Solar power farm coming to Disney


Well-Known Member
it seems like so much potential is ruined by the wetlands rules, i'm all for saving the environment, but how is disney so restricted when it comes to wanting to develop their property

yet if a shopping mall or apartment complex wants to build something they can build on every inch of a property.

found it, thanks

its interesting that was built by volunteers, seems like something that would be appropriate to have been created on disney property somewhere

From what I have heard about it. Disney was required to do it off property in exchange for being allowed to build on land it owns that is wetlands or otherwise environmentally sensitive. It's like an exchange in equal amounts of acreage.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
it seems like so much potential is ruined by the wetlands rules, i'm all for saving the environment, but how is disney so restricted when it comes to wanting to develop their property

yet if a shopping mall or apartment complex wants to build something they can build on every inch of a property.

found it, thanks

its interesting that was built by volunteers, seems like something that would be appropriate to have been created on disney property somewhere
Every developer in Florida has to follow the same restrictions when it comes to wetlands.


Premium Member
My kinda document! Look at all those details!

Shame orange county doesnt require that.....

It's not a matter of the county, it's the requiments of the document. I am sure the actual permits to Orange County are much more detailed, but we don't get to see those. The notices of commencement we get to see just aren't required to have that level of detail becuase of thier purpose.


Well-Known Member
My kinda document! Look at all those details!

Shame orange county doesnt require that.....

It would be cool to see detailed drawings for current projects like Disney springs, Avatarland or the frozen attractions at Epcot. I wonder if you could do a FOIA request for the permits.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It would be cool to see detailed drawings for current projects like Disney springs, Avatarland or the frozen attractions at Epcot. I wonder if you could do a FOIA request for the permits.

They'd deny it.

However..... I wonder.

@danlb_2000 ... has anyone ever tried a Freedom of Information Act request with RCID?


Premium Member
Permit were filed with the South Florida Water Management District today...

One interesting thing to note about this project. Normally storm water control becomes an issue when you create a new impervious surface like a road or building. The solar panel are not being considered an impervious surface presumably because the water will just run off of them close to where it would have fallen anyway.


Premium Member
Please have them Mickey Mouse shaped

Part of it will be. This image the @seascape posted is from the permit that was just filed.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
One interesting thing to note about this project. Normally storm water control becomes an issue when you create a new impervious surface like a road or building. The solar panel are not being considered an impervious surface presumably because the water will just run off of them close to where it would have fallen anyway.
Correct. About the only thing that has to be accounted for are the small pads or strips for mounting the panel stands and wiring. In the end this solar farm will only have about the same effect on drainage as a few single family homes.


Well-Known Member
They'd deny it.

However..... I wonder.

@danlb_2000 ... has anyone ever tried a Freedom of Information Act request with RCID?

I'm not sure if this would apply to a FOIA request, but thanks to Florida's very broad public records law (quoted at the bottom of this post) an act was passed several years ago specifically preventing people from requesting theme park blueprints from the state:

(c)1. Building plans, blueprints, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including draft, preliminary, and final formats, which depict the internal layout or structural elements of an attractions and recreation facility, entertainment or resort complex, industrial complex, retail and service development, office development, or hotel or motel development, which records are held by an agency are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.
2. This exemption applies to any such records held by an agency before, on, or after the effective date of this act.

Inspection and copying of records; photographing public records; fees; exemptions.—

(1)(a) Every person who has custody of a public record shall permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so, at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by the custodian of the public records.
(b) A custodian of public records or a person having custody of public records may designate another officer or employee of the agency to permit the inspection and copying of public records, but must disclose the identity of the designee to the person requesting to inspect or copy public records.
(c) A custodian of public records and his or her designee must acknowledge requests to inspect or copy records promptly and respond to such requests in good faith. A good faith response includes making reasonable efforts to determine from other officers or employees within the agency whether such a record exists and, if so, the location at which the record can be accessed.
(d) A person who has custody of a public record who asserts that an exemption applies to a part of such record shall redact that portion of the record to which an exemption has been asserted and validly applies, and such person shall produce the remainder of such record for inspection and copying.
(e) If the person who has custody of a public record contends that all or part of the record is exempt from inspection and copying, he or she shall state the basis of the exemption that he or she contends is applicable to the record, including the statutory citation to an exemption created or afforded by statute.
(f) If requested by the person seeking to inspect or copy the record, the custodian of public records shall state in writing and with particularity the reasons for the conclusion that the record is exempt or confidential.
(g) In any civil action in which an exemption to this section is asserted, if the exemption is alleged to exist under or by virtue of s. 119.071(1)(d) or (f), (2)(d),(e), or (f), or (4)(c), the public record or part thereof in question shall be submitted to the court for an inspection in camera. If an exemption is alleged to exist under or by virtue of s. 119.071(2)(c), an inspection in camera is discretionary with the court. If the court finds that the asserted exemption is not applicable, it shall order the public record or part thereof in question to be immediately produced for inspection or copying as requested by the person seeking such access.
(h) Even if an assertion is made by the custodian of public records that a requested record is not a public record subject to public inspection or copying under this subsection, the requested record shall, nevertheless, not be disposed of for a period of 30 days after the date on which a written request to inspect or copy the record was served on or otherwise made to the custodian of public records by the person seeking access to the record. If a civil action is instituted within the 30-day period to enforce the provisions of this section with respect to the requested record, the custodian of public records may not dispose of the record except by order of a court of competent jurisdiction after notice to all affected parties.
(i) The absence of a civil action instituted for the purpose stated in paragraph (g) does not relieve the custodian of public records of the duty to maintain the record as a public record if the record is in fact a public record subject to public inspection and copying under this subsection and does not otherwise excuse or exonerate the custodian of public records from any unauthorized or unlawful disposition of such record.
Section 24
Access to Public Records and Meetings

(a) Every person has the right to inspect or copy any public record made or received in connection with the official business of any public body, officer, or employee of the state, or persons acting on their behalf, except with respect to records exempted pursuant to this section or specifically made confidential by this Constitution. This section specifically includes the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government and each agency or department created thereunder; counties, municipalities, and districts; and each constitutional officer, board, and commission, or entity created pursuant to law or this Constitution.,_Florida_Constitution#Section_24
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Well-Known Member
I have to say, I was super stoked about this project as I've always thought Disney was the perfect client for solar and was like, "Disney is finally embracing sustainability!". But, after driving up World Drive the other day and seeing a substantial forest leveled to put this in, I'm having mixed feelings about it now.

I think if being sustainable was really the main intention here (yeah I know, it probably wasn't), using the roof of the two new Disney Springs garages for a solar farm (or over an existing parking lot...or four) would have been a much better idea. Those would have reduced the heat island effect of all that pavement, shaded cars which would have cut down on A/C needs once occupants returned to them, kept a perfectly good forest in tact, AND generated power. That's what sustainability and ecology are all about.

The whole "destroy nature to be environmental" thing just isn't sitting well with me...and I LOVE solar.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, I was super stoked about this project as I've always thought Disney was the perfect client for solar and was like, "Disney is finally embracing sustainability!". But, after driving up World Drive the other day and seeing a substantial forest leveled to put this in, I'm having mixed feelings about it now.

I think if being sustainable was really the main intention here (yeah I know, it probably wasn't), using the roof of the two new Disney Springs garages for a solar farm (or over an existing parking lot...or four) would have been a much better idea. Those would have reduced the heat island effect of all that pavement, shaded cars which would have cut down on A/C needs once occupants returned to them, kept a perfectly good forest in tact, AND generated power. That's what sustainability and ecology are all about.

The whole "destroy nature to be environmental" thing just isn't sitting well with me...and I LOVE solar.

The majority of those "forests" you see along the roads on WDW property were planted after the swamp was drained. Nature left a long time ago.

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