Solar power farm coming to Disney


Well-Known Member
The majority of those "forests" you see along the roads on WDW property were planted after the swamp was drained. Nature left a long time ago.
But it's still a living ecosystem, planted or not. Essentially paving over an ecosystem with solar panels is failed logic in my mind. Cool marketing stunt, though. ;)


Premium Member
I have to say, I was super stoked about this project as I've always thought Disney was the perfect client for solar and was like, "Disney is finally embracing sustainability!". But, after driving up World Drive the other day and seeing a substantial forest leveled to put this in, I'm having mixed feelings about it now.

I think if being sustainable was really the main intention here (yeah I know, it probably wasn't), using the roof of the two new Disney Springs garages for a solar farm (or over an existing parking lot...or four) would have been a much better idea. Those would have reduced the heat island effect of all that pavement, shaded cars which would have cut down on A/C needs once occupants returned to them, kept a perfectly good forest in tact, AND generated power. That's what sustainability and ecology are all about.

The whole "destroy nature to be environmental" thing just isn't sitting well with me...and I LOVE solar.

It's build on a good sized chunk of land that was designated as "suitable for construction", if this didn't go there, something else would have.


Well-Known Member
Missing my point, but OK.
its funny, no one fussed about losing the trees where avatar is going, but where they are going to generate some power? dude, those were mainly Pines in that area, it would take at most 10 years for them to grow elsewhere... and i guarantee that they planted an equal amount elsewhere on the property to not get some EPA violation


Premium Member


Well-Known Member
You can tell this is nothing but a PR stunt because no one in their right mind would put a giant mirror that close to the highway. Could you imagine the glare coming off those solar panels and the distraction that monstrosity will cause? LOL.
Uh, this is going to be an array of photovoltaic panels as far as I understand it from the permits we've seen. The reflectivity of PV panels is actually quite low as their sole intent is to absorb as much sunlight as possible. See this handy table:

You may be thinking of solar thermal facility which is comprised of a bunch of reflective panels focused on a central tube to super-heat water to create steam and turn a turbine like a typical power generation facility. Two totally different applications.

I doubt there's going to be any glare from the facility that Duke is putting in.

My question is that I wonder if the Mickey shape is even going to be visible from the road.


Premium Member
Uh, this is going to be an array of photovoltaic panels as far as I understand it from the permits we've seen. The reflectivity of PV panels is actually quite low as their sole intent is to absorb as much sunlight as possible. See this handy table:

You may be thinking of solar thermal facility which is comprised of a bunch of reflective panels focused on a central tube to super-heat water to create steam and turn a turbine like a typical power generation facility. Two totally different applications.

I doubt there's going to be any glare from the facility that Duke is putting in.

My question is that I wonder if the Mickey shape is even going to be visible from the road.

I would call the Mickey Shape a publicity stunt, since as you suggest, your won't be able to tell from the ground.


Well-Known Member
Disney logic.....

We have a park that uses tons of electricity daily creating a gigantic carbon footprint.
Every night we set off tons of fireworks that propel smoke and pollutants into the air.
We tear up hundreds of acres of natural land to build these parks and more.
We have diesel powered buses that emit tons of pollution into the air.
..... How to make people think we are environmentally conscious?
I got it....let's install a bunch of solar panels.
.....but where do we put them?
I got it.....kill a ton more trees and grass so we can put them there.
....but doesn't that damage the carbon footprint even more by killing trees and grass?
That's okay....we'll just insert another "take care of the environment" message in another crappy show that no one will go see.
That should keep those environmentalists off our backs.
...You do realize you are tearing up a bunch more land to build Avatar Land right?
Yeah, but Avatar is about the environment...kind of.
....At least you are closing Animal Kingdom before the evening to preserve the sanctity for the animals.
Um....Well actually we decided to keep it open late now.
So we can have a light show at night and make more money.
....Where is the light show going to be?
You know that really nice lake where animals nest and live, that natural environment that we built for them?
Well we are tearing out the banks of that to put in seats so people can watch a light show?
....What about those animals? I thought Animal Kingdom was about preservation.
Yeah, well there's money to be made dammit.


Well-Known Member
Disney logic.....

We have a park that uses tons of electricity daily creating a gigantic carbon footprint.
Every night we set off tons of fireworks that propel smoke and pollutants into the air.
We tear up hundreds of acres of natural land to build these parks and more.
We have diesel powered buses that emit tons of pollution into the air.
..... How to make people think we are environmentally conscious?
I got it....let's install a bunch of solar panels.
.....but where do we put them?
I got it.....kill a ton more trees and grass so we can put them there.
....but doesn't that damage the carbon footprint even more by killing trees and grass?
That's okay....we'll just insert another "take care of the environment" message in another crappy show that no one will go see.
That should keep those environmentalists off our backs.
...You do realize you are tearing up a bunch more land to build Avatar Land right?
Yeah, but Avatar is about the environment...kind of.
....At least you are closing Animal Kingdom before the evening to preserve the sanctity for the animals.
Um....Well actually we decided to keep it open late now.
So we can have a light show at night and make more money.
....Where is the light show going to be?
You know that really nice lake where animals nest and live, that natural environment that we built for them?
Well we are tearing out the banks of that to put in seats so people can watch a light show?
....What about those animals? I thought Animal Kingdom was about preservation.
Yeah, well there's money to be made dammit.


Well-Known Member
Although I love that clip, the PP was simply trying to state what a hypocritical farce this solar power farm is, in which they are 100% correct in their observation.

At least someone gets it Bristol's Mom.

Tom Hendricks is clearly too slow on the uptake.... and either he has time to peruse the internet for video clips to illustrate his point because he is unable to do so himself......or he has a library of clips that he has saved so he can respond to people in meaningless forums.
Either way.......pretty sad.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad they are looking to use some alt energy sources—and while i'm no tree hugger—I would rather have seen them install elevated panels in the acres and acres of parking lots that already cleared. They are doing these all over Long Island at the rail road stations and large gov't buildings. Plus it would provide much needed shade for the cars under them.


(apologies if this has already been covered, I didn't read the whole tread)

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
I'm glad they are looking to use some alt energy sources—and while i'm no tree hugger—I would rather have seen them install elevated panels in the acres and acres of parking lots that already cleared. They are doing these all over Long Island at the rail road stations and large gov't buildings. Plus it would provide much needed shade for the cars under them.


(apologies if this has already been covered, I didn't read the whole tread)

Hortific idea. It causes wayyy more problems.

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