Space Mountain Refurbishment Info


New Member
ohhh the company that was behind the whole making people fat and lazy thing?

I saw Wall-E but that was in theaters, so too long ago for my bad memory. Ummm, I think if they're going to keep TL kiddy (stitch.....stitch, MILF, Buzz lightyear, etc) then your right, buy and large is the way to go to bring a futuristic wall-E into the picture. But if they bring back AE (pipe dream but you never know WDW might have noticed the public outcry for closing it down and the lack of lines at SGE), I think XS is the way to go.

Maybe put something more, teenage grown-up themed where Tomorrowland speedway is (using XS or atleast puting a piece of it in there) and have TTA go through it (b/c i love it when TTA goes into attractions). OHH another new thead question, but ill save it for a slow day....


Well-Known Member
BnL and XS are basically the same gimmick, except many more people will get the BnL reference than the XS one.

I would absolutely love BnL 'sponsoring' TL.


Well-Known Member
Now your talking. Of course instead of "XS" perhaps "Buy N Large" might be more fun and timely. Or maybe a bit of both,

and what do you mean by "DLP 2 status"?

I wouldn't mind seeing Buy N Large references or gags, but for me, it's just too spot on of a satire of Wal-Mart/Sam's Club for me to want it to be prevalent in Tomorrowland. XS might be the same general idea, but at least it doesn't conjure up Wal-Mart (for me, at least).


Well-Known Member
If they were to add a movie to the theming to SM, Wall-e would be the only one I would be ok with. Not that Stitch is a worse movie, it's just overused everywhere else. I see BnL fulfilling the "futuristic spaceport/shipping company" thing quite well.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind seeing Buy N Large references or gags, but for me, it's just too spot on of a satire of Wal-Mart/Sam's Club for me to want it to be prevalent in Tomorrowland. XS might be the same general idea, but at least it doesn't conjure up Wal-Mart (for me, at least).

Good argument. Either way, good satire can appeal to adults while TL is still enjoyed by younger people. I really liked the XS humor as much as the AE attraction itself. Imagineering at their best.


New Member
I wouldn't mind seeing Buy N Large references or gags, but for me, it's just too spot on of a satire of Wal-Mart/Sam's Club for me to want it to be prevalent in Tomorrowland. XS might be the same general idea, but at least it doesn't conjure up Wal-Mart (for me, at least).

When I think XS, I think futuristic, I think alien technology, I think conspircy theory (b/c some people say that the reason why we progressed so much in the last 100 years WAY more then the 2000 years before that was b/c we are using alien technology). BUT this would only work if at the heart of XS you have the story defining it, and that was alien encounter.

Since Wall-E was a blockbuster movie, BnL would work b/c it's story is etched in cinema, but its a different company entirely i believe. I think (like you said) walmart, BJ's instead of UFO's and Roswell.

After talking that out I think XS is WAY more futuristic then BnL (b/c of where they both have there roots), but with AE gone it's never gonna happen :(. And AE's departure was all to move from the land of tomorrow being grown up and adult like to more kiddy and family friendly (b/c honestly what family, including little kids, all enjoys the timekeeper togethor?)


Park History nut
Premium Member
And also, random question, does anyone know when the monitors in the final queue areas, with the Space News etc were removed?
FedEx pulled out in 2004, along with most FX references. I assume the monitors went then. Apart from four monitor supports above the roofs of load.


Active Member
Is it a safe assumption that this refurb will not be affected by weather delays since it is all indoors. So there may be a slim chance it could reopen a little earlier?????


Park History nut
Premium Member
There`s some thought that the timeframe isn`t long enough as it is. We may have another SSE, HM or PotC where remidial work continues past the opening date, so I wouldn`t plan on an early opening.


Well-Known Member
FedEx pulled out in 2004, along with most FX references. I assume the monitors went then. Apart from four monitor supports above the roofs of load.

I think Space Mountain TV went a lot sooner than that. Maybe 2002?

For me it couldn't be soon enough. I really hated those TV spots.


Well-Known Member
I think Space Mountain TV went a lot sooner than that. Maybe 2002?

That's what I thought too. I do know FedEx was gone for awhile before Disneyland's Space Mountain closed in April, 2003. FedEx and the queue video arrived when Disneyland's Space Mountain got its first version of on-board audio in 1996. I assume the queue videos arrived in WDW around the same time?

Was FedEx Space Mountain the first instance of a company sponsoring the same attraction on both coasts at the same time? All of the other sponsorships I can think of have been different between Disneyland and WDW.


Well-Known Member
I think the SMTV monitors went away (or at least were turned off as a precursor to being fully removed) when FastPass was added. (That was when? 1999 or 2000?) Without the need to entertain Guests in the switchback queues, they were just a waste of electricity and maintenance money when one broke.

Something another poster mentioned got me thinking about the Skyway station... We always say that the bathrooms are one of the main reasons why that building is still standing, and that new bathrooms would have to be constructed first because you can't close down the closest bathrooms to one of the MK's headliner attractions.

But now that the headliner will be closed for many months, the need for nearby bathrooms is eliminated. Perhaps Disney will use this time to demo the skyway station once and for all and rebuild new restrooms nearby? (Maybe even as part of the arcade building, leaving the entire area around the skyway station free to be used however they want)



Well-Known Member
better then standing around in the dark listening to random languages imo

I guess I feel differently. I think the biggest reason I disliked the TV's (other than the actual content being really cheezy) is that they were a big distraction from the dark and atmospheric load area.


Well-Known Member
I might have heard this someplace else, or read this here, but does anyone know if they intend to add a single rider line?


Active Member
O i cannot wait!!:)
I really want music and a smoother track.
And maybe some new lighting in the queue.I would also like it to be darker
Seeing it with the lights on makes me wanna :hurl:
I found a a video of space mountain with music on youtube:

I hope it turns out better.Im going in 2010

BTW this is my first day here and I love it.

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