Solo Trips


I'm looking to do a solo trip to the world and I know many of you guys have been on them so I was wondering if anyone has any pointers or advice for going on a solo trip?

I'm looking for tips on any extra things I should book or just anything you think might help me have a radical and magical trip!

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Book a Segway tour and if you have scuba cert, Dive Quest. If not, Aqua Seas!

Next solo trip, I plan to take the surfing lessons at TL.
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Well-Known Member
Take a tour, eat at some nice restaurants, explore the resorts. Basically, do whatever you want to. The best thing about a solo trip is that you aren't tied down to a schedule or anything.

Btw, make sure you have a park hopper.
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Well-Known Member
I don't mean to sound stupid but whats a segway tour?:lookaroun



There are two tours available: Around the World at Epcot and the Wilderness Backtrail.
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Not old, just vintage.
Do a tour, eat where you want to eat, and enjoy walking around without having to stay with someone else. One of my favorite parts of a solo trip is being able to move through the crowds without having to worry about losing anyone. Make sure to have at least one ADR at your favorite restaurant. Dining solo in WDW isn't really as awkward as you would expect. Whenever I have done it the CMs are usually very attentive and will spend some extra time talking with me.

Also, don't be afraid to strike up conversations with strangers. I do it all the time. I've never met anyone who thought it was weird that I was there alone or anything. If you are into taking photos, solo trips are great for that. You can take as long as you want to set up a shot.
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Well-Known Member
Dining solo in WDW isn't really as awkward as you would expect .

Dining solo ANYWHERE is not really that awkward.

Most people think the whole restaurant is going to stare at them.

When was the last time you noticed a single diner in a restaurant? Probably never, but I bet there were there.

Nobody is going to notice you, and nobody will care.

I like solo trips, you can go off and do whatever you want, and not feel guilty that you are either not spending time with your group, or that you have dragged you group into doing something that they do not find fun.

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Not old, just vintage.
Dining solo ANYWHERE is not really that awkward.

Most people think the whole restaurant is going to stare at them.

When was the last time you noticed a single diner in a restaurant? Probably never, but I bet there were there.

Nobody is going to notice you, and nobody will care.

I like solo trips, you can go off and do whatever you want, and not feel guilty that you are either not spending time with your group, or that you have dragged you group into doing something that they do not find fun.


Very true. I go out solo at home all the time and it doesn't bother me any. I've heard many say they think it is weird being a solo diner in WDW because everything is so family oriented. In reality, the family oriented aspect helps. Everyone is too busy to care about what anyone else is doing. :shrug::lol:
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Active Member
Dining solo ANYWHERE is not really that awkward.

Most people think the whole restaurant is going to stare at them.

When was the last time you noticed a single diner in a restaurant? Probably never, but I bet there were there.

Nobody is going to notice you, and nobody will care.

I like solo trips, you can go off and do whatever you want, and not feel guilty that you are either not spending time with your group, or that you have dragged you group into doing something that they do not find fun.


Just to reiterate that, I agree. I love going places alone. In college my friends would think I was weird for going to dinner or movies alone but I love being able to do my own thing. It's even better at Disney, trust me. You're finally able to eat where you want to and do what rides you want without having to worry about someone else nagging you about doing something different. :sohappy: But most importantly, have fun!
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Well-Known Member
Dining solo ANYWHERE is not really that awkward.

Most people think the whole restaurant is going to stare at them.

When was the last time you noticed a single diner in a restaurant? Probably never, but I bet there were there.

Nobody is going to notice you, and nobody will care.

I like solo trips, you can go off and do whatever you want, and not feel guilty that you are either not spending time with your group, or that you have dragged you group into doing something that they do not find fun.


Um, Dave love, when I read your post I had an immediate answer to your question 'When was the last time you were in a restaurant and noticed a single diner?'. Last week. Wednesday. Lunch at McDonalds after we had gotten our passport applications done & needed to feed the boys lunch quick before returning them to school. Young college-age-ish fellow a couple tables over by himself dressed in a shirt & tie doing something with a laptop as he ate. I notice single diners from time to time. I've been tempted to invite them to join my little family just so they'd have someone too but there's that whole random-ax-murderer thing....Lol!

I've been a single diner at WDW only once, at Kona last May the morning I felt too crappy to move on out for the day with my brother & his girls. Instead I slept in & went for a nice meal alone. It was a very odd experience for me just because I am so rarely ever alone, have never lived alone, or anything remotely like it. Lol! Honestly, I think a solo trip somewhere -anywhere- would probably benefit me if for no other reason than to 'push-past' my little comfort zone & feel comfy in my own little person-space. :)

To the OP, I agree with the tours and dining. Very cool stuff! Have fun and be sure to come back and fix us up with a report of your adventures!
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solo trips are fun!

When I go solo I get to go at my pace. I get to visit all of my favorite rides, shows and tours. Focus on what YOU enjoy. If there's a tour or show you have wanted to go to or see do it. Enjoy your solo flight they are fun to be enjoyed as such.:sohappy:
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New Member
When you get back let us know how it was!! I have always wanted to do a Disney trip alone but I have 2 young boys, the guilt would kill me!! :lol:
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New Member
As a person who has never traveled alone to WDW, I have never ever not once noticed someone traveling alone, eating or otherwise, so dont worry about people "noticing" you are alone or caring or commenting, I have been going to WDW for a long time and I can not recall any moment where I noticed.
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Well-Known Member
WDW can be great alone.

The best part is you get to take advantage of single rider lines, and can move about much more quickly than even a small family.

I personally do not like to eat alone, so I have some specific ideas on how to mitigate the discomfort. Choose places with a lot of entertainment you'll be so distracted you won't feel out of place. Some of my favorites are ESPN, Sci-FI, T-REX. If your there to watch a game or see the sights you are less conspicuous.

Many of those places also fall into a second category, find venues with integrated or adjacent bars. Most places will serve their full menu at the bar. Places like ESPN and Rain Forrest are actually set up this way. Often the wait is much shorter for those tables. In the more traditional Disney restaurants if there is a connected lounge they will usually take care of you. I'd suggest Dad's Lounge connected to 50's Primetime, The Pub area of Rose and Crown or many of the resort lounges.

Several places also have a "lunch counter" type seating. Both Mama Melrose and California Grill have counters overseeing the kitchen action, and Beaches and Cream replicates the 50's soda shop feel. I haven'r been there, but the I think the Sushi Bar in the Swan and Dolphin has these accommodations.

Also, this is a great trip to really enjoy the resort. There are so many activities right at the resort and often the feel is more laid back. People are often open to chatting in the common areas, pools, and fitness centers. Several resorts have areas designed to just sit and relax, like the fire pits at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Have fun and enjoy WDW.
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Well-Known Member
I did a solo trip in December - really enjoyed myself. I would do it again only not for as long. I was booked for 8 days came home a day early becasue of the weather here up north. I had done pretty much all I wanted after 5 days, and was looking for someone to talk to by then. But I did the Behind the Seeds tour, which I had always wanted to do, saw jsut about all the parades (I actually sat in the same spot on the curb for aout 3 hours between parades and the castle lighting - couldn't have done that with a group), was able to take my time through the countries in World Showcasee, and in general jsut wandered around wherever the notion struck. I took lots of pictures for other guests, and talked to a lot of nice CM's. The only TS meal I had was at Chefs de France for the CP package, and the CM there spent a lot of time at my table just chatting. All in all, I had a very enjoyable time and would recommend going solo to anyone.
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Well-Known Member
Um, Dave love, when I read your post I had an immediate answer to your question 'When was the last time you were in a restaurant and noticed a single diner?'. Last week. Wednesday. Lunch at McDonalds after we had gotten our passport applications done & needed to feed the boys lunch quick before returning them to school. Young college-age-ish fellow a couple tables over by himself dressed in a shirt & tie doing something with a laptop as he ate. I notice single diners from time to time. I've been tempted to invite them to join my little family just so they'd have someone too but there's that whole random-ax-murderer thing....Lol!

I've been a single diner at WDW only once, at Kona last May the morning I felt too crappy to move on out for the day with my brother & his girls. Instead I slept in & went for a nice meal alone. It was a very odd experience for me just because I am so rarely ever alone, have never lived alone, or anything remotely like it. Lol! Honestly, I think a solo trip somewhere -anywhere- would probably benefit me if for no other reason than to 'push-past' my little comfort zone & feel comfy in my own little person-space. :)

To the OP, I agree with the tours and dining. Very cool stuff! Have fun and be sure to come back and fix us up with a report of your adventures!

Shhhh, you are spoiling it :)

In all seriousness, noticing a single diner in a fast food place is REALLY noticing someone. I would hazard a guess that in a fast food place, half the people are solo.

Well, I guess I can say that you don't stare at them and make fun of them :)

We used to call single diners "eatin' buddies" in college. An eatin' buddy was a single diner who, because there were no open tables, sat down and ate with your group. The ones that sat and talked where cool. The ones that sat, held the plate up to their mouths, and pushed the food in so they could eat and run away were the ones we later made fun of.

I guess the point is, if you are going to invite solo people to eat with you, you may get an eatin' buddy instead.

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