Well-Known Member
Boy, that looks like a mandate to me.
General Grizz said:Option: Yes, I think the addition of Soarin' [is] a good thing, [but I do not prefer airport theming which exists starting on the bottom half of the pavilion to the original or potential].
Reasoning: NOT because it looks bad... (it actually looks good - for a Trendy airport or for a shopping mall).
My thoughts can be explained in Buzzy's article:
...but is it The Land?
CTXRover said:A better question may be how is it not related to the Land? Forget the preconceived notion that an airport theme was being overlaid on the pavilion. The reality is only the Soarin’ addition took on an airport theme. One which, by the way, is exceptionally done with natural wood ceilings, wooden wall decorations, curved and flowing lines along the walls and along the ceilings, blue natural lighting and one room with a beautiful, almost cloud-like ceiling. Not to mention the five large panoramic views of Earth’s biomes in the Great Hall with its ever-changing number of questions and factoids about them to entertain and educate guests waiting in line. Is the airport theme that embraces these natural elements any less appropriate than a rock n’ roll concert theatre/venue that was part of the former pavilion? I find it hard you could argue it did.
Back to the rest of the pavilion. The entire central portion now has a greater, more cohesive theme of “ the land” than ever before. Is it a little less "earthy", perhaps, but is that all that would make it appropriate? I realize we all agree the atrium/ceiling works very well, so I’ll spare the regurgitation of how it works for the Land pavilion. The bottom floor though is no more an airport terminal than the old food court was something you could see in a dated shopping mall. If you went in looking for it to be that way, you could easily find evidence of it on both sides. After all, in the former pavilion, the farmer’s market theme dealt more with the “food” and less with “the land”. Now let’s look at the new pavilion for what it presents as a total package. Forget the biased idea it looks like an airport and for a second stop trying to see how it does, because there is SO much more there. We now have an entire experience from the food to the seating areas to the atrium that all deal with the land’s four seasons, integral to the way the land is shaped on a yearly basis and affecting how man can interact with it. The seating areas are decked out in bright bold colors representing each season. The tables further that themeing as they are imprinted with various images depicting that particular season. Fall leaves decorate the autumn tables and suns on the tables in the summer section depict the summer. Coupled with the curved lines used throughout, dark, natural looking wood chairs that actually have a back to them surround all tables. This is in stark contrast to the small, backless, stools of the former pavilion. These new chairs and the surrounding benches may actually let guests sit back and relax for once and take in the beautiful atrium. And then there is the food, continuing the experience of the seasons and the land with tastes and smells representative of each season. How did the food at the old farmer’s market extend the theme of the land beyond the food and the notion it was grown from the land? I'm not convinced yet it did.
The central part of the pavilion then takes the experience to a new level and gives the pavilion its “Future”/modern look, as it is part of FUTURE world afterall. Modern art representations and bright open colors are complemented with representations of green tree trunks along the pavilion’s columns and lighting structures that represent either clouds or trees….whatever the eye wants to see, it all has to do with The Land in the end.
Please understand I see, respect and undertand your points of view. Vaild arguments have been made. I only ask that you forget trying to prove it looks like an airport terminal by using fragmented, one-sided quotes from mostly forum members here, one-sided views and deceiving “photos” and talk about the theme that’s there. I even saw something in the recent D-troops article that is a DIRECT quote from something I said here regarding the hope for more seasonal themeing to indicate which food serving area is what. It's true, I do, but it comes nowhere close to representing my true feelings on the new look of the pavilion and, for me, proof of the one-sided bias nature of the review and even may bring into the question the credibility and reliability of the D-troops for good reviews (for me at least). Its only my background knowledge of many of the founders of that site (mainly from our history here) that keep me knowing you all want to have the best intentions. I don't expect for us all to share the same viewpoints, but it wouldn't hurt to provide a balanced perspective at the forefront and not just in an editorial down the road. The pavilion has more to do with the land than you seem to want to give credit for.
BrerVeritas said:Is it just me or was there a much simpler solution to this retheming. Why did they have to go a concentrate on the flying aspect of Soarin, when the ride is about stunning vistas and mother nature. They didn't have to figure out a way to tie the airport theming to the broader land pavillion. They could have changed the theming for soarin to a more land friendly theme and kept the feel and ideals of the land intact.
The land is about is supposed to have an organic feel to it. These modernized and mechanized "representations of nature just don't sit righ with me. Metal and plastic don't have to be the only vision of the future used in future world. With a little imagination an organic future can be visualized that would have been a nice counterpoint to the "futuristic visions" over on the otherside of future world.
Thanks, Epcot82Guy! That's very cool and very interresting!Epcot82Guy said:ooh ooh! Me! Me! (just kidding - I used to tell guests this all the time). The SUnshine Seasons Food Fair (so technically not the original, but close enough) represented a forest floor basically. You were under the sun (represented by the windows and balloons which had the "sun" symbolized all over them). The umbrellas represented individual suns themselves (why they were lighted). The tables were to represent the plants and fungi that gave us food (hence why stools instead of chairs because they looked more mushroom like, so more earthy). Then the carpeting represented the fallen leaves on the floor that lead into the cycle. The fountain was the center of the pavilion because the whole system basically requires the interaction of things with light and water (so where light and water met). The design represented abstractly leaf and seed shapes since that powered the system of photosynthesis, which sustains life on this planet. The music, finally, represented the cycle of sun and moon (titles) that also keep the system going.
As a whole, the entire thing was based on cycles that keep The Land operating.
Wckd Queen said:Thanks, Epcot82Guy! That's very cool and very interresting!
But, now I am going to play devils advocate once again (yeah..Im bored at work :lol: ) I now want to ask how many folks generally knew that? Heres why: I have been in that pavilion myself several times, and never knew that or even got that feeling of "symbiosis" (although I did know about what the balloons represented :lol: ) Was anyone able to discern this meaning from the interior decor, or was this something you generally wouldnt get unless you asked a CM specifically?
Epcot82Guy said:ooh ooh! Me! Me! (just kidding - I used to tell guests this all the time). The SUnshine Seasons Food Fair (so technically not the original, but close enough) represented a forest floor basically.
Buzzy989 said:The quality of life has completely changed, and The Land has lost an important part of its message. The simple, beautiful, intimate relationships with our land are no longer part of the atmosphere, and it will be a tremendous loss to the pavilion and its important, nourishing, mind-and-soul-feeding message of symbiosis.
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