last time I rode it in Orlando.

There is only one track at Disneyland. Exact same ride every time.


Well-Known Member
There's not enough room in Space Mountain to do a good smooth steel coaster. If you want that I think, go to Cedar Point. The lack of smoothness to the track actually adds a lot. Replacing it with something that feels like the Dinoland USA coaster is watering it down into more of a kiddy ride. Disneyland is usually the one against revisionism, so it's funny WDW is the park that kept the ride as it should be.

There is actually plenty of room to do a smooth steel coaster in SM, in fact, two of them. Disneyland's ride is far superior in terms of technology and bringing a 1970's attraction into the 21st century.

WDW's SM still feels like a 1975 rickety coaster with a coat of paint (which is peeling horribly on the building structure I might add) with some disco lights and club music blasting throughout.


Well-Known Member
There was a permit filed for Space Mountain back in February for Buena Vista Construction.

I thought this was for the next gen queue changes.

That's very descriptive. Apparently you don't know what that is, besides being upset the budget was cut, which could be a lie like 90 percent of the rumors that circulate this forum. Rode the refurbed ride. I think it's perfect, and I haven't liked every ride that went under the knife recently.

Yeah, I like riding Space Mountain felling like I am in a bumper pool game bouncing off every planet and piece of space junk imaginable.:rolleyes: It would be nice to have a ride that actually made you feel like you were gliding through space and give you at least a little zero "G" feeling


Well-Known Member

Plus, I really don't think anyone is asking for then to change Space Mountain to a wild mouse coaster...

it already (essentially) is a wild mouse coaster...atleast in the beginning. But that's besides the point.

There isn't. To do a good smooth steal coaster, you need a lot of space for decent sized hills to pick up speed. The ricketyness of the coaster is part of what makes it good. Just because it feels like a 1975 coaster, doesn't mean that's a problem. Smooth does not mean a coaster is a better ride. That's why people still build wooden coasters that shake the hek out of you. But I'm guessing half of you people haven't been to an amusement park that isn't associated with the mouse.

I'm sorry but the negativity here is overwhelming and I'm tired of complaining about investments and inside baseball balogna coming into every attraction, even when it makes no sense. Now the original Space Mountain isn't good enough for you I guess. If they want to make more effects, OK, but they don't need to ruin the ride to appease people who are just impressed by something being rebuilt.

a "good smooth steel coaster" (as opposed to a steal coaster :lookaroun) does not necessarily imply that we are wanted something fast and furious. And even if we were looking for something that gave speed, you don't need "a lot of space for a decent sized hill to pick up speed," case and point: RnR. The ricketyness isn't what makes it a good coaster...and it doesn't define Space Mountain (that would be the fact that it's a coaster in the dark that is supposed to simulate flying through space). All it really defines is the age and nostalgia of Space Mountain. A smooth ride with decent onboard audio would plus the experience. I think the same can be said of the Matterhorn...which I actually hated, because it was so bumpy/painful, and the bench seating was just weird. I would wager that most people love the Matterhorn for nostalgic reasons...not because it's a rickety/bumpy/painful ride. Matterhorn with a smooth track and comfortable seating would be a better attraction than without those.

Also, while Disneyland's Space Mountain is faster...the real illusion of the extra speed comes from the onboard audio and the music score that picks up tempo as you travel farther into the mountain. It's a great effect...much better than our hit-or-miss audio that is piped through at random areas on the ride.

Btw, I'm a BG passholder, I enjoy a good rollercoaster for what it's worth, including Gwazi and the Tennessee Tornado (Dollywood..visited in December). Both are wooden rollercoasters...Tennessee Tornado a VERY good wooden coaster too. But when I'm riding Space Mountain, I'm not looking for a wooden rollercoaster experience.


Also putting two riders per row would help dumb down the experience even more to make it more generic. The fact it is one person per row is actually a unique feature that adds a lot to it.

It is you Merf. How is the lighting on SSE?

Whoever this guy is, I am thinking of puting him on ignore for the first time:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
There is only one track at Disneyland. Exact same ride every time.

My bad. The last day we were there I could have sworn I saw a couple of vehicles with folks in it go to the left instead of to the right, which is where we went everytime we rode it. Oh well, live and learn.


Premium Member
If any of you have been on Space Mountain at DLP it is far superior to Space Mountain at MK (which I know is rare!), it both looks stunning from the outside and the ride is very similar to Rock n Roller!

It USED to be great. But it is now so rough that it is barely ridable. They also destroyed it with the Space Mountain 2 overlay. The original though, in its first 5 years was without doubt for me the best coaster Disney has ever created.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
It USED to be great. But it is now so rough that it is barely ridable. They also destroyed it with the Space Mountain 2 overlay. The original though, in its first 5 years was without doubt for me the best coaster Disney has ever created.

Hopefully the new trains/harnesses will help to fix that roughness.


Well-Known Member
It is you Merf. How is the lighting on SSE?

Whoever this guy is, I am thinking of puting him on ignore for the first time:ROFLOL:

What's the point? He will just come back under a different name when he is banned in about 3 days. I wish there was a way Steve could check IP address's to finally rid this guy or atleast make him create user names from different computers.


Well-Known Member
My bad. The last day we were there I could have sworn I saw a couple of vehicles with folks in it go to the left instead of to the right, which is where we went everytime we rode it. Oh well, live and learn.

Nope. One track...people exit on one side of the car as those getting on load from the other. (though you might have seem some special cases where people got to rejoin from the exit...or baby swap perhaps, etc). They do load multiple trains lined up behind each other and they have a track that lets them pull one train out to the side for handicapped guests. This allows them to take their time loading that train and when they're ready, the track slides over to let that train join the rest of the track.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's sad--I actually think our track layout is better than Disneyland's. Disneyland's is pretty boring and repetitive and ours actually has a couple good drops. I would have preferred a DL-style redo--new trains/track (but same layout) and on-board music and new effects. And this is purportedly what the original plan was.


Well-Known Member
I agree that much of Disneyland's version is better. However, after reading so much hype about how much better it is vs. WDW's ... I was a little disappointed. The soundtrack, the cars, and the special effects were definitely superior, but I didn't like the track at all. It seemed slower, it didn't seem to match the music (to me), and it was less thrilling. I'd be really happy if WDW just upgraded the cars, piped in the soundtrack to them, and upgraded the special effects. Honestly, I still love Space Mountain as it is now, but I admit that after it being closed for so long, I expected more.

Now, I'm really interested in riding DLP's version. An upgrade like that would be *sweet*.

IMO, Disneyland's version is far superior. What interests me is how The Matterhorn comes out of it's refurbishment. If it's a marginal improvement like the last WDW Space Mountain refurb I think it's safe to pin the problems on the low slung rockets.

If that's the case, short of re-doing the entire attraction I'm not sure it's possible to have a super smooth ride.

As for Disneyland's Space Mountain vs. Disney World. It's a matter of opinion. I made mine at the beginning of this post and it happens to coincide with the popular opinion as well. For me, Space Mountain is supposed to be the coaster when you go to Disney World and it's not even the best coaster in the park. For me, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a much better attraction.

There's not enough room in Space Mountain to do a good smooth steel coaster. If you want that I think, go to Cedar Point. The lack of smoothness to the track actually adds a lot. Replacing it with something that feels like the Dinoland USA coaster is watering it down into more of a kiddy ride. Disneyland is usually the one against revisionism, so it's funny WDW is the park that kept the ride as it should be.

There is plenty of room inside Space Mountain to make a solid coaster track. In fact the current layout has two solid coaster tracks, it's just that the tracks themselves aren't in the best shape.


Well-Known Member
Good for DLP. Maybe they should invest in a third Rock n Rollercoaster for good measure. And then they should bulldoze the park and start over.

Watch out, loving anything at WDW is a great crime here. You might end up being reprimanded by an "insider" about giving power to the evil force known as TDO. Some day I hope the fanbois of the interwebs can save us from the evil TDO. If they just hate and complain and whine just hard enough, it may some day lead to glorious victory.

Now I'm noticing that you steer clear of any comments that completely discredit your own positions.

I love WDW Space Mountain, could it use an upgrade with a smoother track and such... for sure! I love the track layout though... the to me seems to speed up as it goes on and I love that. Effects could definitely be upgraded but one thing I would hate to see change is the single rider per car. This is one thing that i absolutely love... it is such a feeling of freedom having open air on both sides.


Well-Known Member
I guess you can't form your own opinions, because that would require thinking. If you want, you can start my fanculb already since you've been following me around like the paparazzi and making spam posts directed at me that aren't about the subject of any thread.

I believe I did form my own opinions, and I made a decent sized post stating them. But I guess not agreeing with your opinion now = not being able to form my own opinion? If that's the case, then I guess you're right. :rolleyes:

As for following you around...take it for what you want. I just want to see you actually respond to comments directed at your comments or about the subject in general that actually add substance...instead of picking at the nonesense such as someone stating that DLP already has RnR or making a crack at "doom and gloomers" because someone said they love Space Mountain. Looks like every thread that you've responded in has you doing nothing but making jests at others. I am the resident and unofficial troll hunter btw... :fork:

My track record over the past 5 years shows that I add substance to conversations (usually anyway :drevil:). Not sure how yours looks if we dived into it.

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